Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 714: Have a holiday

With Yang Zhibing speaking, only three of the remaining people did not agree, and the rest agreed.

"Boss, I also want to stay, but my family told me about a daughter-in-law who has been waiting for me for a long time. I want to go home and get married. I\'m sorry." Zhou Mang scratched his head and said.

He came out this time, in addition to believing in Zhao Ming, he just wanted to earn some money for marriage.

In order to tell him his daughter-in-law, his mother really begged his grandfather to tell his grandmother, and it took a lot of effort, and then he finally agreed.

The two sides have also met. Although the woman is not beautiful, Zhou Mang feels very satisfied.

The woman also felt very good about him, so Zhou Mang wanted to go home and get married instead of staying here.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "It\'s okay, everyone has their own aspirations and can\'t be forced, then I\'ll congratulate you on your happy wedding in advance. This is my money."

Speaking of which, Zheng Shan took out another 500 yuan and gave it to Zhou Mang.

Zhou Mang waved his hand quickly and said, "Boss, I can\'t ask for this, and it\'s too much."

Zheng Shan said with a stern face: "If you don\'t want it, you will look down on me."

Zhou Mang was not very good at speaking, but Zhao Ming was the one who was scratching his head in a hurry, "Mangzi, accept it, this is the boss\'s intention."

"In addition, this is my brother\'s. I\'m not as generous as the boss, so I can only give you a little less." He also took out 100 yuan from the 10,000 yuan, and the rest of the people were the same.

Zhou Mang was so moved that he didn\'t know what to say, and was a little embarrassed.

The other two also have similar reasons. They all have people in the family who can\'t let go, elderly parents, newly married wives, young children, and so on.

For these, Zheng Shan sent only blessings, and at the same time, no one gave almost 500 yuan in travel expenses.

"I\'ll give you ten days of vacation. You can go home and make arrangements. After that, you will need to live in the capital." Zheng Shan said to Yang Zhibing.

"Of course, if anyone wants to bring their family members to the capital, it is also possible to provide housing for free."

Yang Zhibing and the others hurriedly shook their heads and said, "Thank you, boss, but don\'t worry, it\'s too hard to spend money here. It costs money to even eat food, so we can\'t live there."

Although they came here, they hadn\'t visited much, but they knew a little bit.

Now I have some money in my hand, and it can even be said that it is richer than a huge number of people, 20,000 yuan.

But this money needs to be saved, but don\'t dare to spend it lavishly.

Zheng Shan didn\'t say much about it, just let them go.

"When you come back, Zhao Ming, you will receive a thousand yuan for food from Xiao Xia every month, and all this money will be used for food." Zheng Shan said.

Zhao Ming said quickly: "Boss, this is too much. The seven of us can\'t spend so much money. Three hundred yuan a month is already a lot."

One thousand yuan, how much is that!

I can\'t finish eating meat every day.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "It\'s okay, I\'ve given you so much, just to let you eat well. After all, you can\'t be idle every day, and you also need to exercise your body and skills when you have nothing to do."

This is also Zheng Shan\'s request, Zhao Ming nodded hesitantly when he heard the words, indicating that he understood.

Yang Zhibing and others have no objection. Now that they have returned to their previous state, training every day is not a problem at all.

In addition to so much money, they alone cost more than 100 yuan a month for food, how much good food does it take.

Zheng Shan arranged things and didn\'t stop there, but said, "When you go back, if you haven\'t bought a ticket, you can go to Xiao Xia for help."

After he finished speaking, he left. He first came to the company to deal with the affairs here.

"You didn\'t rest well last night?" Zheng Shan asked, looking at Brother Xia Lai who kept yawning.

Brother Xia Lai nodded, "We need to deal with this matter in advance."

After brother Xia Lai came back, he went to the company directly, and then sorted out all the documents he had accumulated before, so that Zheng Shan could check it at any time.

I woke up very early in the morning and slept for less than three hours.

"I\'ll give you a day off today, you can go back and rest." Zheng Shan said.

Brother Xia Lai thought about it, but he didn\'t refuse. After handing over the matter, he went back.

She has to go back to comfort her sister.

I was so tired and sleepy yesterday that I didn\'t have the heart to comfort Xia Zhaodi at all.

Brother Xia Lai was also a little puzzled, why every time he went a little far away for a longer time, Xia Zhaodi always had all kinds of things.

Last time I found a boyfriend, but this time I broke up with my boyfriend.

When Brother Xia Lai came home, he saw Xia Zhaodi with a miserable face. I don\'t know why, but when he saw her like this, Brother Xia Lai felt angry in his heart.

"Can you give me some anger, don\'t worry about it all day long? Isn\'t it just a boyfriend? He doesn\'t want you, you still have me, why? Do you think I\'m dead?" Xia Laidi couldn\'t help but get angry. .

Xia Zhaodi was obviously startled by her sister, shivered involuntarily, and looked at her timidly.

Seeing his sister like this, Brother Xia Lai took a deep breath, suppressed the nameless fire in his heart, and stared at his sister, "Zhao Di, you have to remember, in this world ~www.novelhall.com~ no one can really be trusted.

We are able to have today, all rely on ourselves, besides me, don\'t you think about relying on who? Do you still want to rely on your parents who are going to sell you? "

Xia Zhaodi didn\'t speak, just stared at her sister blankly.

"And does your boyfriend really like you? Maybe, but it\'s also possible that he didn\'t even think about marrying you."

"If you\'ve been so immersed in it, maybe people will think you can\'t live without him, and you\'ll be more proud of yourself."

"You have to remember, no matter what, no matter when, don\'t pin all your hopes on others."

Brother Xia Lai looked at his sister like this, and was really anxious, and said a lot.

Seeing her sister\'s obvious exhaustion, and having to care so much about educating herself at this time, Xia Zhaodi also seemed to want to understand something.

Wiping her tears, Xia Zhaodi was still sobbing, but it was habitual, but her tone was a little firmer.

"Sister, don\'t worry, I won\'t be sad anymore, I want to forget him, I want to live a better and more comfortable life."

Brother Xia Lai looked at his younger sister, and he was relieved in his heart. Whether he was angry or deliberately said it, he said it, even if it was a vent.

"Yes, that\'s what you want, and you are still young, so don\'t rush to get married or something. When you get better and better, you will definitely meet better people." Brother Xia Lai said softly.

"Thank you sister."

"I\'m your sister, what are you thanking me for? Come on, clean up a little bit. We sisters haven\'t been shopping together for a long time. Let\'s go shopping today." Brother Xia Lai said with a smile.