Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 700: a few tons

Zheng Shan didn\'t expect that Hao Wu actually got a gold mine here. No wonder he looked like this at this time. He probably stayed in the mountains for a long time.

Zheng Shan didn\'t ask Hao Wu how he got the gold mine, let alone where it was or how big it was. He wasn\'t particularly interested in these.

When Hao Wu saw that Zheng Shan was about to refuse again, he quickly said, "Brother Shan, this money is yours.

Zheng Shan said somewhat unexpectedly: "So, you came to me to borrow money for this gold mine, not for business?"

"That\'s not true. This gold mine was obtained later, but it was also because of your money." Hao Wu laughed.

Zheng Shan said, "Let\'s go ahead and talk about it."

Looking at these dog-headed gold, he said with a smile: "I\'ll take care of this, and forget about the rest."

Zheng Shan didn\'t want to get involved, he didn\'t have time to delay, and he wasn\'t particularly interested in it.

If Hao Wu\'s gold mine is particularly large, it is uncertain, but if it is a small mine, Zheng Shan really has no interest at all.

After entering the house, the food here is almost ready, and Zheng Shan and the others can start drinking soon after they sit down.

"It can be seen that I have worked hard in the past two years." Zheng Shan raised his glass.

Hao Wu hurriedly raised a glass to meet Zheng Shan, and then sighed, "Who said no, but now I\'ve turned a corner, and everything is fine."

Hao Wu was talking about some of his things, and Zheng Shan and the others also listened quietly. When he talked about the gold mine again, Zheng Kui asked curiously, "Brother Wu, how did you dig out this gold? ? Sell it directly?"

"Yes, this time we went to Kyiv to sell, but the price is not very good."

Said and looked at Zheng Shandao: "Brother Shan, I also have this idea of ​​letting you own the shares. You can help me deal with this gold, or it will be too much of a loss."

Zheng Shandao: "It\'s fine, as long as your gold is not stolen or stolen, then it\'s fine, just find Lin Sheng directly and let Lin Sheng handle it for you."

There is no surprise to this Zheng Shan, and for him, dealing with this bit of gold is not a big deal.

"Brother Shan, we have several gold mines, so digging is not difficult." Hao Wudao.

How many tons? Not too little, Zheng Shan nodded, but not too much, but not too little.

According to the current gold price, five tons is more than 70 million US dollars.

"It\'s not bad. If there are eight or nine tons, it will be almost one hundred million US dollars. I will charge you a little more for the handling fee." Zheng Shan joked.

Hao Wu could see that Zheng Shan was really not interested in this gold.

The fact is the same. If there are dozens of tons, Zheng Shan may be interested, and at that point, Hao Wu can\'t control it. It is good for him to introduce Zheng Shan.

But now this is only a few tons, and the value is only 100 million US dollars. What Zheng Shan is doing now is not a thing of 102 million US dollars.

He didn\'t want to waste his energy on this.

"What price did you sell your gold at?" Zheng Shan asked.

It\'s a bit of a headache to mention this Hao Wu, "It only sells for more than two hundred dollars an ounce."

He didn\'t dare to sell it in one house, and he would switch to another one every time. Even so, he had already been targeted several times.

If it weren\'t for his cleverness and some ability, it is estimated that it would be over by now.

Zheng Shandao: "This is a direct cut in half. What is the current gold price?"

Zheng Shan asked the next brother Xia Lai, who said, "About four hundred and forty dollars an ounce."

"The price of gold has been relatively stable recently, hovering around $440 to $460."

Hao Wu also knew about it, but he didn\'t have any channels to make money. He didn\'t find Lin Sheng before, mainly because he didn\'t want to cause trouble to Zheng Shan.

Moreover, he was actually afraid that Lin Sheng would have some thoughts that he shouldn\'t have. Except for Zheng Shan and the two people around him, no one in Hao Wu would want to believe it now.

"When the time comes, let Lin Sheng handle it for you. It is estimated that some handling fees will be charged, but the minimum will be $400 per ounce." Zheng Shan said. ,

Hao Wu scratched his head and said, "Brother Shan, I\'m sincere, I\'m going to leave some of this gold for you."

He really really wanted to give Zheng Shan a part of his thoughts. He just said that Zheng Shan would help him deal with it, just to give him a reason to let Zheng Shan be willing to hold the gold.

But now Zheng Shan should help and help, but he doesn\'t take the gold, which makes Hao Wu feel that he owes Zheng Shan more and more.

Zheng Shan waved his hand and said, "It\'s your luck that you can get this gold mine. I won\'t get involved, and I don\'t have time to get involved with these things."

Seeing Zheng Shan say this, Hao Wu finally stopped talking and scratched his head in distress.

Zhou Lin and the two next to him were a little dazed. When they heard Hao Wu\'s words at first, they were a little worried.

But the development of the matter exceeded their expectations. They didn\'t want to give it to Zheng Shan for nothing, and seeing Zheng Shan like this was neither polite nor embarrassed, as if he simply disliked it.

This made them a bit at a loss, knowing that when this gold mine was discovered, it was dead.

"Don\'t think too much about it, everyone is relatives, and you should help." Zheng Shan saw Hao Wu\'s thoughts and was relieved.

"If you really feel that you owe me, then have a drink with me tonight."

Hao Wu didn\'t think too much after hearing the words, "Okay, then I\'ll give my life to accompany the gentleman."

"Haha, come on, do it!"

Zheng Shan and several people were drinking thoroughly, one cup after another, but the food didn\'t move a few chopsticks.

The chef here is naturally a domestic chef~www.novelhall.com~ Lin Sheng has already helped arrange it.

"What are you going to do after you finish all the gold? Do you want to go back to China to do something, or do you want to stay here?" Zheng Shan asked.

Hao Wudao: "I haven\'t thought about it for a while."

"If you have time, think about it. After the gold is finished this time, you have a lot of money in your hands. If you want to encounter gold mines in the future, it will be difficult. It is good to do something with this money. of."

"Now there is no need for the past in China. After you finish these gold mines, it is estimated that the business environment will be completely liberalized. At that time, you can make a lot of money by investing some casually."

Hao Wu scratched his head and smirked: "Hey, let\'s talk about it later, I\'m not in a hurry now."

Zheng Shan didn\'t force it, he just said it.

Zheng Shan and the others drank a lot this night. They were all drunk. Hao Wu and the others also stayed here. After drinking so much, they couldn\'t go back.