Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 731: senior talents

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Zheng Weijun himself doesn\'t like drinking very much, and he said this just to say it casually.

However, Zheng Jianguo prefers to drink, but Zhong Huixiu has always been in charge.

Seeing that Zheng Shan brought out such good wine this time, he also took the initiative to hand the glass to Zheng Shan.

The aroma of the wine permeated the entire room the moment it was opened, and many people chose to take a sip because of the aroma of the wine.

"Brother, I want too." The fifth handed over the small bowl in front of him.

Just as Zheng Shan was about to scold, he immediately thought that the fifth child was already old, and he didn\'t refuse after thinking about it, "Okay, it\'s okay to drink less."

I poured about two or two to the fifth.

The meal was ready soon, and the family gathered around a large round table to eat lively.

"How long is this holiday?" Zheng Shan asked.

Lao Wudao: "Two and a half months."

"So long?" Zheng Shan was a little surprised.

The fifth is even more surprised, "Brother, that\'s your alma mater, don\'t you know?"

This question made Zheng Shan feel a little embarrassed for a moment.

He basically didn\'t stay in school for long when he went to school, most of them were outside, and he dropped out of school not long after.

When Zheng Shan was in school, he basically had few classes. How could he know when the holidays would be and for how long.

"Cough, it\'s been too long since I forgot." Zheng Shan coughed dryly to hide his embarrassment.

The old fifth seemed to see through it, and said with a smile: "Brother, don\'t you know when the school is on vacation and how long it will be."

"Don\'t talk nonsense, how could I not know, just forgot, by the way, when you come back this time, I will give you some money, will you go out or stay at home for two months?" Zheng Shan immediately changed the subject.

The words came out, and Zhong Huixiu was not happy before the fifth child spoke.

"Just now, you let her go out, and you\'ve been away from home for such a long time, why did you go out?" Zhong Huixiu said dissatisfiedly.

The fifth also smiled and said, "Brother, if you give me the money, I\'ll stay at home?"

She didn\'t really want to go out for a walk either, she was homesick for so long.

"Okay, whatever you want." Zheng Shan said indifferently.

At this time, Zheng Kui suddenly said: "Five, you must have learned a lot abroad, right? Otherwise, you can help me in my company this summer vacation. It just so happens that you also learn some social experience."

Before the fifth one could speak, Zheng Shan said angrily, "Forget it, if you want to be lazy, you didn\'t steal so much. Didn\'t I find you a lot of elite talents?"

It was agreed before that he would take them to Xiangjiang to recruit talents, but in the end there was still no time. Zheng Shan directly asked people to choose some according to their company\'s situation.

As for Zheng Shan\'s refusal to let the fifth one help, it was purely because of Yuan Xiaohua. Yuan Xiaohua didn\'t want the fifth one to get involved, or she was afraid that Zheng Kui would give it directly to the fifth one.

Give money or something, although Yuan Xiaohua is distressed now, she won\'t say anything.

It\'s like Zheng Kui taking care of her parents\' family.

Every year, I give a little and that, basically no less than 10,000 yuan. This has made Yuan\'s father and Yuan\'s mother live in the countryside like a rich man.

These are all given by Zheng Kui.

So Yuan Xiaohua just watched how much Zheng Kui bought things for the fifth and other children, and didn\'t say much.

But when she was a shareholder, the current Yuan Xiaohua is not what she used to be. She has really learned a lot, which she really does not want.

This is also the reason why Zheng Shan spoke directly, and the two people in the province went back to make trouble again.

Hearing this, Zheng Kuiman said helplessly: "These people always look down on our small company, and I get angry when I look at them."

Zheng Shan frowned and said, "How dare they put on airs?"

"Brother, don\'t listen to Dakui\'s nonsense. Although they are a little arrogant, they are indeed quite capable. In the past, many places in the company were a little chaotic, but now they are only organized by them. We also learned a lot. "Yuan Xiaohua said immediately.

Zheng Shan looked at Yuan Xiaohua and said solemnly, "Xiaohua, if they rely on their talent and don\'t take you seriously, then it will be a big problem."

Seeing Zheng Shan\'s serious appearance, Yuan Xiaohua was a little frightened. In her opinion, it was nothing at all.

Isn\'t it a good thing to say, it\'s normal for capable people to be a little arrogant.

This is also Yuan Xiaohua\'s idea. In many things, she will choose to be patient, even in the place where Yuan Xiaohua cares most about money, she will choose to make a step.

Like pay raises etc.

Zheng Kui got support all of a sudden, and he suddenly got excited, "I\'ll tell you, you still don\'t believe it, brother, those people simply rely on their own abilities and don\'t take us seriously at all."

Such a situation may seem unbelievable, but at this time, and even in the next decade or so, it is the norm.

Many developing companies seek better development and a more scientific management model.

They will look for talents from various places, and introduce various senior management talents from Europe and the United States.

These senior management talents were fine at the beginning, but gradually, they felt that their abilities were very strong~www.novelhall.com~ This company cannot do without them and the like.

It will gradually become uncontrollable, and many entrepreneurs will choose to give in because they think these people are right and they really need to improve.

Even sometimes, the company\'s performance has declined, and it may not be the cause of these people.

No way, no experience, that\'s all.

There are even a few who directly bankrupt the company, but these people are fattening themselves.

Zheng Kui is not a special case, there are many such cases.

Zheng Weijun also said at this time: "Dashan, what\'s wrong with this?"

Zheng Shan raised his eyebrows and looked at him and said, "This is the same situation on your side?"

"Yeah, it was better at the beginning, but now many times, they won\'t ask me about some things, but the company is indeed developing in a good direction." Zheng Weijun said.

Lin Meihua also said: "Yeah, I thought before that, the company is getting better and better, it\'s okay for them to be arrogant, is there any problem?"

Zheng Shan frowned and said, "The problem is big. In this case, who does the company ultimately belong to? Besides, how much control do you have over the company now?"

"Is it alright?" Zheng Weijun said with some confusion, he didn\'t know what he was in for a while.

Zheng Shan took a deep breath, "After a while, no, I\'ll visit your company tomorrow, this situation can\'t continue, you just need to understand that the company belongs to you, not theirs, don\'t end up getting bigger, and the company It doesn\'t belong to you anymore."

"Impossible?" Zheng Weijun muttered.

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