Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 732: Outside of 吃 扒

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The talents Zheng Shan looked for for Zheng Weijun and the others were all truly capable people, and they all had outstanding achievements.

Otherwise, Zheng Weijun and Zheng Kui\'s company will not get better and better.

But like they said, these people are now a little out of control, and even look down on Zheng Weijun and Zheng Kui on the bright side.

How could Zheng Shan endure this?

In Zheng Shan\'s view, you are a talent, and I can give you the respect and treatment you deserve, but you must also understand your status.

In addition, what Zheng Shan said just now is not simply to scare Zheng Weijun and the others, but it is very likely to become a fact.

At this time, let alone Zheng Weijun, even Yuan Xiaohua was frightened.

"Brother, is this really going to be the case? I... They did a lot of things before, and I can\'t understand them. Do you think...?" Yuan Xiaohua asked nervously.

Seeing her like this, Zheng Shan quickly comforted: "Don\'t worry, don\'t worry, nothing will happen, even if they do, I have countless ways to make them spit it out."

As for Zheng Kui, there is nothing but anger and a sense of schadenfreude.

That\'s right, it\'s schadenfreude.

In fact, Zheng Kui wanted to clean up these people many times, but Yuan Xiaohua stopped him every time, not because of anything else, but because these people really made a lot of achievements.

Yuan Xiaohua thought that the two of them, as bosses, should be generous, have tolerance, and so on.

This is also one of the reasons why Zheng Kui liked to follow Zheng Shan when he had nothing to do before. It was really uncomfortable to stay in the company.

Zheng Shan never thought that things would develop like this.

"Why didn\'t you talk about these things before?" Zheng Shan asked.

Zheng Kui said: "What I want to say, but Xiaohua won\'t let me say it."

Zheng Weijun said: "I thought these are normal phenomena. After all, they are all from Xiangjiang, and they are all capable high-level talents. It is normal to be a little arrogant."

"Normal? Hmph, something shameless for your face." Zheng Shan scolded angrily.

"Okay, let\'s talk about this matter in two days. Today, the fifth one comes back and says something happy." Yan Qingqing persuaded from the side.

Zheng Shan took a deep breath and said, "Tomorrow, I\'ll help you deal with this matter."

Immediately, he stopped talking about this matter, and turned to drinking, but Zheng Shan kept thinking about these things in his heart.

Early the next morning, not long after Zheng Shan got up, brother Xia Lai came over.

"Boss, this is the information of those people." Brother Xia Lai handed over a document.

Last night, Zheng Shan called Xia Laidi at a time and asked her to send a copy of the talent information she had found for Zheng Weijun and Zheng Kui\'s company.

Brother Xia Lai contacted the company on the other side of Xiangjiang again, and the information that came out overnight was called by the secretary of the big boss himself, and no one dared to delay.

Zheng Shan glanced at it a little, and it was true that they were all talents, but they were a little lost.

"Go, go to Dakui with me first." Zheng Shan looked over and said.

"Brother, I\'ll follow you to see." The fifth stopped eating and wiped his mouth.

Zheng Shan didn\'t refuse, and went with the fifth.


Zheng Laosi Auto Repair Company.

Yang Qing looked at this name and felt very uncomfortable. He wanted to change it for a long time, but every time he was rejected by his stupid boss.

But fortunately, it doesn\'t take long to watch it, and the name can be changed soon.

Although it is an auto repair company, the transportation company is also managed by him. Yang Qing is actually a little surprised until now.

This little-known small company in the mainland actually has such a strong ability to make money.

Sometimes he wondered whether the stupid boss of his own family was a fool or not.

Two small companies that obviously look like small workshops, but their ability to make money is beyond the imagination of many people.

Let\'s not talk about the auto repair company. After a year, it is very simple to make a million. Most of the cars in the capital will be sent over for repair.

What surprised Yang Qing most was the transportation company. The business was so good. The most important thing was that no one owed money!

This makes Yang Qing sometimes feel that the mainland is too simple, and it is actually a knot every time.

And the business is also booming, but there are some problems in many management, but these are almost solved by him now.

The annual profit of the transportation company is about 3 million yuan, which is still at this stage.

In addition, Yang Qing felt that his boss was a little stupid because Zheng Kui didn\'t know how to use resources.

Don\'t look at a small transportation company, there are too many things involved.

Yang Qing often thinks about how this stupid boss in the past managed to do such a big business.

However, Yang Qing is also very fortunate, because it is because the stupid boss doesn\'t realize the use of many resources that he has the opportunity.

Not much else to say, when he realized that the transportation company has a good relationship with many companies.

Yang Qing began to set up his own company in Xiangjiang, and then used some of the company\'s relationships to get the cheapest goods from some manufacturers.

By virtue of his relationship, he directly contacted some freighters to send them to Xiangjiang. The price was simply beyond Yang Qing\'s imagination~www.novelhall.com~ As long as these things were delivered to Xiangjiang, there would be some profits, not to mention himself. on sale.

Let\'s put it this way, with this alone, his own profits are in the millions, and this is still in the case of sharing it with others.

It is impossible for Yang Qing to do these things by himself, especially because what he does is not very covert most of the time, and some elite talents who come with him can also detect it.

If he didn\'t give him some favors, people might turn around and report him.

However, Yang Qing didn\'t regret sharing some profits, because he had noticed a fortune path. As long as this fortune path was completed, he might earn more.

It just needs his own stupid boss to come forward. In Yang Qing\'s view, there is no problem at all.

Now his control over the company is much stronger than that of his own stupid boss.

Thinking about these things, Yang Qing first came to his office, and then sorted out some materials.

"Has the boss gone to work?" Yang Qing asked the secretary.

Zheng Kui didn\'t have a secretary, but Yang Qing did.

"Go to work, it\'s not long since I arrived." The secretary said quickly.

Yang Qing said: "Okay, I\'ll go over later."

The secretary hesitated for a moment and wanted to say something, but she didn\'t say anything. She felt that the boss today was a little different, especially the few people who followed the boss, and they felt very uncomfortable.

Yang Qing quickly finished sorting out the information, and then came to Zheng Kui\'s office, without knocking on the door at all, and walked in directly.

"Boss, please sign this document." Yang Qing said casually.

As for Zheng Shan and the others on the side, Yang Qing just glanced at them and didn\'t care.

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