Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 698: Bai Na

After the disintegration of Lao Maozi, the ruble here will depreciate at an alarming rate, even more than a thousand times depreciated at the highest point.

Almost fourteen hundred rubles can be exchanged for one dollar!

And now the official price is a ruble that can be exchanged for a few dollars.

It can be seen from here that only the amount of money Zheng Shan loaned out is basically full of profit.

After all, how many rubles are loaned, and how many rubles are paid back in the end, at most, some interest will be added, and this interest is like nothing in the face of such an amazing depreciation.

Lin Sheng silently heard Zheng Shan finish speaking. Although he is still an employee of Xishui Bank, and Xishui Bank is not owned by Zheng Shan alone, Lin Sheng has long regarded Zheng Shan as the only boss in his heart.

This psychology is also the psychology of most Xishui Bank employees.

As for Xishui Supermarket, it is a common phenomenon, and no one even thinks that those consortia or individuals who hold shares in their company are also their bosses.

Therefore, in the face of Zheng Shan\'s words, Lin Sheng agreed without hesitation. What he said before was mainly to persuade him.

He thinks that everything Zheng Shan has done is of little significance, but since Zheng Shan insists on doing it, Lin Sheng also believes that Zheng Shan\'s judgment is correct.

There is no way, Zheng Shan\'s record is too terrifying, so that people like Lin Sheng have long since surrendered willingly.

Next, Zheng Shan told Lin Sheng something about the company and the situation here, and then asked about Hao Wu.

"Do you know what Hao Wu is doing now?" Zheng Shan asked.

Lin Shengdao: "I know a little. Mr. Hao Wu is not in Moscow now, but he is doing quite well now. I heard that he has cooperated with many farms and some small factories, and they are doing quite a lot."

He didn\'t know much about Hao Wu, after all, he also had a lot of things here.

"Do you have his contact information?" Zheng Shan asked.

"Yes, I\'ll call him now?" Lin Sheng said.

Zheng Shandao: "Call me, I\'ll call myself, you can do your job, by the way, help me contact these people and invite me to have a meal at home."

Zheng Shan didn\'t have any other intentions. First, he expressed his goodwill. The people he pointed to were all real talents, the kind that all countries are rushing for.

Even now that Zheng Shan is in contact, and even promises countless benefits, in the end Zheng Shan is not sure of hooking up.

Of course, these talents are not the kind of talents with complicated and most confidential matters, otherwise Zheng Shan would not dare to contact them.

Now the tiger isn\'t dead yet, he doesn\'t want to court death himself.

They are all normal talents. As for those talents that are related to secrets, Zheng Shan will not move, or else he will not know how he really died in the end.

Lin Sheng nodded, and immediately went to make arrangements.

Seeing that everything was fine, Zheng Shan was about to call Hao Wu to ask about the situation when he saw Zheng Kui looking bored.

"Don\'t you have something to do? Why do you follow me all day long." Zheng Shan glanced at him and said.

Zheng Kui came to the spirit and did not answer his words, but asked: "Brother, what loan you said just now, I seem to understand a little bit, but I don\'t quite understand it, can you tell me."

Zheng Shan was stunned for a moment, looked at Zheng Kui, then smiled, and did not rush to speak, but came to the door and said to Zhao Ming who was standing outside the door: "You are guarding at the door, without my orders, who can You can’t get close, and besides, there’s no monitoring equipment here, right?”

"Boss, it\'s very safe here. We\'ve already done a blanket search. There\'s no problem at all. I can guarantee it!" Zhao Ming said seriously.

He has always had this look since he came to Moscow, and whoever speaks to him does so.

This also allows them to quickly enter the state.

Zheng Shan nodded, said it was hard work, and then closed the door.

Zhao Ming\'s eyes became sharper and sharper, and he informed others not to let anyone approach here.

For a time, these people brought by Zheng Shan suddenly acted.

Lin Sheng originally thought of one thing and forgot to report it. Just as he was about to come over, he saw this scene, and at the same time heard the person blocking him saying that he was not allowed to pass without permission.

This made him stunned for a moment, but he didn\'t say anything, and silently went about his own business.

But at the same time, Lin Sheng\'s heart was also surging. He knew that Zheng Shan must come here to do something big.

And now Lin Sheng is not afraid of big things, but he is afraid that things are too small. He chose to come over when he heard Zheng Shan\'s description of this place, so he was ready to gamble.

Although what he saw in front of him was different from what Zheng Shan described, it didn\'t matter.

If you want to get promoted quickly, or even become the boss\' confidant, the best way is to experience major events with the boss.

Zheng Shan didn\'t know Lin Sheng\'s method, he was sitting in front of Zheng Kui at this time, his expression was a little serious.

Zheng Kui was a little frightened by Zheng Shan. He just asked curiously why the third brother was so nervous.

"Brother, if you can\'t tell, just pretend I didn\'t ask, and I\'ll just ask casually." Zheng Kui swallowed.

Zheng Shan\'s serious expression suddenly disappeared, and he smiled and said, "I will definitely not say anything when other people ask me, but since you asked, I will tell you."

His own brother, Zheng Shan will not hide anything from him, and he has also seen Zheng Kui\'s growth, these things tell him, it is good to give him some pressure.

"If I tell you, in a few years, this country will disintegrate, do you believe it?" Zheng Shan said softly.

Zheng Kui was really stunned and stunned.

"Once the country is disintegrated and dispersed, then the currency on their side will depreciate rapidly~www.novelhall.com~ The rate of depreciation is beyond your imagination.

Even the wealth accumulated by others in a lifetime will be wiped out. "Zheng Shan was just talking and didn\'t ask Zheng Kui\'s thoughts.

"Let me give a simple example. It\'s like a family now has hundreds of thousands of rubles in the house, but in an instant, these hundreds of thousands become hundreds of dollars, so you know what this means. what?"

"Can you figure out what I\'m going to do now?"

In fact, Zheng Shan didn\'t say much, and simplified many things in order to make Zheng Kui understand a little bit of the truth.

Fortunately, Zheng Kui has indeed grown a lot now. In addition to his big heart, although he is still shocked and a little unconvinced, he is still willing to believe in the face of his brother.

"So, borrowing money now means you don\'t need to pay it back in the future? It\'s like taking it for nothing, right?" Zheng Kui said.

When Zheng Shan heard Zheng Kui\'s words, he immediately laughed. He laughed very happily, and he really grew a lot.