Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 697: smashed wool

Xishui Asset Management Company is affiliated with a local company, but many people are aware of the specific situation.

This kind of situation is not uncommon now, and now Lao Maozi\'s internal conflicts are frequent.

The economic aspect is even more chaotic. This kind of situation is already normal, and everyone just doesn’t know it.

However, the situation in Moscow is still different from what Zheng Shan imagined. In some remote areas, especially on the border of the border, chaos has occurred frequently, but here, it is still prosperous and stable.

Seeing the scene of singing and dancing on the street from time to time, Zheng Shan was also a little dazed for a while.

If you live here forever, it is really hard to imagine that after three years, this country will collapse.

Zheng Shan has never been here. Many things are obtained through some information. As for Lin Sheng, most of them are reporting the situation of some companies and work, and there are very few reports on this side.

Because in Lin Sheng\'s opinion, his big boss should be very familiar with this place and have his own channels of understanding, so he doesn\'t need to say anything more.

"Dashan, I\'ll go out to find a few people first, you don\'t have to wait for me." Wen Jie said impatiently after arriving at the place to live.

He couldn\'t wait a little longer.

Zheng Shandao: "So anxious? Why don\'t you wait and get acquainted with it first."

Wen Jie said, "No, I\'ve already contacted some people here. It just so happens that I have to take a good look at the situation here and make some detailed plans."

He couldn\'t wait any longer, and Zheng Shan could only say: "Okay, you can write down the phone number here and notify you in time if there is anything."

Saying that, Zheng Shan looked at Zhao Ming, "Also, let Zhao Ming find two people to follow you."

Although Moscow looks safe and normal, Zheng Shan is still not at ease.

Wen Jie didn\'t reject Zheng Shan\'s kindness either, he nodded and said, "Okay, I won\'t thank you anymore."

"It\'s all a family, don\'t be so polite, be careful." Zheng Shan urged.

As for Zheng Kui, he has been following Zheng Shan all the time. Although he is very curious about this side, he does not want to walk around.

The house that Lin Sheng prepared was a manor, about 100 acres of land, which was purchased by Lin Sheng specifically for Zheng Shan to come and settle down.

Of course, these are still collective property in name, and some things still need to be observed on the surface.

Zhao Ming and the others began to inspect the place immediately, especially the places where Zheng Shan needed to stay often, such as bedrooms, study rooms, conference rooms, and so on.

Several people in these places searched in a carpet style, and no suspicious places would fall.

Zheng Shan didn\'t care about them, just leave these things to Zhao Ming and the others, and he doesn\'t need to worry about it.

First came to the conference room, Lin Sheng continued to report some things.

"Boss, as you ordered before, we have started to make a lot of loans in the bank here."

"Almost a billion rubles have now been lent out."

When he said this, Lin Sheng\'s face was a little worried, and he didn\'t quite understand what Zheng Shan meant.

You must know that the loan has not produced any effect, it is largely wasted, and some interest is paid in vain.

These rubles have been loaned out, and most of them have been converted into dollars.

Although it is now in the late 1980s, the value of the ruble is still very high, although slightly worse than before.

In the past, one hundred rubles could be exchanged for more than one hundred dollars, but now they are exchanged, and one hundred dollars can be exchanged for more than one hundred rubles.

Of course, this is in the actual transaction, and on the official price, one hundred rubles can still be exchanged for more than one hundred dollars.

In fact, it can be seen from this that the value of the ruble is weakening.

But in Lin Sheng\'s understanding, this doesn\'t really mean anything. Zheng Shan may really not be optimistic about the ruble, but according to the current situation, the ruble will not have much room for whereabouts.

At least it wasn\'t worth what Zheng Shan did, and the interest they paid was a lot.

These interests are all borne by Xishui Bank, and generally speaking, it is a loss.

Zheng Shan nodded, "Well done, let\'s continue the loan."

Hearing this, Lin Sheng had a hesitant look on his face.

"What\'s the matter? Just say something." Zheng Shan said when he saw it.

Lin Sheng gritted his teeth and said, "Boss, first of all, I don\'t quite understand why you are doing this. You must know that although the value of the ruble is decreasing, it is not necessary to do so in all aspects, and the loss will be not small. ."

Zheng Shan thought for a while, but didn\'t explain anything to him. Some things were too complicated to explain, and he didn\'t want to explain to these people.

"You just do it." Zheng Shan said.

Lin Sheng was a little speechless. Since the big boss didn\'t want to say anything, he didn\'t dare to ask more, but he said cautiously, "Some shareholders of the bank have already sent inquiries, and we need an explanation from us."

Although the Xishui Bank is still under Zheng Shan\'s control in general, it is not his personal business after all, especially because there are too many forces in it.

Even if Zheng Shan has almost absolute control, it is not easy to say anything.

Even the domestic official has shares in it, although in these matters, the domestic will not ask too much, and it is silently supporting Zheng Shan.

But others don\'t.

After all, the funds involved are too huge, and it is normal for people to ask about it.

But Zheng Shan doesn\'t want to explain more to these people, will they believe it again?

And the most important thing is that Zheng Shan doesn\'t want to explain at all, he won\'t give this opportunity to others for nothing.

Zheng Shan is not guilty at all about the opportunity to cut wool by himself. Even if he doesn\'t cut it now, in a few years, it will be cheaper for those financial giants in the West~www.novelhall.com~ He knows that in After the disintegration, what the **** did those capital vampires do and how much benefit they took from here.

Zheng Shan raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you saying that these people are unwilling to continue doing this?"

Lin Sheng nodded. In fact, he has always been under a lot of pressure. This time, Zheng Shan came over, just to tell the big boss about the matter, and by the way, he hinted at his hard work.

Zheng Shan smiled, "Okay, since they don\'t want to, then forget it, and hand over the previous billion rubles to Xishui Investment."

"Besides, from today onwards, you can borrow as much as you want, but the money should be invested in the stream, and the money and assets invested by the stream will be used for loans."

The reason why Zheng Shan used the stream bank is mainly for convenience, and it is easier to operate in some things. In addition, if something goes wrong, other capital also needs help.

But now that they are unwilling, Zheng Shanshan takes more risks, but the benefits also increase correspondingly.