Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 699: gold mine

"It hits the nail on the head!" Zheng Shan praised.

"Hehe!" Zheng Kui smirked and touched his head, which was a little embarrassed by Zheng Shan\'s praise.

Zheng Kui has always admired his brother very much, and Zheng Shan rarely praised him, but trained him a lot, that is, after he got married, especially after he had children, he rarely trained him.

There is no way, in the face of subordinates, Zheng Shan will praise a little achievement. After all, people are for money, and he also needs others to work hard to make money for himself. Naturally, he needs to give motivation and spiritual encouragement.

But facing his own younger brother, Zheng Shan would not do this.

"Okay, just know what I said today, and these are all my guesses. If the guesses are wrong, then I will also lose a lot of money."

"So in the future, if you want to make investments, especially high-yield investments, you must consider the risk of failure." Zheng Shan began to teach again.

Zheng Kui nodded seriously. Although he didn\'t know what this matter meant, he also understood that Zheng Shan\'s guess was too important.

I didn\'t see that in order to tell him this, Zheng Shan almost didn\'t let people completely close this side.


"Hao Wu?" Zheng Shan called Hao Wu.

"Brother Shan?" Hao Wu\'s voice changed a bit, much rougher and louder than before.

Zheng Shandao: "It\'s me, where are you now?"

"I\'m here in Kyiv, Brother Shan, are you here?" Hao Wu said excitedly, as if he understood something.

Zheng Shandao: "Well, I\'m here in Moscow. If you have time, come over and let\'s get together."

"Okay, I\'ll go right now," Hao Wu said.

Zheng Shandao: "Don\'t worry, I will stay here for a while to do something, you can deal with your own affairs first."

"I don\'t have anything to do here. I\'ll drive there now, and I can get there in about six or seven hours." Hao Wu said.

"Okay, I\'ll wait for you to have dinner that night, and then have a drink." Zheng Shan said.


Speaking of which, Hao Wu hung up the phone and hurried over here.

Hao Wu is purely grateful to Zheng Shan. He basically doesn\'t go back to his hometown now, and he doesn\'t feel much about his relatives in his hometown.

However, he is not a heartless person, and he actually sends a lot of money back every year.

But for Zheng Shan and his family, Hao Wu is grateful from the bottom of his heart. Without Zheng Shan and the others, he would not have known where he died.


Almost busy with things, Xia Lai\'s brother followed Lin Sheng to hand over some things.

Since Zheng Shan is here, many things need to be handled by Zheng Shan himself, and he also needs to look at it clearly.

Brother Xia Lai, as Zheng Shan\'s secretary, needs to know in advance.

By the way, organize these documents and so on, and classify them according to Zheng Shan\'s habits.

In the afternoon, Zheng Shan was sleeping. After taking the train for such a long time, although he lived well, he was still a little tired.

But Zheng Shan didn\'t dare to say more, for fear that he wouldn\'t be able to sleep at night, and he was woken up by the alarm clock after almost three hours of sleep.

Get up, take a shower, and move your body.


"Brother Shan, Dakui is here too." Hao Wu drove the car into the manor, got off the car, and hugged Zheng Shan excitedly.

Zheng Shan looked at Hao Wu at this time, a little stunned, with a rough face, a shaggy beard, and messy hair.

When he was looking at Hao Wu, the two people who followed Hao Wu were also looking at Zheng Shan.

These two were still Zhou Lin and Peng Bing who had gone back with Hao Wu before.

They knew that Zheng Shan was rich, and when they contacted Lin Sheng, they knew something, but they were still a little stunned when they saw such a luxurious manor.

They have been here for so long, and they think they are doing well, but if you want such a manor, don\'t even think about it.

This is still in Moscow, not anywhere else.

But soon they had no idea, especially when they looked at Zhengshan and the manor carefully, they could feel that some people who looked like bodyguards looked at them with a little vigilance.

They have been through so much for so long, and they are very sensitive to some gazes and the like.

So he quickly restrained his gaze and stopped looking around.

Hug over, Zheng Shan said, "What\'s wrong with you? Didn\'t you say it was a good mix?"

Hao Wu smiled and said: "It\'s okay, don\'t look at me, I actually earn a lot."

"By the way, Xiaobing, bring the gift."

Peng Bing nodded, and immediately took a few packages from the car. Zheng Shan didn\'t care, while Hao Wu said mysteriously, "Brother, take a look."

Seeing him like this, Zheng Shan became a little curious, what good things he could bring to him.

When he opened the package, he was really stunned for a moment, and he was blinded at the same time.

"This is?"

"The dog head gold is the biggest piece of dog head gold we have found!" Hao Wu said with some show off.

It\'s all gold, and it\'s not one piece, there are several!

It was also the first time that Zheng Shan had seen such a big dog head gold, but it was nothing to him, just that he had never seen it before.

"I\'ll take it." Zheng Shan was not polite to Hao Wu.

"It\'s for you, Brother Shan. By the way, Dakui, I didn\'t know you came here before. If you have time in a few days, go to our place and choose whatever you want, or I\'ll send some to you." Hao Wu Said loudly.

Zheng Kui waved his hand, "I don\'t want it, but Brother Wu, you have dug a gold mine."

Originally, Zheng Kui was just joking, but Hao Wu said seriously: "Yes, that is, a gold mine has been dug."

This time, not only Zheng Shan was stunned~www.novelhall.com~ Even Zhou Lin and the others were stunned. They didn\'t expect their boss to be so sincere, so he said it directly, and at the same time, they were also a little nervous.

Zheng Shan was a little helpless, "You just said that? I really doubt how you have lived until now."

Hao Wu said indifferently, "I won\'t tell anyone other than you."

"Okay, let\'s go in and sit, and we\'ll have dinner later," Zheng Shan said.

This time, Hao Wu was a little surprised, "Brother Shan, why don\'t you ask about the situation?"

"Why do I ask this? Gold mines are good, but for me, that\'s all. You just need to be careful." Zheng Shan said indifferently.

Gold mines are good, but for Zheng Shan, that\'s actually the case. After all, he really doesn\'t believe how big a gold mine Hao Wu can find.

Hao Wudao: "Brother Shan, you have a stake in this gold mine. The $500,000 you gave me last time is considered a stake."