Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 715: 2 person world

Zheng Shan had been busy in the company for a day and didn\'t get off work until after four o\'clock in the afternoon, but he didn\'t go back, but continued to pick up Yan Qingqing from get off work.

"What\'s wrong with you? Did you make a mistake outside?" Yan Qingqing looked at Zheng Shan suspiciously.

In the past, Zheng Shan only came to pick him up once or twice, but he came every day for the past two days, and he was so romantic yesterday, which made Yan Qingqing suspicious.

When Zheng Shan saw this, he couldn\'t help laughing and crying, "What are you thinking, isn\'t it normal for me to pick up my wife from get off work?"

"Really? Why haven\'t I seen you so diligent before." Yan Qingqing still didn\'t believe it.

When Zheng Shan saw this, he was about to swear. Yan Qingqing suddenly smiled and said, "Okay, I\'ll scare you, of course I believe you."

"Wife, why don\'t we have a candlelight dinner tonight?" Zheng Shan said with a smile.

Yan Qingqing had no opinion after thinking about it, and then the two of them didn\'t go home. They just found a public phone to call the house and told their mother not to go back to eat at night.

The two did not go to Mingfeng Building, but came to a western restaurant. There was a western restaurant in Beijing around 1980.

But now there are more, and the two don\'t know who is better and who is worse, but it\'s almost enough to choose one.

After sitting down, Zheng Shan sighed: "It seems that we rarely eat like this. Since you married me, we have always eaten together at home."

Yan Qingqing rolled her eyes and said, "Even before I married you, when we were in love, you didn\'t take me to eat alone a few times, except for dinner."

"Yes, but I invited you many times back then, and you didn\'t fall down every time. It\'s a pleasure to eat."

"Tell me, did you miss me at that time?" Zheng Shan joked.

Yan Qingqing said with a smile: "You have been thinking about me for a long time, right? Otherwise, why don\'t you invite me to dinner."

Zheng Shan didn\'t refute, he thought about it and said, "It seems so, but it\'s understandable. After all, you are so beautiful, talented, and your temperament is even more unique. It\'s hard to like it or not."

Hearing Zheng Shan\'s straightforward words, Yan Qingqing felt a little embarrassed.

The two just talked about the past, and the atmosphere became more and more warm. With the sound of the violin in the restaurant, Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing were both immersed in such a relatively relaxed atmosphere.

You say something, I say something, and from time to time a chuckle is made. The two of them ate very slowly this meal.

There was not much to eat, but the two of them ate for about an hour and a half. After eating, they still felt a little unfulfilled.

"How about we have a two-person world once a month?" Zheng Shan said with a smile when he walked out of the restaurant.

Yan Qingqing nodded in agreement.

"Let\'s go, since it\'s a two-person world, let\'s go to the movies, and we\'re not in a hurry to go back anyway." Zheng Shan took Yan Qingqing\'s hand and trotted.

Yan Qingqing lost her usual coldness, with a smile on her face, and trotted along with Zheng Shan.

When she encounters snacks on the street, she will coquettishly want to eat.

The two of them found a movie theater casually, and the movie was selected casually. As long as the person was right, it didn\'t matter what movie they watched.

In this way, the two played until eleven o\'clock at night, and there were not many people on the street, so they went back.

When they got home, the couple hugged each other and fell asleep.


"Where did you two go to play yesterday? Niu Niu waited for you for half the night." When the two came together in the morning, they were lectured by Zhong Huixiu.

Zheng Shan looked at his sullen son and teased him: "What are you waiting for us to do?"

"Hmph." The little guy turned around and didn\'t want to care about his father.

"Niu Niu painted a picture yesterday, but it looked good, so I wanted to wait for you and show you. Who knows if you wait left and right, you won\'t be able to wait." Zhong Huixiu said.

Yan Qingqing hugged her son and rubbed her son\'s little face affectionately, "What kind of painting, please show it to my mother."

The child was still closer to his mother, hesitated for a while, and ran to his own little house to take out the painting.

Now Niuniu has begun to sleep alone, and he can\'t always follow his parents.

Zheng Shan is now glad that he brought his parents over to live with him, otherwise he and Yan Qingqing would be in a hurry just by taking the child.

Neither of them are people who can stand their temper, and occasionally they can, but over time, they probably won\'t have the patience.

In particular, they all have their own things to do. Yan Qingqing needs to take students and do scientific research. Zheng Shan disappears from time to time for a while.

Therefore, parents help to take care of their children, which really saves them a lot of things.

"My son\'s paintings are really beautiful." Yan Qingqing said exaggeratedly.

Zheng Shan also leaned over and looked at it immediately. In fact, the painting was very ordinary, just the level of an ordinary child.

There are also five figures of flowers and plants, and Zheng Shan knows who they are without guessing.

But he was also very exaggerated, "My son is awesome, he draws really well, tell me, what reward do you want."

Niu Niu was still angry with his father, but when he heard this~www.novelhall.com~, he suddenly stopped being angry, "I want to eat candy."

Zheng Shan didn\'t look at his mother and wife\'s face, and agreed directly. Anyway, he bought it. As for whether he can eat it in his mouth, that\'s Niuniu\'s own business.

When Niu Niu saw that his father agreed, he immediately became happy, and gave his father a face-saving kiss.

"You stay at home, Dad will buy it for you when he comes back from get off work." Zheng Shandao.

There is sugar in the house, but it\'s all hidden.

"I want to go to work with my dad." Niuniu said suddenly.

Zheng Shan thought for a while, but didn\'t refuse. He just happened to get close to his son, "Mom, then I\'ll take it with me."

"Will you not delay your business?" Zhong Huixiu asked.

"No, it just so happens that you and my mother-in-law are going to dance, and I have come to see you several times." Zheng Shan said with a smile.

Fu Meiyi often comes here, and Zhong Huixiu has also learned some dances now. Of course, she is not as professional as Fu Meiyi, but she also enjoys it.

When Zhong Huixiu heard it, she didn\'t say anything anymore. She has learned to enjoy life now. Of course, this needs to be ranked behind the family.

When the family needs her, she will put all these things aside and concentrate on the family affairs.

Zheng Shan took his family and first sent his mother to his mother-in-law, "Mom, I\'ll come pick you up at night."

"You are busy with your work, I don\'t need you to care." Zhong Huixiu waved her hand.

Zheng Shan said hello to his mother-in-law again, and then hurriedly sent Yan Qingqing to school, and finally brought his son to the company.

"Looks like I had a good rest yesterday." Zheng Shan looked at the energetic Xia Lai brother and said.