Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 716: smart baby

"I slept for about twelve hours yesterday, and I recovered very well." Brother Xia Lai said with a smile.

Zheng Shan brought Niuniu to her first. Niuniu had been here before. Although he was not impressed, he was still very familiar with Xia Laidi.

However, Zheng Shan soon realized that he had guessed wrong. Niu Niu\'s impression of the company was not unimpressive, but very profound!

It seems that the little guy knows that wanting to eat candy at home is a fool\'s dream, so he said he came to the company with his father.

When Zheng Shan was tired and went out for a walk, he saw the little guy holding a lot of snacks in his hands.

Candy, chocolate, etc., there is no shortage of these things.

In particular, there are many female employees around the little guy, and they can just stretch out their hands if they want to eat.

Seeing that Zheng Shan\'s heart is twitching, he will not be able to explain it to himself after going back this time.

"Don\'t eat it, you will lose your teeth." Zheng Shan hugged the little guy directly.

Seeing the boss coming, those employees also left immediately.

It\'s not that there are no female employees who want to fly directly onto the branches to become phoenixes, but there are quite a few people who seem to be like this.

But every time Zheng Shan encountered such a situation, he immediately fired and left.

He is not a sage and gentleman. First, he understands the reason why rabbits don\'t eat grass at the edge of the nest, and eating things will become very troublesome.

The second and most important point is that he cherishes his family very much, and loves his wife and son very much.

Niu Niu looked at the snacks that were taken away by his father, some wanted to make trouble, but he only shed two tears, and then saw that his father didn\'t even look at him, and took it back immediately, very realistic.

"Dad, can I come again next time?" Niuniu asked expectantly while holding Zheng Shan\'s thigh.

Zheng Shan looked down at the little guy and said angrily, "If you continue to eat like this, it\'s not just you who will suffer, your father and I will also be implicated."

"But you said that before, buy me candy to eat." The little guy said with big eyes.

Zheng Shan: ......

In the afternoon, Zheng Shan looked at the little guy by his side, and really didn\'t dare to let him out. Because he ate too many snacks and candies in the morning, the little guy didn\'t eat a single bite at noon.

Played with his son for a while, and waited for him to fall asleep before Zheng Shan continued to work.

"Boss, the design draft from Mr. Bei has already been sent, please take a look." Brother Xia Lai said.

Zheng Shan took a look. The design drawings were very detailed. Zheng Shan just picked out some renderings and looked at them, feeling very satisfied.

"That\'s it, you can settle the design fee. By the way, have you found a new office space?" Zheng Shan asked.

The building needs to be rebuilt here, and Zheng Shan naturally needs to find a new office location.

"I found it, do you want to take a look?" Brother Xia Lai asked.

She had already done these things in advance.

"No, I can rest assured when you do things." Zheng Shan waved his hands, it was just a temporary transitional office space.

"At the same time, everyone cleaned up recently, and it will be completed within two months, and then go to the temporary office to work."

"The company will subsidize some housing allowances."

Many people are renting near the current company and moving to a new place, it is estimated that they need to re-rent.

"Okay, I\'ll let you know."


"Let\'s go, let\'s pick up mom first, then grandma." Zheng Shan took the little guy\'s little hand downstairs.

It\'s just that Niu Niu has always been reluctantly looking at the door of Zheng Shan\'s office, but there are so many delicious foods hidden in it.

No matter how reluctant he is, Zheng Shan has already eaten so many sweets today, and it is really impossible to eat any more.

I brought the little guy to the gate of the school first, and it didn\'t take long to see Yan Qingqing come out.

"Mom." Before Zheng Shan got off the car, the little guy stuck out half of his body, and Yan Qingqing immediately stepped forward.

"Be careful, you will cry again when you fall." Yan Qingqing taught her a lesson.

"I don\'t cry, I\'m a man." Niu Niu said with a look on his face.

Yan Qingqing scratched his little nose happily, "Xing Xing Xing, you are a little man Xing Xing."

Zheng Shan and the others soon came to the art troupe. Zhong Huixiu and Fu Meiyi were both playing here.

Now Zhong Huixiu is very familiar with the people in the art troupe. If people don\'t know it, they would think she is also a member of the art troupe.

Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing held Niuniu\'s small hand, walked in and came to the rehearsal room.

They arrived just in time, and after spending a little time outside, it was over.

"Grandma." The little guy broke free from his parents\' big hands and ran over immediately. He was still the closest to his grandmother. There was no way. Whoever let him grow up was brought up by his grandmother.

Then a group of aunts surrounded the little guy and teased her, and it seemed that they were familiar with the little guy.

The little guy\'s mouth is also very sweet, shouting one by one.

When it was almost time, Zhong Huixiu and Fu Meiyi were also ready to leave, "This is your son and daughter. They are really talented and beautiful, and they are a natural pair."

At this time, it seemed that someone saw Zheng Shan and the two of them and praised them one after another~www.novelhall.com~ Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing also hurriedly said hello, and just like that, they stayed here for a while before leaving.

"Send me home." Fu Meiyi said.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Mom, you still have to cook when you go back. Let\'s go to my house to eat together."

"Yes, it just so happens that I still have a few movements that I don\'t understand. You can teach me again." Zhong Huixiu also said.

Fu Meiyi is at home alone now. When she is free, she comes to find Zhong Huixiu to play with and meet her grandson.

As for finding another wife and the like, Fu Meiyi is completely out of ideas. She is already desperate for these things and doesn\'t think about it anymore.

Fu Meiyi did not refuse upon seeing this, and followed Zheng Shan\'s house.

"Mom, don\'t cook anymore. You\'re all so tired. I\'ll ask someone to bring it here." After arriving home, Zheng Shan looked at his mother and Fu Meiyi as they prepared to pack up and cook again, and said quickly.

Zhong Huixiu was also really tired. Hearing the words, she said, "Then you can order two dishes, don\'t sell more."

"Okay, by the way, Dad, what do you want to eat?" Zheng Shan asked.

Zheng Jianguo also just came back not long ago. He heard that he was going to eat restaurant food today, and he also came to the spirit.

Zhong Huixiu\'s cooking can only be said to be not bad, but for someone like Zheng Jianguo who has been eating for decades, it is still a little tired.

But Zheng Jianguo didn\'t dare to say that every time he called Mingfenglou\'s meal, Zheng Jianguo felt like it was a holiday.

"Get me some snacks, I want to drink some in the evening." Zheng Jianguo said immediately.

Zhong Huixiu just rolled her eyes when she heard the words, and was too lazy to say to him, "Okay, I\'ll accompany you to drink a little in the evening." Zheng Shan agreed with a smile.