Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 713: Leave

"What\'s wrong with you guys? And I remember at the beginning, you guys seemed to say that it would take a while to pass this time, why are you coming back now?" Seeing the two of them like this, Zheng Lan suddenly became suspicious.

At the beginning, she didn\'t think much about it, but she was already very happy when she saw her husband came back safely.

But now seeing the two of them like this, I have some doubts in my heart.

Yuan Xiaohua was the same, but she glanced at Zheng Kui calmly and didn\'t speak.

But the more she is like this, the more hairy Zheng Kui\'s heart is.

"Cough, it\'s okay, things went well in the past this time, so I came back early." It was Zheng Shan who relieved them.

Zheng Lan didn\'t believe it, looked at her brother and said, "Dashan, don\'t fool me for your brother-in-law, I\'m your sister."

Zheng Shan said dumbfoundedly, "How could it be, and are you thinking crooked?"

Zheng Shan actually saw them like this, and knew that it was probably going to be bad.

"I didn\'t play around outside, I just encountered something, and I was afraid that you would be worried, so I didn\'t speak." Zheng Shan explained.

Although these words did not reassure the two women, they did not ask any more questions.

Zheng Weijun also hurriedly rounded up the situation and inquired about the situation on Lao Maozi\'s side, and even his parents were very interested in it.

After all, they all experienced the era when they had the best relationship with Lao Maozi, so they were more interested there.


After dinner, everyone dispersed. Wen Jie and Zheng Lan also returned home. When Wen Jie closed the door and was about to go to bed, he saw Zheng Lan looking at him with a cold face.

Wen Jie\'s heart skipped a beat, and before he could speak, Zheng Lan said, "Tell me, what\'s the matter with you?"

"No, no, I can hide anything from you." Wen Jie flattered.

Zheng Lan was unmoved, "I know that my two younger brothers were at the dinner table before. I wanted to save your face for you. I didn\'t ask any more questions. Now that they are back, you still want to hide it from me?"

"Wife, there really isn\'t, and it\'s not what you think." Wen Jie said.

He also saw that Zheng Lan was someone he was messing around with outside, but how was this possible.

"Then you are saying, what the **** is going on." Zheng Lan said.

Wen Jie didn\'t talk about it, he probably didn\'t want to sleep tonight, so he didn\'t hide it, and told everything.

Of course, he said it selectively. He didn\'t say anything about the death of Scarface.

But even so, Zheng Lan was startled after hearing this, and hurriedly got out of bed to check on Wen Jie\'s situation.

Although now her husband is standing in front of her in good condition, Zheng Lan is still a little worried.

Seeing his wife caring so much about him, Wen Jie\'s originally uncomfortable emotions were instantly swept away.

"Wife, I\'m fine." Wen Jie hugged Zheng Lan and said.

He can think of it now that he understands, don\'t care about old couples, when it\'s time to be gentle and romantic, don\'t care about face.

Sure enough, after Zheng Lan was hugged by him, she stopped talking and cuddled in his arms.

But soon, Zheng Lan came back to her senses from this warm scene, "I told you not to go back then, but if you insisted on going, you also caused my brother to suffer together. If there are no mountains, I\'ll see what you can do."

After arguing with Zheng Lan for so many years, Wen Jie now has a means to coax Zheng Lan. As long as some fundamental issues are not involved, Wen Jie will choose to back down.

Just like this time, "Okay, wife, I know I\'m wrong, and I also know that life is the most important thing, so I\'m very cooperative."

"And you don\'t know the situation at the time. I have stopped holding them accountable, and I am even willing to bear the previous losses, but they are still relentless."

"It\'s not my fault this time, it\'s all the discontented guys."

Zheng Lan glared at him and said, "You\'re right."

"No, my wife, I know I\'m wrong, right? I\'m very sleepy now, I really want to sleep." Wen Jie said.

Zheng Lan looked at him with a tired face, and then thought about what he said, the crime he suffered at Lao Maozi\'s side, opened his mouth, stopped talking, packed up, and let him go to bed.


Zheng Shan woke up refreshed the next day. As for Yan Qingqing, it is estimated that he will have to ask for leave this morning.

After breakfast, Zheng Shan went to Zhao Ming\'s side, and Zheng Shan hadn\'t given their money yet.

Moreover, Zheng Shan also thought about leaving these people behind. He has to go there in the future, and these people can be considered to have passed the test.

So instead of looking for someone temporarily, it is better to stay by your side. If you have something in the future, you can directly arrange for them to do it.

When Zheng Shan came here, brother Xia Lai arrived with the money.

As for Zhao Ming and others, they got up earlier and were still exercising by themselves. When they were at home, they had slowly let go of these habits.

But after this period of time, the habit of exercising in the army was slowly picked up for them again. If you don\'t exercise a day, your body will feel a little uncomfortable.

Zheng Shan and the two had been waiting for them to exercise almost before they walked over.

"Boss." Zhao Ming came over sweating profusely.

Zheng Shan smiled and said, "How was your rest last night?"

"It\'s all okay~www.novelhall.com~ Thank you boss for your concern." Zhao Ming said quickly.

Zheng Shan motioned for him to call everyone over, then took the money from younger brother Xia Lai, and handed it out to them one by one.

"The 10,000 yuan is a reward for you, and it was agreed before." Zheng Shan said after sending the money.

Yang Zhibing and others actually felt that it was a bit hot to hold the money, and they felt that they didn\'t do anything at all, so they took 20,000 back and forth.

To know that they are usually in their hometown, it is very, very good to be able to have dozens or hundreds of them a month.

How long has it been now, and I got 20,000 directly, and the most important thing is that I didn\'t do anything.

Although Yang Zhibing and the two planned to kill Scarface, in their opinion, this is only a matter of making up for it.

Zheng Shan looked at them and said, "You deserve this money too. In addition, after this time, we both have some mutual understanding."

"So I won\'t beat around the bush about some things. On my side, I will also need some security forces in the future. If you are willing to stay, you will be treated the same as Zhao Ming and the others in the future. , I also thank you all for taking care of me during this time.”

Hearing Zheng Shan\'s words, Zhao Ming and Wang Hu didn\'t speak, Yang Zhibing and the others looked at each other in dismay, a little moved.

"Boss, we don\'t know much." Yang Zhibing scratched his head.

Zheng Shandao: "It\'s fine as before. I\'m not asking you to manage the company, you just need to protect my safety."

"Thank you boss, I am willing to stay." Yang Zhibing said first.