Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 722: dipped

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As Yan Qingqing moved, a group of ladies who followed Yan Qingqing also followed, and none of them left.

Yan Qingqing didn\'t feel any discomfort, after all, these people were all following her to talk, whether it was flattering or flattering, they were having a good time talking anyway.

Shen Chaoman looked at his daughter-in-law in disbelief. When did Lu Meili meet such a person?

How could he not know?

Although Shen Chao didn\'t know who Yan Qingqing was, he could already see a lot from the surface.

"It\'s really you? I thought I was mistaken." Lu Meili said with a smile.

Yan Qingqing said: "It seems that we are really destined to meet again, is this?"

"I\'m a beautiful husband, my name is Shen Chao." Shen Chao quickly introduced himself.

Then he looked at his daughter-in-law, and then looked at the women here, and said decisively, "You guys talk, I\'ll go over there first."

After finishing speaking, he quickly whispered a few words in Lu Meili\'s ear, and then quickly left here.

Yan Qingqing also helped Lu Meili and everyone to make an introduction. When she spoke in person, these ladies were very generous.

Soon Lu Meili also integrated into this small circle, chatting happily, and Shen Chao, who had been watching secretly, was surprised and a little surprised.

He is also inquiring about Yan Qingqing\'s identity from the side.

At this banquet, there were a lot of people watching and listening to all directions, and there were also a lot of people who were willing to make friends with Shen Chao at this time.

"You don\'t know?" When Shen Chao started to inquire about Yan Qingqing\'s situation from the side, someone seemed very surprised.

Shen Chao said calmly: "I never ask too much about my wife, as long as she likes it."

"Ao, don\'t underestimate this one, she is Mr. Zheng\'s wife." Someone started to give Shen Chao popular science.

Shen Chao was actually a little dazed, what Mr. Zheng?

However, he didn\'t show it, and if he shows the appearance he doesn\'t know now, he will definitely be looked down upon.

But slowly, he came to know something.

The so-called Mr. Zheng is the legendary business tycoon and the one who is now at the center.

But when he saw Zheng Shan\'s age, Shen Chao couldn\'t help but stunned for a moment, so young?


Not to mention the situation on Shen Chao\'s side, Lu Meili was also very surprised at this time.

"You said you were a teacher before?" Lu Meili was a little suspicious.

At this time, Yan Qingqing made a random excuse and set aside some people, and she and Lu Meili came to the side.

Although there are still many people watching here, whenever there is a need or situation, they will appear in front of Yan Qingqing for the first time.

But at least no one bothered, and Lu Meili also asked her doubts. Is this a scene that a teacher can have?

Yan Qingqing took a sip of water and sighed: "I\'m really a teacher, why are you lying to me?"


"They\'re not because of me, but because of my husband." Yan Qingqing pouted towards Zheng Shan.

At this time, Lu Meili could see where Zheng Shan was. If she didn\'t look carefully, she would not be able to see Zheng Shan at all, because Zheng Shan was completely surrounded.

"He? Didn\'t he say he was in a small business? This is a small business?" Lu Meili was speechless.

Yan Qingqing said, "Isn\'t it okay to be humble?"

"Alright, alright, you are too modest, but I got your light today." Lu Meili said with a smile.

Yan Qingqing said indifferently: "No one is in the light of another, everyone is a friend, don\'t worry about it."

Although she didn\'t get along with Lu Meili for a long time, Yan Qingqing still felt that she could talk to this guy.

Lu Meili asked curiously, "What exactly does your husband do? I see that many people are very respectful to him?"

Yan Qingqing said, "He runs a supermarket."

Lu Mei: ......

"I\'m not very clear about the specifics. I don\'t care about these things very much." Yan Qingqing explained with a smile when she saw her like this.

When Lu Meili heard the words, she sighed and said, "I thought the same thing before, and I seldom care about business matters. Whatever a man does, it\'s okay to have money, and it\'s okay to have no money."

"But now I find that it can\'t actually be like this. Look at the one in my family. Right now, it\'s just a little bit of money, and I just spend my mind on it."

After he finished speaking, he reacted the same, and quickly said: "I\'m not talking about your family\'s Zheng Shan, I\'m just talking about my own."

Yan Qingqing said indifferently: "It\'s okay, I trust my husband, and if he wants to, I can\'t bear it."

Lu Meili looked at Yan Qingqing seriously, and then said, "I understand Zheng Shan very well. If I had a rare wife like you, I wouldn\'t want to look outside."

The two chatted just as they did in the afternoon, without too many restraints, and Lu Meili was not the kind of person who was obsessed with power. Otherwise, they would not have had such a happy chat with Zheng Shan, Yan Qingqing and the others.


Zheng Shan didn\'t have time to care about the situation on Yan Qingqing\'s side at this time, he just took the time to take a look.

"Mr. Zheng, the business environment in our magic capital can be said to be the top in the country, and as long as Mr. Zheng is willing to come and invest, it\'s easy to talk about policies~www.novelhall.com~ The leader said with a smile.

Zheng Shandao: "Of course I believe this, but investing in this matter still needs to be done slowly. Now just a stream building has cost us so much money, and it has to be completed quickly as required. This is not a problem. Simple things."

It\'s not that Zheng Shan is unwilling to invest, but that many things have not yet come.

"Those lands will be slowly developed in the next ten years, please rest assured." Zheng Shan knew what these people were thinking, so he was very direct.

With Zheng Shan\'s words, many people immediately burst into laughter. Now with the growing growth of Xishui Group, everyone is paying more and more attention to Zheng Shan\'s capital.

In particular, such people are still from their country, and they have lived in the country for a long time, which is an advantage, and even has a feeling of pride in their hearts.

"If Mr. Zheng wants to develop any industries on the land, please communicate with us in time, and we will do our best to improve some surrounding facilities."

"After all, we are the people who serve the people."

"Haha, then I\'ll thank all the leaders again, and I\'ll give you a toast." Zheng Shan said and raised his glass.

Seeing this, everyone raised their glasses one by one and then drank them all.

The banquet was held until about 11 o\'clock in the evening. Many people were unwilling to leave at this time. They felt that it was too smooth to talk about business here.

Many people contacted each other, and suddenly found that there are many places to cooperate. It is not convenient to know that the current connection is not convenient, many people do not know each other, and they cannot find opportunities to cooperate.

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