Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 719: visit

Shi Zhen was just forty years old this year. When he took over the Phoenix company, he was only an executive of Xishui Group, and he was not that kind of important executive.

Being transferred directly from Xishui Group by Zheng Shan to take over a company, Shi Zhen was still very uneasy in his heart.

It was fine at the beginning, after all, the Phoenix company put it bluntly, that is, a newly created company, except for the acquisition of the Phoenix brand and some production lines, there is nothing.

But slowly, with Zheng Shan\'s gradual capital injection, he also noticed how much Zheng Shan attached importance to this company.

And Shi Zhen doesn\'t want to just be a conservative CEO, he also wants to lead the company to glory.

Therefore, Shi Zhen\'s pressure is getting bigger and bigger. In fact, this time, he is mainly thinking of coming over and reporting the situation to the big boss, to know if there are any problems with what he has done over the years, and whether the big boss is satisfied.

The final result naturally made Shi Zhen a little happy. Zheng Shan didn\'t say he was particularly satisfied with his work, but at least he didn\'t blame him, and he meant to praise him more or less.

We chatted with Shi Zhen until more than four o\'clock in the afternoon. After Zheng Shan was ready to pick up his daughter-in-law, Shi Zhen left.

However, he first went to Qingshan Company to hand over some materials and other chores.

Zheng Shan first worked hard to dress up his son, but he found that it was really hard to serve children.

When everything was done, it was almost five o\'clock.

As soon as they arrived at the school gate, Yan Qingqing came out, got in the car, and went to pick up Zhong Huixiu and Fu Meiyi.

This is how Zheng Shan lived during this time, acting as a driver, picking up his wife, mother and mother-in-law.

"By the way, I\'m going to the Magic Capital to attend the groundbreaking ceremony of the Xishui Building in a week. Would you like to go there and play together?" Zheng Shan asked while driving.

Yan Qingqing said casually: "You go, it\'s nothing if I go."

"Then what\'s the matter with you now?" Zheng Shan asked.

Yan Qingqing was stunned for a moment, as if she had also calmed down. Now she is no longer the head teacher, and she is in class every day.

Now this class of students is about to graduate, and Yan Qingqing only served as a teacher for one class of students, and did not wait for another class.

After the graduation project is arranged, it is not yet time for the inspection, and the research side has achieved certain results. Yan Qingqing seems to have nothing to do now.

Otherwise, how could she get off work on time like this all the time?

"It seems to be fine, but I was idle in the past." Yan Qingqing said.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Going to the Devil\'s Capital for a spin, just take it as a distraction."

"Dad, I\'m going too." Niu Niu said suddenly at this time, he knew that his unreliable parents would ignore his son and go out alone.

Zheng Shan looked at his son with a smile, "Okay, I\'ll bring you one when the time comes, but you have to be honest and obedient to me, or I won\'t take you out to play next time."

"I\'m very obedient." Niu New suddenly became excited.

When he received his mother and mother-in-law, Niuniu immediately shared the good news with his grandmother and grandmother.

"That\'s right, Qingqing, you can help me bring something to my old friends. I\'ve already urged them many times." Fu Meiyi said.

Yan Qingqing did not refuse, but nodded in agreement.

It arrived in the blink of an eye in a week, and Zheng Shan\'s family of three also set off for the magic capital.

After leaving the airport, I took the car prepared by Shi Zhen and came to the husband\'s mansion, but at this time it was renamed Zheng mansion.

It\'s very clean here, and there are regular people cleaning and tidying up the garden.

However, Zheng Shan and the others put their things down and left, and Niuniu couldn\'t sit still for a quarter of an hour. Although this place is big, for a little guy of his age, no matter how big or luxurious it is, it is useless. What he needs is fun.

First, they took Niuniu around to satisfy his curiosity, and then Zheng Shan and the others began to visit some of Fu Meiyi\'s old friends, and sent the things Fu Meiyi prepared one by one.

Every time they visit a family, they will be warmly received, but what makes Zheng Shan and the others helpless is that these people are too gossipy, and many times they are not conscious at all.

Anyway, it is the outlet that can ask anything and say it, which makes Zheng Shan and the others a little embarrassed.

For example, asking Yan Qingqing who she chose to be with when her parents divorced, and what happened in the end.

Another example is how she is getting along with her sister now, such a similar topic.

So every time Zheng Shan and the others finished their visit and delivered their things, they left after a few words. As for staying for dinner, they would never dare.

When all these things were finally done, not only Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing were too tired to talk, but even Niuniu was exhausted and fell asleep in the car.

The little guy is also very popular, he is cute and cute, but the more popular he is, the more tired he will be.

This is a pinch, that is a hug.

Back at the residence, Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing ate a little something, then went to sleep, too tired.

"I knew I wouldn\'t come with you." At breakfast the next day, Yan Qingqing was speechless.

Zheng Shan said amusingly: "It\'s not my fault, it\'s what my mother asked you to do, and our grandfathers are still suffering with you~www.novelhall.com~ Right, son!"

Niuniu has already been resurrected with full blood at this time, and the child is indeed very powerful in recovering his stamina.

"Well, those grandparents are terrible." Niuniu muttered.

"I won\'t see them today, let\'s take a good stroll around here and go to the Bund to see." Zheng Shan said.

"Aren\'t you going to prepare for the banquet tonight?" Yan Qingqing asked.

When Zheng Shan came here, the Magic City government also stated that it directly held a welcome banquet. Not only Zheng Shan was invited, but there were also many political and business celebrities in the Magic City, with a large number of people.

But the protagonist must be Zheng Shan, there is no doubt about this.

Zheng Shandao: "Go, but don\'t worry, it\'s just a matter of eating and drinking, how can it be important to accompany your daughter-in-law and son."

"By the way, you will come with me when the time comes."

"I won\'t go, I don\'t want to attend such a banquet." Yan Qingqing refused.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Aren\'t you afraid that someone will seduce me at the banquet? Even if you believe that your husband will not be upset, you are not afraid that I drink too much."

Yan Qingqing gave him a white look. Of course she knew that Zheng Shan was joking, but she still said, "Yes, I want to take a good look at you."

"I\'m going too." Niu Niu said again.

Zheng Shan: "Xing Xing Xing, I will also take you there."

That said, but Zheng Shan believes that after a day of shopping, don\'t say that he wants to go, and if he can hold on without falling asleep, Zheng Shan is considered a great kid!

"By the way, do we want to visit your dad\'s side?" Zheng Shan only thought of Yan Zhengbiao at this time.