Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 701: witness

At noon, when Zheng Shan finished washing up and was about to eat something, he saw Zheng Kui, Hao Wu and the others standing in front of the garden chatting.

"Wake up so early." Zheng Shan said casually.

At the same time, he also remembered something, "By the way, did my brother-in-law come back last night?"

Wen Jie has been out since he came, and there is no news yet.

Zhao Mingdao: "In the morning, Yang Zhibing called back and said that there was nothing to do, that is, yesterday Mr. Wen was there to settle accounts and meet some people."

Zheng Shan was relieved when he heard the words, as long as people were okay.

"If I don\'t go out, you have nothing to do, you can go around, and you can pay for the money you spend." Zheng Shan smiled.

Zhao Ming shook his head and said, "We are also unfamiliar with this place, and we don\'t understand the language, so it\'s boring to go out."

Some people wanted to go out, but when they heard Zhao Ming say so, they restrained their minds.

A bowl of porridge was prepared for Zheng Shan in the kitchen. Zheng Shan held the porridge like this, crouched on the ground and chatted with people while eating porridge.

When Zhou Lin and the others saw this scene, they couldn\'t react to it.

In such a luxurious manor, is it appropriate for you to do this?

On the other hand, Zheng Kui and the others were not surprised at all. Even Zheng Kui filled a bowl of porridge and squatted beside Zheng Shan to drink it.

"This porridge is pretty good." Zheng Kui said.

"You eat less, you\'ll have lunch later." Zheng Shan said.

When Lin Sheng came over, he was speechless even when he saw this scene, but he knew some of the worth of his big boss.

In particular, many of the people Lin Sheng came into contact with were also rich, and he had never seen such a rich person.

After Zheng Shan finished drinking the porridge, he put the bowls and chopsticks back, and said to Lin Sheng, "Hao Wu has a lot of gold on hand. You can take it away. The procedures will be done as normal, and the cost will be as much as you need."

Lin Sheng was a little surprised, but he didn\'t care. He didn\'t think Hao Wu had much gold, but when he heard Zheng Shan say that he had several meals, he didn\'t react.

"How much?" he asked involuntarily.

Hao Wu didn\'t hide it when he saw Zheng Shan by his side, and told the story. After hearing this, Lin Sheng had countless lies in his heart.

He didn\'t expect Hao Wu to have this opportunity.

But he recovered quickly. Now he has a lot of money, even more than the value of Hao Wu\'s entire gold mine combined. Although none of this money belongs to him, he is not so surprised.

After a casual meal at noon, Zheng Shan was going to go out for a walk, taking advantage of the fact that Moscow was still relatively safe to go around more.

Hao Wu was about to leave, but Zheng Shan didn\'t stay any longer, he just warned, "Everything is safe, don\'t you know what happened?"

"Got it, brother, don\'t worry, I\'m not stupid now." Hao Wu said with a smile.

He is no longer the foolish young man he used to be. He has gone through so many things, and even encountered more than one life-and-death crisis, and he has changed a long time ago.

That is, with Zheng Shan and the others, Hao Wu is willing to speak unreservedly. When encountering other people, Hao Wu\'s mind is no less than those people.

Seeing Hao Wu like this, Zheng Shan sighed, "I don\'t know if it was good or bad for you to come here."

Although it seems that such a change is good for Hao Wu, Zheng Shan can perceive that Hao Wu is in a state of restlessness.

It\'s probably going to be difficult for him to return to his previous life.

In fact, Zheng Shan saw it yesterday. At that time, Hao Wu was asked to go back to do some small business. He also had such an idea.

Because it will become more and more chaotic here, for Hao Wu and the others, although it is an opportunity, it is also accompanied by great danger.

But although Hao Wu didn\'t say it clearly yesterday, Zheng Shan could still see that he didn\'t want to go back.

Or rather, I don\'t want to live a peaceful life like I used to.

Just like the gold mine this time, what he wants is this rich life.

Hao Wu smiled and said: "Brother, you don\'t have to worry about me, I have a bad life, Hao Wu, and I will earn it no matter what."

After speaking, without waiting for Zheng Shan\'s reaction, he got in the car and left, "Brother, then I\'ll go first."

"Well, be careful on the road." Zheng Shan said.

When Hao Wu left, Zheng Shan looked at Zheng Kui beside him and suddenly said, "Don\'t be like Hao Wu, you have a wife and children at home."

Zheng Kui: ......

"Brother, which eye did you see that I wanted to be like him." Zheng Kui said unconvinced.

Zheng Shan snorted coldly: "Don\'t think I don\'t know what you\'re thinking, tell you, I didn\'t ask, honestly do business at home and earn a lot of money, if you dare to learn from him, see if I will Break your leg."

Zheng Shan could also see that his younger brother\'s mind gradually became more alive, especially when he heard that Hao Wu had brought in the gold mine, his mind became even more intense.

However, Zheng Kui also has self-knowledge, and it is very likely that he just thinks about it, but Zheng Shan wants to prevent him from all these possibilities.

After training the fourth child, Zheng Shan took people out for a walk, and Zheng Kui didn\'t feel anything. He was trained by Zheng Shan a lot since he was a child, and he felt more and less this time.

Especially since his wife and children are not around, it doesn\'t matter.

No matter what happened to him now, Zheng Shan would never say a harsh word to him in front of his wife and children.


When he came to the streets of Moscow, Zheng Shan could see pictures of some people playing the organ, wearing fashionable clothes, and singing and dancing on the street from time to time.

When young people are in love, they smile shyly from time to time.

All of these make Zheng Shan feel a little emotional. Who would have thought that the current situation would change so quickly.

"Take a picture of me." Zheng Shan said to his younger brother Xia Lai.

I don\'t know when, Zheng Shan likes to leave one or two pictures at such a moment, which is also a kind of testimony.

At this time, Moscow was still brilliant~www.novelhall.com~ with a stable environment, rich entertainment, and a prosperous life.

But after two or three years, this side will completely change, and there will be two extremes.

When Zheng Shan comes back next time, Zheng Shan will still take a picture at the same location.

Just like the one he took in Japan, after Japan\'s economic bubble bursts, Zheng Shan will go there again and take a photo at the same location.

I don\'t know if this counts as a stamp collection.

However, Zheng Shan still likes this. He has witnessed these histories himself, and it is a life in vain.

Brother Xia Lai had already prepared his camera. He took a lot of pictures at this time. Zheng Shan looked at it and said, "You also take some other pictures along the way."

Brother Xia Lai nodded, and then Zheng Kui couldn\'t help asking her to take two photos, which he wanted to send home.

Looking all the way, Zheng Shan\'s mood gradually calmed down. At this time, he suddenly felt that he was watching all this like an outsider.
