Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 729: retire

Early the next morning, Zheng Shan took Yan Qingqing and the others back. When they got home, they found that Zheng Weijun, Zheng Lan, and Zheng Kui were all here.

"What\'s the matter? Did something major happen?" Zheng Shan asked subconsciously.

Zheng Lan explained: "It\'s like this. Dad and his company said that they can retire early. We\'re not here. We want Dad to retire early. It\'s okay to retire early at such an old age."

Zheng Shan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words. He thought that something big had happened, and they gathered one by one.

Zheng Jianguo said unhappily, "I\'m only fifty-five years old now, and there are still five years before I retire. Why should I retire so early?

You are all worrying about each and every one of you. Now that the unit needs me, I will definitely not be able to retire. "

According to the "Interim Measures of the State Council on Retirement and Retirement of Workers" (Guo Fa [1978] No. 104), the current retirement age for workers in my country is 60 years old for males, 55 years old for female cadres, and 50 years old for female workers.

Zheng Jianguo was not included in the proposed early retirement list.

However, these lists are only tentatively drawn up, and anyone who wants to retire early can also submit an application.

Zheng Jianguo\'s technology is quite good in the unit, so he is not on the retirement list this time.

Zheng Shan heard the words and said: "Dad, if you really can\'t, just retire, it\'s only five years anyway, and since your unit has chosen to let people retire early, it must be because the unit\'s efficiency is not good.

If you retire early this way, it can also be regarded as reducing some of the burden on the unit. "

"I don\'t retire. Whoever wants to retire will retire. Anyway, I don\'t retire early, and as I said before, I will have my share in the next house assignment. If I retire now, the house will definitely not be mine." Zheng Jianguo muttered.

Zheng Shan: ......

This last statement is Zheng Jianguo\'s sincere words.

"Dad, our family is not short of houses. If you want a house, I will buy ten sets for you right now." Zheng Shan said dumbfoundedly.

Zheng Jianguo was not happy when he heard the words, but glared at him and said, "You know shit, that\'s what I deserve. I have worked for so many years, not to mention conscientiousness, but I rarely make mistakes.

Now that everyone else has it, why don\'t I have it. "

In fact, Zheng Jianguo didn\'t care about the house either. As Zheng Shan said, there was no shortage of money in the family.

But dividing the house is also an affirmation of Zheng Jianguo\'s hard work for so many years. This kind of affirmation is what Zheng Jianguo wants.

Zheng Shan was helpless and didn\'t know how to persuade him.

"Dad, the matter of the house doesn\'t mean that you won\'t be distributed when you retire. Maybe it will be distributed to you at that time." Zheng Weijun advised.

Zheng Jianguo glanced at him and said, "You have also worked in the factory for a long time. Do you think this is possible? Your father and I are not leaders."

Zheng Weijun suddenly stopped talking. Of course, he also said nice things. It is too difficult to still split up after retirement.

Now the people who split the room don\'t know where they are arranged. If there is one less competitor, no one will take the initiative to mention it.

After Zheng Jianguo finished speaking, he looked at Zheng Shan and said, "Don\'t say hello to me, I have to get my own things by myself."

Zheng Shan laughed when he heard this, "Dad, you didn\'t think about dividing the house at all, did you?"

"Do I still know you, even if I give you points, when the leader complains to you and finds a few families in difficulty, can you finally get this house?"

Zheng Jianguo was a little embarrassed by what Zheng Shan said, "Why don\'t I want this house? Even if I don\'t want it, I don\'t want it. They can\'t give it to me."

Zheng Shan persuaded: "Dad, we don\'t need to do this, why bother, it will be a bunch of troublesome things at that time."

In fact, just like what Zheng Shan said, Zheng Jianguo didn\'t necessarily want this house, but simply wanted this honor.

Yes, in his eyes, this is honor and affirmation.

But no matter what Zheng Shan and the others said, Zheng Jianguo just didn\'t agree, and as he talked, Zheng Jianguo\'s temper also came up.

"Now that your wings are hardened, I can\'t control you, but don\'t control me either." Zheng Jianguo said angrily.

Zheng Shan and Zheng Weijun looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

No matter whether it is Zheng Shan, Zheng Weijun or Zheng Kui, there is no shortage of money from the old couple. Zheng Shan need not say more. The money in the house is never less than 100,000, and the money goes to the old couple. In the house, if you want to spend money, you can take it directly.

Zheng Weijun and Zheng Kui, don\'t look at Lin Meihua and Yuan Xiaohua, they are relatively cheap. To put it bluntly, they are stingy, but for the old couple, they give a lot every time.

So they have been persuading Zheng Jianguo to retire early.

Seeing that the atmosphere was about to cool down, fortunately at this time, Yan Qingqing took out the gift she brought, "Dad, this is for you, do you think it is suitable?"

Zheng Shan doesn\'t like this big golden chain anyway, but Zheng Jianguo is very happy, "Okay, Dad likes it very much, Qingqing, you have a heart."

"As long as you are happy, Dad." Yan Qingqing said with a smile.

By the way, she also took out the gold bracelet, "Mom, this is for you, do you like it?"

Zhong Huixiu happily took over the gold bracelet~www.novelhall.com~ full of love.

Regarding the matter of Zheng Jianguo\'s retirement, that\'s for now, let\'s talk about it later.

Of course, Zheng Shan wanted his father to retire and enjoy life, but Zheng Jianguo himself did not want to, and he could not force his father to retire.

During dinner, Fu Meiyi also came over. She didn\'t know about Zheng Jianguo, and even if she did, she wouldn\'t say anything, and it was none of her business anyway.

I just know that Yan Qingqing is back and come to see her daughter and grandson.

But when Yan Qingqing handed her another bracelet, Fu Meiyi was moved and cried on the spot.

"I... Qingqing, I..." Fu Meiyi was so excited that she was speechless.

Seeing this, Zheng Shan said quickly: "Mom, don\'t get excited, sit down first."

Fu Meiyi looked at Yan Qingqing, opened her mouth, and wanted to say something, but in the end she didn\'t say anything, just kept wiping away her tears.

Zhong Huixiu took Fu Meiyi\'s hand and comforted her in a low voice.

Yan Qingqing looked calm, but Zheng Shan could also see that her mood was not very stable, he took her hand and comforted Yan Qingqing silently.

Zheng Shan is also happy for Yan Qingqing in his heart, which also proves that Yan Qingqing has completely let go of some resentment against Fu Meiyi, which is a good thing for Yan Qingqing.

This can make Yan Qingqing\'s heart a lot more relaxed. The most important thing is that Fu Meiyi\'s efforts over the years have completely solved Yan Qingqing\'s heart settlement. Yan Qingqing just expressed it in this way.

Yan Qingqing is not a person who is good at words. It is good to be able to do this.