Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 720: Lu Mei

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"You don\'t have to go, it\'s embarrassing to go." Yan Qingqing said lightly.

Zheng Shan just remembered Yan Zhengbiao. Now that Yan Qingqing doesn\'t want to go, he has no objection.

As for Niu Niu, he had no impression of this grandfather at all.

After breakfast, the family set off for a stroll on the Bund.

At this time, the magic capital was far less prosperous than later generations, and it was not so busy, and the footsteps of pedestrians were not in a hurry.

A young couple strolling leisurely, an old man playing chess on the street, a little boy riding a stroller, etc.

Walking all the way, watching all the way, Zheng Shan also feels very interesting.

When he got to the Bund, Zheng Shan hugged Niuniu and walked around here, but soon Niuniu couldn\'t bear his temper, got down from Zheng Shan\'s arms, and ran around.

Zheng Shan was helpless and could only follow closely. He didn\'t dare to relax his vigilance. In case of an accident, his money would be useless.

There are human traffickers in any era, and these traffickers don\'t care if you have money or not.

So Zheng Shan sees it to death.

However, Zheng Shan did not force Niuniu not to run around. After all, it is normal for children to want to play around.


"You child." A fashionably dressed young woman looked at Niuniu and the daughter beside her helplessly.

Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing were embarrassed.

The young woman\'s name is Lu Meili, and she also brought her children out to play. Just now, the two little boys didn\'t know how to play together, and Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing also got to know this Lu Meili.

But just now, an embarrassing scene appeared, Niuniu actually kissed the little girl next to him.

Lu Meili wasn\'t angry either, she was a little kid who didn\'t understand anything.

"Apologize to my sister." Zheng Shan said embarrassedly, when did his son become so bold.

Niu Niu said in confusion: "Why do you want to apologize?"

"Who asked you to kiss your sister?" Zheng Shan couldn\'t hold back his face.

Yan Qingqing apologized to Lu Meili on the side. She was also embarrassed, but Lu Meili said nothing.

"But my sister agreed, and it was my sister who asked me to kiss." Niu Niu was still embarrassed.

Hearing what he said, not only Zheng Shan and his wife were embarrassed, but even Lu Meili was embarrassed. They didn\'t care about what the two children were talking about.

"Haha, it\'s okay, kid, right, it\'s almost noon, why don\'t we have a meal together?" Zheng Shan said with a haha.

Lu Meili looked at the time and said, "Alright, let me treat you."

"No, no, our husband and wife treat guests, you help pick a place, we are not very familiar with the devil." Zheng Shan said with a smile.

"Are you here to travel?" Lu Meili asked curiously.

She has a very good first impression of Zheng Shan, a young couple, otherwise she would not talk to them patiently. Of course there is a daughter factor in it, but I have to say that Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing\'s temperament all good.

Especially Yan Qingqing, to be honest, Lu Meili has a little jealousy. She thinks she is also very beautiful, but when facing Yan Qingqing, she feels that she is incomparable.

Especially Yan Qingqing\'s desolate and intellectual temperament made her feel even more ashamed.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Almost, come over to do something, just come out to relax."

"What do you guys do? You seem to be very busy." Lu Meili asked casually.

"I do a small business, and my wife is a teacher."

The three of them chatted like this, and Lu Meili also found a restaurant at random. As for the two little guys, they had become good friends at this time, holding hands and never letting go.

In the afternoon, the two families were still hanging out together, mainly because the two little guys didn\'t want to separate. Zheng Shan and the others had no objection, and they didn\'t refuse when they saw Lu Meili, so they simply went shopping together.

Slowly, Yan Qingqing and Lu Meili also chatted happily.

Lu Meili\'s husband is also in business. He has made some achievements in recent years, and now he is busy all day.

Lu Meili and Yan Qingqing complained that their husbands are often away from home now, maybe it is because of unfamiliarity, and it is estimated that they will not see each other in the future, so many of Lu Meili\'s words are also spoken.

Yan Qingqing was not impatient either, listening to her complaints while comforting her, going back and forth, making Lu Meili feel better about Yan Qingqing.

If it wasn\'t for knowing that Zheng Shan and the others were from the capital, it is estimated that at this time, Yan Qingqing would have been considered a best friend.

It was like this until more than four o\'clock in the afternoon. Zheng Shan and the others were also ready to go back. After all, there was a banquet in the evening, so they needed a little preparation.

But when they were about to part, the two little guys were crying so hard that Zheng Shan was a little speechless, and those who didn\'t know thought they were going to part with life and death.

But a child, this is also a normal thing, Zheng Shan can understand.

"If you have time to go to the capital to play, we will be your guide at that time." Yan Qingqing said.

Lu Mei said generously: "Okay, I will definitely find you when the time comes."

After separating the two reluctant children~www.novelhall.com~ and on the way back, Niu Niu fell asleep.

Back at the place where he lived, Zheng Shan arranged for someone to watch Niuniu, while himself and Yan Qingqing went up to change clothes.

After everything was ready, he went downstairs. At this time, the car sent by Shi Zhen was already waiting.

Shi Zhen needs to go to the banquet ahead of time.

When Zheng Shan and the others arrived, there were already a lot of people at the banquet, and soon, Zheng Shan was surrounded by a lot of people.

They are all people from the Magic Capital government. Many people don\'t know Zheng Shan. They just saw that Shi Zhen, a big business man in the Magic Capital, was with Zheng Shan, and they knew that Zheng Shan\'s identity was not simple.

Yan Zhengbiao also attended this banquet. Now his business is not big, but it is not small.

There are still tens of millions of profits a year, which is already a lot. Among the private companies in the magic capital, it is also considered to be the top of the list.

After all, Yan Zhengbiao was Zheng Shan\'s father-in-law, and there were some things that Shi Zhen didn\'t really think he didn\'t see.

Of course, after being warned by Yan Qingqing, Yan Zhengbiao is also very measured in many things, so Shi Zhen can help, and there is no embarrassment.

After seeing Zheng Shan, Yan Zhengbiao\'s eyes lit up, but when he saw Yan Qingqing by his side, Yan Zhengbiao was a little hesitant.

His daughter\'s attitude towards him has always been lukewarm, and he treated Yan Qingqing badly when he was young, so when facing Yan Qingqing, Yan Zhengbiao felt a little empty in his heart.

But at this moment, Yan Zhengbiao still stepped forward. This time, it was an opportunity to show his face, and coupled with his always reliable son-in-law, at least he wouldn\'t be embarrassed on this occasion.

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