Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 733: funny

Zheng Kui looked at the document in his hand, opened it for a moment, and frowned suddenly.

"Why didn\'t you tell me this." Zheng Kui looked at Yang Qing and said.

Yang Qing seemed to have just remembered, "I\'ve been too busy to forget this, but Mr. Zheng, you just need to sign, which is of great significance to the development of our company."

Zheng Shan heard this, and only now did he know what kind of arrogance these people were in Zheng Kui\'s company.

Zheng Kui was not angry at this time, but handed the report to Zheng Shan with a smile, "Brother, I\'ll just say it."

Just as Zheng Shan was about to take it over to take a look, he was immediately snatched away by Yang Qing, "Mr. Zheng, this is about the development of our company. It is a confidential document, so it\'s better not to show it to outsiders."

Zheng Shan raised his eyebrows, this was the first time someone dared to take something from him.

Zheng Kui said: "He is my brother, my brother, not an outsider."

"That doesn\'t work either, I need to be responsible for the company." Yang Qing refused to let it go.

Zheng Kui was angry, "Have you forgotten whose company this is? I said to give the documents to my brother, did you hear me?"

Yang Qing did not panic at all, "Mr. Zheng, let me remind you that within the company, I have the right to decide the management of the company."

Zheng Kui wanted to hit someone when he heard the words, but Zheng Shan laughed instead, "According to what you mean, this company belongs to you now, forget it?"

Yang Qing didn\'t even look at Zheng Shan, but looked at Zheng Kui with sharp eyes.

If Zheng Kui can make concessions this time, then Zheng Kui\'s two companies will basically not be able to make waves in his hands in the future.

At this time, Zheng Kui spread his hands towards Zheng Shan and sighed: "Brother, you can see it, now the company I said doesn\'t count.

I\'ve said it a long time ago, these people can\'t get used to it, Xiaohua just won\'t listen. "

Zheng Shan said angrily, "It\'s mainly because you\'re lazy."

This is a fact. At the beginning, it was because Zheng Kui was too lazy to meddle in these nosy things, so he was very happy to delegate power.

Later, when he wanted to take back his rights, it was already difficult.

Especially when the company is being managed better and better by Yang Qing, at least the turnover is growing rapidly, the profit is also increasing, and the functions of many positions in the company are also clear.

It is much better than his previous free-range management.

So sometimes, Zheng Kui\'s words are not particularly useful, and Yuan Xiaohua has always believed that managing the company in this way is the best.

Zheng Shan was too lazy to look at the document at this time. No matter if Yang Qing had any problems, he couldn\'t keep it.

If it goes on like this, it is impossible to say who the company belongs to.

"Yang Qing, right? Now I\'ll inform you that you\'ve been fired. Pack up and get out." Zheng Shan said directly.

Yang Qing raised his eyebrows and looked at Zheng Shan, and then at Zheng Kui, "Mr. Zheng, is this what you mean?"

"That\'s right, what my brother means is what I mean." Zheng Kui nodded simply.

He has long been unhappy with Yang Qing.

Yang Qing was not annoyed, but chuckled lightly, "Mr. Zheng, I hope you don\'t act impatiently, let\'s not talk about how much profit I have created for the company and how much contribution I have made to the development of the company, even if you are so impulsive, it is also a A bad quality."

Zheng Kui glared and said, "I don\'t need you to teach me a lesson."

Yang Qing sighed and said, "Mr. Zheng, I\'m not teaching a lesson, I\'m just saying a good word. In addition, I said something not very pleasant. Now that the company leaves me, it is very likely that it will not be able to operate."

This is also where his confidence lies. Now the important positions in the company are all his people, and they all came with him. They were originally from some of the original employees.

Yang Qing was sure that as long as he said a word, they would follow him.

"Are you threatening us?" Zheng Shan squinted.

Yang Qing said lightly: "It\'s not a threat, it\'s just a piece of advice. In addition, this gentleman, if you are really good for Mr. Zheng, don\'t interfere, do you know what company management is?

Do you know what kind of management is the most scientific? Also, do you understand science? "

When he said this, Yang Qing\'s face was full of ridicule. He didn\'t despise these mainland buns.

Play with yourself one by one?

Don\'t even look at what you look like!

As soon as these words came out, Zheng Shan and the others all looked strange, especially the fifth, who couldn\'t help laughing out loud.

"Hahaha, brother, it\'s so funny, is this person talking about cross talk?" The fifth man couldn\'t help laughing.

Who is your elder brother?

The richest man!

Xishui Group is already a super multinational company, its industries include banking, finance, department stores, clothing, investment, telecommunications, automobiles and so on.

Anyway, the fifth is impossible to count, and this is only known to her.

This person actually said that Zheng Shan does not understand what is called company management?

Yang Qing frowned, but just as he was about to speak, he was interrupted by Zheng Shan, "Okay, for the sake of your efforts to make us laugh, I won\'t embarrass you anymore. Now pack up and get out of here, and we\'ll forget about it."

Although this Yang Qing has gone too far, there is no doubt that he has managed Zheng Kui\'s two companies very well, and many things are more reasonable than before.

So Zheng Shan thought about it and didn\'t plan to pursue it.

There was anger in Yang Qing\'s eyes, "Sir, you are joking, and even if you let me leave, according to the contract we signed before, the company must compensate us."

"Compensation? How much?" Zheng Shan didn\'t look at him, but looked at Brother Xia Lai.

Brother Xia Lai had already studied the contract faxed from Xiangjiang last night, so he said directly: "If they are fired without reason, they will be given a year\'s salary as compensation~www.novelhall.com~ a year\'s salary, saying More or less, say less or less.

But before Zheng Shan said anything, Yang Qing sneered: "That was the past. During the Chinese New Year this year, we signed a new contract. If we are fired without any reason, we need to compensate us for a total of 20 million Hong Kong dollars in compensation."

Here he is not talking about himself, but the more than a dozen people who came with him.

Zheng Shan looked at Zheng Kui, while Zheng Kui touched his nose and did not dare to look at Zheng Shan.

When he signed this new contract, he also pinched his nose to recognize it, mainly because Yuan Xiaohua agreed.

The contract was signed for five years. From Yuan Xiaohua\'s point of view, Yang Qing and the others had already proved their ability, and he had no reason to fire them, but he was afraid that they would be poached.

So she was willing to sign this contract at the beginning, and although 20 million Hong Kong dollars is a lot, but according to the current situation, in the past five years, she will definitely be able to earn more, so there is no reason not to sign it, and it is also a reassurance for Yang Qing and the others. , let them stay here in peace.