Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 711: stalking

Zhao Ming breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Zheng Shan\'s words. In his opinion, Yang Zhibing and Yang Zhibing made a big mistake this time, and now they have finally made up for it.

"Everyone did a good job this time. After returning home, everyone will be given a bonus of 10,000 yuan." Zheng Shan said.

The 10,000 yuan was given by what these people did last night.

At the critical moment, no one dropped the chain, and Zheng Shan could see that they were all mentally prepared, and none of them backed down.

That\'s great and totally worth the bonus.

After listening, Zhao Ming said quickly: "Boss, no, it\'s too much, and we didn\'t do anything."

It\'s not that he didn\'t want his brothers to take more money, but Zhao Ming always believed that they could take the money that should be taken, but not a cent of the money that should not be taken.

Zheng Shandao: "I know if there is anything to do, okay, just do as I say, and you all cheer up these two days, and pay attention to the movement around you."

Zheng Shan said so, Zhao Ming didn\'t say much, and then went out to arrange various things.

Zheng Shan came to the study room to deal with urgent matters as soon as possible, and had already arranged some goals for Lin Sheng for the next two years.


The next day Wen Jie, accompanied by Yang Zhibing, came to his company again.

Seeing Wen Jie, Wu Limin, who was staying here, was a little surprised. Although he knew that Wen Jie had returned safely, he didn\'t see it after all.

"Mr. Wen." Wu Limin stepped forward quickly.

Wen Jie said, "How is the situation now?"

"Mr. Wen, the goods are still there. Scarface and the others haven\'t removed the goods. We basically have nothing to lose." Wu Limin said.

After speaking, he couldn\'t help but ask, "Mr. Wen, are they with Scarface......"

Wen Jie looked at him, finally thought about it and said, "Yes."


Wen Jie didn\'t reply, but Wu Limin\'s heart was shocked beyond words.

He quickly came back to his senses and said in a low voice, "Boss, several Lin Hua came to intercede and want you to spare them."

"Let them die wherever they are." Wen Jie said with a cold face.

Lin Hua was his former employee, and he kidnapped them together with Scarface. Lin Sheng hasn\'t taken care of them yet. After all, Scarface and Liao Hai are the ones who \'take care\' of them first. As for the little fish below, no Need to hurry.

Now these people are already frightened, they are not staying here, nor are they going back.

You must know that they are Wen Jie\'s employees, not now, nor before.

Wen Jie knew their situation, and even knew where their family lived. After returning home, it would be even more uncomfortable.

It became easier for Wen Jie to take care of them in the country, and he didn\'t even need Zheng Shan to take action.

So they can only come over now and beg Wen Jie\'s forgiveness.

I stayed here for a long time yesterday, but I couldn\'t see Wen Jie before leaving in fright.

"You can stay here in the future, you don\'t have to follow me back, and you don\'t have to worry about safety, just be careful yourself." Wen Jie said.

Wu Limin definitely didn\'t want to stay here when Wen Jie and the others were kidnapped. Even though he had already made plans when he came, he didn\'t expect it to be so dangerous.

But now, Wu Limin is willing to stay, and he also believes that after this time, no one will dare to provoke them again.

In addition, Wen Jie gave a lot of money, so he was still willing to stay.

"Okay, no one dares to provoke us now." Wu Limin said excitedly.

Wen Jie glanced at him and said, "From now on, you can do business honestly, and don\'t mix things that shouldn\'t be mixed in."

"I also told you clearly that this time I am completely relying on my brother-in-law Zheng Shan, not because of myself."

"Hey, I know, I\'m not excited." Wu Limin laughed.

"Also, Mr. Wen, you may not know how many people are thinking of Boss Zheng now."

Wen Jie was a little surprised: "What\'s going on?"

"It\'s like this, the people with Scarface are the black sheep in our group. I don\'t know how many people have been harmed and how many people have been bullied."

"Everyone on this side has been bullied by them more or less, and sometimes, it may be a year for nothing, and even lose a life."

"Now that they are dead and caught, everyone is naturally happy."

Wen Jie wasn\'t quite sure about this, but it seemed understandable when they thought about how arrogant they were with Scarface.

Wen Jie doesn\'t care about these things very much, he only cares about his own business now.


"Boss, someone is watching us outside." Zhao Ming came over to report.

Zheng Shan sighed, he had already guessed it would be like this, "Go and make arrangements for going back, we will leave in the next two days."

"Okay." Zhao Ming left after saying that.

Zheng Shan looked at Zheng Kui, "How do you explain when you go back here? I haven\'t watched you do anything for so many days."

Zheng Kui came here in the name of buying a car this time. Now that he hasn\'t got a car, Zheng Shan didn\'t have time to take care of his affairs before, and he also wanted to let him do it himself and exercise.

Who knew that Zheng Kui didn\'t care about this matter at all.

"Hey, it\'s alright, I\'ll just say it\'s not easy to buy here for the time being." Zheng Kui said indifferently.

Zheng Shan said amusingly: "You are not afraid that your daughter-in-law will go back and make trouble with you."

Zheng Shan is also a little funny about Yuan Xiaohua\'s sister-in-law, and often has some minor conflicts with Zheng Kui. The key point is that many of these minor conflicts are about money, and Zheng Kui doesn\'t pay much attention to money.

"It\'s okay, although Xiaohua likes money, she also knows what\'s wrong." Zheng Kui said.

He knows his daughter-in-law. Although he likes money, he is not the kind who can\'t walk after seeing money.

It\'s just that I used to be poor.

"Okay, you can do your own business by yourself. I don\'t have time to worry about your business here. If it really doesn\'t work, you can pick up the car at the Phoenix Motor Company over in Modu~www.novelhall.com~ I\'ll give you the cost price. ." Zheng Shan said.

Now the Phoenix Automobile Manufacturing Company has developed trucks, but because the price is relatively expensive, the sales in China are not good.

Now I have begun to try to reduce the cost. The requirement given by Zheng Shan is that it can be opened, and it is not easy to break.

The reason why Zheng Kui was not allowed to go before was also because the price was too high, so it was unnecessary.

Zheng Kui didn\'t care much, but he would not refuse the benefits given by his brother.

"Okay, when I go back, I\'ll pick up the car." Zheng Kui said.

Zheng Shandao: "You also go out for a walk, buy something to bring back."

"Can I go out now?" Zheng Kui was taken aback.

Zheng Shandao: "Just staring at us to prevent them from making trouble, it\'s not a confinement."

"Then I\'ll go out and see if there is anything good." Zheng Kui said.
