Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 730: old 5

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Time flies, and in the blink of an eye it is mid-June, and the weather is gradually turning from cool to hot.

On this day, Zheng Shan was lying on the reclining chair, listening to the ditty leisurely and drinking tea. He had a very comfortable life.

Just when Zheng Shandu was a little drowsy, he suddenly felt his reclining chair being shaken vigorously.

The original sleepiness dissipated immediately, and Zheng Shan opened his eyes angrily, wanting to see who was so bold.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a beautiful girl standing in front of him, and the smile of sunshine made Zheng Shan\'s anger disappear instantly.

"Old fifth? Why did you come back? No, why didn\'t you say a word when you came back?" Zheng Shan also stood up.

Looking at the fifth child at this time, Zheng Shan suddenly felt a trance.

The girl in front of her was sunny and bright, and her fair skin was slightly wheatish at this time, but she also looked healthier.

The fifth man smiled and said, "I\'ll be back after my holiday, what\'s wrong? I\'m not welcome?"

"Are you talking nonsense, this is your home, you are welcome anytime." Zheng Shan put down the tea and picked up her package.

With Zheng Shan\'s character, that is, when he is with Yan Qingqing, he will help with the bag. The fifth is the first girl besides Yan Qingqing to enjoy his service.

"Why didn\'t you say a word? Have you eaten? Are you a little hungry?" Zheng Shan asked several questions in a row.

The fifth brother looked at this old man who was a little chatty compared to the previous one, and the corner of his mouth curled into a smile.

In the past, Zheng Shan would not care so much about people.

"Why are you so long-winded now?" The fifth man pretended to be helpless.

Zheng Shan glared at her, "A kind heart is like a donkey\'s liver and lungs, a dog bites Lu Dongbin, and I don\'t know a kind heart..."

Seeing that Zheng Shan was going to say these words, the fifth hurriedly said, "I was wrong, I\'m an adult now, and I\'m no longer a child, so you don\'t need to pick me up."

"My course ended long ago, and my studies were completed ahead of schedule. I traveled by bike with my classmates in the United States for a month, and I came back after the holiday."

The fifth man briefly described his situation, but Zheng Shan said angrily after hearing it: "Why didn\'t you tell me when you were riding? What if you were in danger?"

"Oh, there are so many dangers, brother, you can rest assured, your sister and I am not a fool." The fifth child hugged Zheng Shan\'s arm and began to act coquettishly, making Zheng Shan\'s anger disappear instantly.

"Hey, I can\'t take care of you anymore, but pay attention next time." Zheng Shan said angrily.

She put all the old fifth\'s things in her room, "Mom will clean it up for you every few days, especially in the past week, basically you have to take out your things every day for drying, you can see if there is anything missing. I\'ll take you to buy some."

The fifth kept himself on the bed, and took a deep breath, "Ah, my bed is still comfortable."

After lying down for a while, the fifth one got up quickly and said, "It\'s already fine, I\'m not a child anymore, I don\'t need so many things."

"Are you tired? If you are tired, take a rest first." Zheng Shan said with concern.

This girl from my family is the most concerned about by the whole family. After not seeing each other for such a long time, Zheng Shan is also a little flustered.

The old fifth said with a smile: "I\'m not tired, I slept for a long time on the plane."

"Can you rest on the plane?" Zheng Shan said.

Lao Wudao: "I\'m not you old men, our young people sleep soundly no matter where they are."

When Zheng Shan heard the words, he suddenly said angrily, "I\'m going to be an old man now?"

"Hee hee, just kidding."

The two came to the lobby while talking, "Did you call or I called?" Zheng Shan pointed at the phone.

The fifth is back, whether it\'s Zheng Weijun or Zheng Lan, they all want to come here.

"I\'ll fight, or my sister will be able to ramble on me to death." The fifth child made a funny expression.

Seeing the fifth, Zheng Shan was a little stunned. The fifth seemed to have really changed a lot during this time.

Zheng Shan also stayed with the fifth brother, but found another phone and called Xiong Youxi, asking him to send some fresh vegetables and meat.

Now Zhong Huixiu doesn\'t like to go shopping and buy groceries anymore. I used to feel sorry for the money, but now I\'m slowly getting better and I\'ve learned to enjoy it a little.

So every time Zheng Shan asked Xiong Youxi to deliver food, his mother also went out to buy it in person.

After receiving Zheng Shan\'s call, Xiong Youxi acted quickly.

After Zheng Shan received these ingredients, he came back and saw that the fifth was still on the phone.

"I just asked you to inform someone, why is it not over yet?" Zheng Shan said speechlessly.

When the fifth heard what Zheng Shan said, he smiled and said to the person on the phone: "Sister, you heard it, the third Zheng is blaming you."

Zheng Shan: ......

In just two or three hours, Zheng Shan\'s house immediately gathered people. Zhong Huixiu and Fu Meiyi rushed over directly from the art troupe when she heard that her daughter had returned.

As for Zheng Jianguo, he just left and just said hello to the leader.

Zheng Weijun and the others also quickly dealt with the matter and came back~www.novelhall.com~ The house suddenly became lively again, everyone was concerned about the fifth and asked the fifth some questions.

If it was in the past, the fifth child would have been impatient, but now, the fifth child is still smiling and saying something to everyone.

Yan Qingqing was the last to come back. She has been a little busy recently. It takes a lot of time and energy to revise the students\' graduation thesis.

"When did the fifth come back?" After Yan Qingqing came back, she first approached Zheng Shan and asked.

Zheng Shandao: "It didn\'t take long for lunch to arrive at noon."

Many times now, Zheng Shan is left to eat alone at home, and even Niu Niu will be taken by Zhong Huixiu and the others.

"The fifth seems to have changed a lot, but why did he get tanned at school?" Yan Qingqing was a little curious.

Zheng Shan said angrily, "This dead girl actually went out on a bike tour with her classmates, and she didn\'t know the danger."

"It\'s not as dangerous as you said. At this age, you can\'t watch it all day long. Come on, don\'t worry about it so much." Yan Qingqing looked at her husband with a funny look.

The two chatted for a while, and Yan Qingqing also came to the fifth, and chatted with the fifth.

When it was time for dinner, Zheng Shan took out a jar of good wine from the cellar, and Zheng Weijun was a little stunned when he saw the wine.

"Old fifth, you still have the face. As soon as you came back, Dashan took out the wine. You must know that he was reluctant to bear it before." Zheng Weijun said with a smile.

Zheng Shan said angrily: "I really want to be stingy when I said it, but it was a waste to drink it for you before. Can you drink good or bad? Wine for one dollar is the same as drinking such good wine for you. "

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