Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 709: destruction

Liao Hai rushed out, and immediately saw police officers rushing in with weapons in hand, and his heart suddenly panicked.

Immediately, he saw an acquaintance, and just as he was about to go up to say hello, he was controlled.

"Liao Hai, you are suspected of illegally opening a casino, bribing, instigating the kidnapping of others... Now you are being arrested according to law." The acquaintance stepped forward with a blank expression.

Liao Hai\'s heart was completely cold when he heard the words, he looked at the person in front of him and said, "I was wronged."

That person knows what this sentence means, just ask for help.

Glancing at Liao Hai, he sighed softly, "I didn\'t wrong you."

This sentence is to show that there is no hope.

"Why?" Liao Hai asked, looking at the person in front of him.

Although he had some guesses, he couldn\'t believe it. He would rather believe that he had offended the big man on Lao Maozi\'s side.

Because in Liao Hai\'s opinion, he is not surprised that Zheng Shan has such a great ability in China, he can only take it for granted.

But here, Zheng Shan obviously came much later than him, and there is only one stream asset management company here.

He has also investigated, it is just a company, and it does not involve too many things, just to make some money.

He has made friends with many big people. Anyway, in Liao Hai\'s opinion, he is a big person, and he has also saved the life of a big person.

Otherwise, Liao Hai would not have developed to this point in a short period of time.

But at this moment, no one came out to speak to him.

At this moment, Lin Sheng came out from behind, looked at Liao Hai, and said softly in Chinese, "You shouldn\'t kidnap the boss\' brother."

Liao Hai saw Lin Sheng come out, and a little illusion in his heart was shattered, "It\'s not me, I don\'t know at all, and I have handed over the person completely."

Lin Sheng said, "If you say it\'s not you, then you\'re not?"

He said with a sneering smile, "Besides, if that scar face wasn\'t with his back to you, do you think he would dare to do such a thing?"

"You have all killed Scar, don\'t you vent your anger?" Liao Hai glared at him.

"To vent your anger? You think too much, just give some warnings to people like you." Lin Sheng said softly.

In fact, he didn\'t look down on people like Liao Hai at all, especially his loyalty. In Lin Sheng\'s opinion, such a person should be killed ten thousand times.

For the so-called loyalty, Liao Hai was able to ignore the law and human life.

Those who followed him didn\'t know how many bad things they had done, didn\'t Liao Hai know?

Of course he knew, but he didn\'t care.

Another point, Liao Hai has also changed a long time ago, although it is still the so-called loyalty, but these loyalty also need to be maintained with money.

Of those people who followed him, who did not give him a confession?

After Lin Sheng finished speaking, he stared at Liao Hai stubbornly, not letting go of every trace of his reaction. To his disappointment, there was not much resentment on Liao Hai\'s face.

This made him sigh lightly, but Lin Sheng also knew that unless Liao Hai really resisted by himself, he would not be Liao Hai today.

Because although some people agreed, there were also people who wanted to save his life.

"I want to meet Mr. Zheng, but he misunderstood me." Liao Hai wanted to struggle.

Lin Sheng said, "The boss doesn\'t want to see you."

"What Scar did is really not what I instructed. Even if I had the guts, I wouldn\'t dare to do it." Liao Hai argued.

Lin Sheng said: "But he has the courage to do this because of you. Didn\'t I make it clear?"

"Also, Liao Hai, do you feel that you are wronged?"

Liao Hai looked at Lin Sheng and did not speak, of course he felt that he was wronged.

Scarface\'s self-assertion should be for Scarface to bear by himself, how could he suffer such an innocent disaster.

"Is there one point of all the crimes that the police officer accused you of wronging you?" Lin Sheng looked at him and asked.

Liao Hai frowned, but still didn\'t speak.

Lin Sheng ignored him and said to himself, "There is not one thing that has wronged you, and there are even many that have not been said."

"How many people who came out to make a living, were swindled by you or your people, and even lost their lives."

Liao Hai sighed softly and said, "It\'s all about winning the king and losing the bandit."

His heart is desperate, he has worked so hard and has taken so much luck to make such a big family business.

I thought that I would not be afraid of Zheng Shan, at least in this film, but I didn\'t expect that Zheng Shan would deal with him so easily that he didn\'t even show up.

It was only at this moment that he really woke up and realized how big the gap between himself and Zheng Shan was.

Lin Sheng seemed to see what he was thinking, and said with a smile, "You should also be glad you are here. If you are in other places, such as Europe and the United States, it will be easier and more convenient for the boss to clean up you."

Liao Hai looked at him and stopped talking. He didn\'t want to die, so he didn\'t resist, and he had no other thoughts at this time.

As he said, winning the king and losing the bandit, he thought he could accept it.


The destruction of Liao Hai\'s gang was completed in just one day. Many people didn\'t react at first, but at night, this explosive news spread in all Chinese circles.

Some people or a huge part of people can\'t believe this news, is it too fake?

They know how capable and arrogant the Liao Hai group of people is, and now they have all been arrested.

Immediately, one after another, untrue news spread out.

The most reliable statement is that Liao Hai\'s subordinates offended a big man, kidnapped the big man\'s relatives, and then got implicated.

Why is it so reliable?

Because there was such a big riot last night, they all shot, but many people saw it, and also saw Zheng Shan take people away.

The next day, Liao Hai\'s group was destroyed, and even Scarface died directly, so many people think this statement is the most reliable.

I have to say that because of Liao Hai\'s incident, the entire daddy circle was cleared up.

Many of them have suffered from the losses of people like Liao Hai, but Liao Hai and the others are powerful, and these people can only admit that they are unlucky.


Zheng Shan and the others are having dinner, Zheng Kui and Wen Jie are both absent-minded and don\'t know what they are thinking.

They also heard the news, and they were a little confused at this time.

Especially Wen Jie, he didn\'t expect the arrogant scar face before, and he died at this moment.

"Just say what you want to say, don\'t give me this dead appearance." Zheng Shan looked at Zheng Kui who was hesitant to say anything~www.novelhall.com~ opened and closed his mouth, suddenly a little angry said.

Zheng Kui said quickly, "Brother, are they all true?"

"What is true or false?" Zheng Shan pretended not to know.

Zheng Kui was scratching his head anxiously, "It\'s about that Scarface and Liao Hai."

Zheng Shan smiled and said, "Of course it\'s true."

"Really? Brother, then..." Zheng Kui couldn\'t ask.

Zheng Shan looked at him calmly and said, "Are you asking if I did it?"

Zheng Kui nodded, and Wen Jie also looked up at Zheng Shan, wanting to know the answer, which shocked them too much.

Because Zheng Shan gave them the impression that he was always peaceful and seldom angry.

Last night, what Zheng Shan said about taking your life to your death, Wen Jie just thought that Zheng Shan was just talking harshly, but he didn\'t expect it to be true.
