Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 721: regret

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Zheng Shan also saw Yan Zhengbiao very quickly, especially when he looked at him squeezing this way, he could only smile and say hello in advance: "Uncle Yan."

Seeing Zheng Shan take the initiative to say hello, Yan Zhengbiao\'s face burst into a smile, and he was just about to pretend to pinch him so that people would pay attention to him.

But when he saw Yan Qingqing\'s dull eyes, he instantly suppressed the idea, so don\'t make fun of yourself.

"Yeah, I\'m here to talk about business this time. Are you here to participate in the groundbreaking ceremony of the Xishui Building?" Yan Zhengbiao asked knowingly.

Zheng Shan nodded with a smile, and someone who knew Yan Zhengbiao next to him interjected, "Mr. Zheng and Boss Yan know each other?"

Yan Zhengbiao looked at Zheng Shan expectantly at this time, but he didn\'t dare to take the initiative to speak out about his relationship with Zheng Shan. What he was most afraid of now was that Yan Qingqing was angry.

Now Yan Zhengbiao fully realizes the feeling of having a backer, and it is only a little care of Zheng Shan\'s subordinate Shi Zhen.

If people know the relationship between him and Zheng Shan, then many things in business will become extremely simple.

Zheng Shan smiled, "I know, Uncle Yan is my father-in-law."

"Uh..." This is beyond the expectations of many people, especially Zheng Shan\'s name, but looking at Yan Qingqing next to him, it seems that he doesn\'t see Yan Zhengbiao, and he seems to understand something. .

The parent-daughter relationship is not good.

In addition, people who know Yan Zhengbiao also know that Yan Zhengbiao is a second marriage, so they probably guessed almost the same.

Of course, guessing is guessing, no one will say it at this time.

Moreover, he paid more attention to Yan Zhengbiao, at least now, it seems that there is no intention to turn against each other.

No matter what, he is also Zheng Shan\'s father-in-law, and the relationship is not ordinary.

In an instant, Yan Zhengbiao was warmly welcomed, and many people took the initiative to talk.

Yan Qingqing glanced at it, but Quan Dang didn\'t see it.


At this moment, at the door of the banquet, the two of them were hurriedly walking inside.

"Didn\'t I tell you? There is an important banquet in the evening. I want you to prepare well at home. Why are you playing so late?" A man in his twenties or eighteen years old said with an unsightly expression.

The woman next to her said flatly, "I thought you were just talking. Who knew you would bring me to such a banquet."

"Beautiful, I... can you not listen to what those people say is what? I really have nothing to do with Xiao Chen, why don\'t you believe it." Shen Chao took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart.

For such an important banquet today, he still asked his uncle and grandfather for help before he got an invitation letter.

I heard that a big man in the business world will come over today, and he is not an ordinary big man, who can go straight to the sky.

Shen Chao didn\'t even think about being able to make friends with such a person, but the people who can come here today are not simple people.

He only needs to make one or two friends and that\'s enough.

Lu Meili curled her lips and said, "Who knows?"

"Okay, you want to go home and make trouble, don\'t embarrass me here." Shen Chao lowered his voice.

Lu Meili\'s tone was still very flat, "Am I making trouble? Am I embarrassing?"

"No, forget it, you can go back." Shen Chao said with an ugly expression.

At this time, he already regretted bringing Lu Meili here, and he was simply embarrassing him.

"Haha, you thought I wanted to come." Lu Meili didn\'t delay, and was about to leave.

But Shen Chao soon regretted it, and everyone brought it to the door. If he left and was seen by others, it would be a shame.

"Don\'t embarrass me, okay?" Shen Chao grabbed Lu Meili.

Lu Meili still looked at him indifferently, which made Shen Chaoyue a little annoyed, but at this time, he knew that he couldn\'t go on like this.

"Let\'s go home and talk about anything, this time is really important to me." Shen Chao said in a rare low voice.

Lu Meili snorted coldly, and didn\'t really lose face. She turned around and came back, but she still didn\'t speak.

"Beautiful, really don\'t make trouble. Your main purpose today is to make friends with these people\'s wives. If you do it well, then my business will be much easier." Shen Chao was relieved and began to exhort again. stand up.

"My business is good, and your life will be good too. Buy whatever you want."

In this way, Shen Chao walked into the banquet hall while exhorting, and looking at the very lively banquet at this time, Shen Chao hurriedly looked for one or two familiar people.

But obviously, the people Shen Chao knew didn\'t like him very much, and when they talked to him, they were always in a relationship, and even sometimes, it was as if they didn\'t hear him.

Shen Chao had long guessed that this was the case, so there was no embarrassment, and he smiled as always.

When Shen Chao saw that Lu Meili was still standing beside him like a wooden man, and he didn\'t talk to those ladies, he was inevitably a little angry.

But at this moment, he can only speak well, otherwise he will be embarrassed, or even looked down upon.

"You can chat with those people, you can talk about anything." Shen Chao said in a low voice.

Lu Meili looked at her husband, then looked over there, and wanted to say something, but then she saw a familiar person, and she did not refuse. com "OK."

Seeing that Lu Meili was so good at talking now, Shen Chao suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, he saw Lu Meili go to another place, and when Shen Chao relaxed, he saw Lu Meili rushing to the core.

This immediately frightened Shen Chao.

He knew all the people over there, but none of them knew him. To him, these people were all big shots.

Don\'t talk about it, it\'s the kind that he doesn\'t dare to say hello to when he encounters it at ordinary times.

At this moment, Lu Meili walked over in a daze, Shen Chao was really frightened.

Not caring too much, Shen Chao walked over quickly, grabbed Lu Meili and said, "What are you doing?"

Lu Meili frowned, "What should I ask you to do?"

"You.... What are you doing over there? Those are big people, not something we can relate to." Shen Chao took a deep breath and whispered.

Lu Meili said, "But I only know someone."

"Who?" Shen Chao didn\'t believe it at all.

Lu Meili was too lazy to answer, he was the one who let him make friends, and now he won\'t let it.

"Qingqing." Lu Meili\'s voice was a little louder, causing Shen Chao to tremble again, and her face was much ugly. If I said that I regretted bringing Lu Meili here just now, then I regret it now!

The bowels of regret are all green!

But the next moment, I saw a young and beautiful woman in the center surrounded by people, looking over, and a smile appeared on her face after seeing Lu Meili.

"Lu Meili!" Yan Qingqing also recognized the person who had just been separated, and immediately walked over.

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