Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 710: award

Zheng Shan looked at the two and said, "I really did this thing."

He didn\'t hide anything. Although he was a little worried that his younger brother and brother-in-law were a little uncomfortable with the dead, he didn\'t think about not telling them.

After Zheng Shan finished speaking, Zheng Kui stood up abruptly, "Brother, you are really my brother, so awesome!"

Seeing Zheng Kui\'s excited face, Zheng Shan had a headache again at this time, and warned: "Don\'t think about bullying others, if you dare to do this, I..."

Before Zheng Shan finished speaking, Zheng Kui said, "I know, break my leg."

Zheng Shan was choked for a moment, and immediately smashed the chopsticks in his hand, this guy would rush to answer.

Zheng Kui said quickly: "Brother, don\'t be angry, you don\'t know who I am, I can\'t do such a thing."

Zheng Shan also believed in this, he just warned Zheng Kui just now.

As for Wen Jie, he recovered his senses at this time, and the look in Zheng Shan\'s eyes was a bit complicated. It wasn\'t the fear of alienation, but an increasingly blurred feeling. Zheng Shan seemed to have a heavy fog on his body.

Although Wen Jie has always been incapable of seeing Zheng Shan, he used to feel that it was okay, that is, he had more money and a wider network.

But after this time, Wen Jie knew that was not the case.

"Dashan, this won\'t cause you any trouble." Wen Jie asked.

Zheng Shandao: "It\'s okay, there will definitely be a little trouble, but it\'s still within the acceptable range."

The biggest trouble is that he needs to leave here immediately, instead of staying for a while longer as originally planned.

This time the trouble is so big, it will definitely attract some attention, and he needs to leave here early.

"Sorry for causing you trouble." Wen Jie said.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Brother-in-law, it\'s okay, we need to leave here as soon as possible, I don\'t want to be watched every day."

"The next time you come again, it is estimated that it will be two or three years later, brother-in-law, take advantage of the time in the past two days to arrange things on your side.

I believe that after experiencing this time, no one will make any stumbling in private, and you can also do your business with peace of mind. "

Even if Zheng Shan said so, Wen Jie was still a little bit unhappy. This time, it was he who brought it up, but in the end, Zheng Shan took a lot of effort to deal with it, and even died.

Zheng Shan also had to leave this side in advance. He didn\'t know if this would affect Zheng Shan\'s affairs.

Wen Jie also knew that Zheng Shan must have his own ideas here. Although he hadn\'t come here a few times, he knew some things.

Zheng Kui didn\'t have a door on his mouth, and he thought there was nothing he couldn\'t say about these things, plus the show-off in his heart, and Wen Jie naturally knew everything.

Even if Wen Jie didn\'t ask, he just said it himself.

Lin Sheng came over just after eating here. He has been running outside all day, and now he is almost done with things.

It\'s just about the same, and every ten days and a half months after that, the rest is not small.

"Thank you for your hard work." Zheng Shan said.

Lin Sheng smiled and said, "Serving the boss is nothing but hard work."

"Haha, okay, don\'t flatter yourself, by the way, do you want to stay here or go back now?" Zheng Shan started talking about business.

Lin Sheng said without hesitation, "I\'ll stay here."

He knew that after returning home, Zheng Shan would definitely arrange better and higher positions for him, which was also his pursuit in the past.

Isn\'t the reason why Lin Sheng came here to be promoted as soon as possible?

But now let him go back, but he is a little reluctant. Everything here is done by himself, and he is reluctant.

The most important thing is that in Lin Sheng\'s view, if the things here are done well, it will be a great credit.

Go back after you\'re done, and you\'ll get more rewards.

Zheng Shan didn\'t persuade him, but said, "You also need to be careful. If you can do something, you can do it, and if you can\'t do it, it doesn\'t matter."

"It\'s okay to lose a little money, safety is the most important thing."

"Thank you boss for your concern, I know the importance." Lin Sheng said gratefully.

Zheng Shan thought for a while and said, "I may set up a business group in the future. This business group will integrate some of my messy business companies. You can read more books on this in the future and learn more experience."

This is a matter of telling him clearly, from now on this business group will be in charge of him.

Lin Sheng heard that his heart was beating like a drum, and he felt the vibration all over when he picked it up.

The business group, since Zheng Shan has mentioned it now, the scale is definitely not small.

Taking a few deep breaths, Lin Sheng eased the excitement in his heart and told himself not to lose his temper.

"Thank you boss for your attention, I will definitely work hard." Lin Sheng said firmly.

All the hard work paid off, and this time the reward is amazing!

The reason why Zheng Shan did this was actually not what Lin Sheng did. If Lin Sheng couldn\'t stand it, Zheng Shan would just give some more money or just a little company stock under his banner.

Mainly because Lin Sheng\'s ability is stronger, which Zheng Shan has seen during this time.

Although with his financial assistance, Lin Sheng doesn\'t need to worry about money, but to be able to play such a situation in a short period of time, Lin Sheng\'s ability is beyond doubt.

This time Liao Hai\'s incident is the proof!

Therefore, Zheng Shan is very optimistic about Lin Sheng.

Zheng Shan patted his shoulder and said, "Do it well."


After talking about this matter, Zheng Shan said again: "You make arrangements, I will leave here in two days."

Lin Sheng originally wanted to mention this matter, but he still didn\'t know how to speak, and he didn\'t expect Zheng Shan to bring it up himself.

Sure enough, following such a big boss is comfortable.

"I\'ll arrange ~www.novelhall.com~ Boss, do you need me to prepare some local specialties?" Lin Sheng said.

Zheng Shan almost forgot about this, it was the matter of Zheng Kui and the others that made him not want to think about anything else for a while.

"Get ready, you don\'t need to prepare too much." Zheng Shan said.

"The other thing is my brother-in-law\'s business. You can help take care of it."

Lin Sheng nodded, indicating that he understood.

After talking with Lin Sheng for a while, Zheng Shan asked him to continue dealing with Liao Hai, so he didn\'t need to stay here.

He called Zhao Ming and Wang Hu over, "You guys pay more attention in the past two days, we will leave in two days."

"Also, Yang Zhibing did a good job this time."

The reason why Scarface was shot this time has a lot to do with Yang Zhibing. He went ahead and set up a bureau, and when the police arrived, he saw Scarface holding a gun and shot him directly on the spot. .
