Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 696: Lin Sheng

Hao Wu also didn\'t come back for a while, Zheng Shan still got some information from Lin Sheng, but because Hao Wu and Lin Sheng didn\'t have much contact.

Lin Sheng wouldn\'t keep an eye on him, so he didn\'t know much.

Unexpectedly, I heard the news of Hao Wu from Luo Peng\'s side, but Zheng Shan didn\'t know much from just a few words, but he knew that he was doing well.

The other is Xishui Bank, but at this time, Lao Maozi is not a bank, but a company, and it is an asset management company with \'independent accounting\' that operates through various channels. loan business.

Manager Lin Shenglin, who was sent by Zheng Shan, has done a very good job during this period. At least Xishui Asset Management Co., Ltd. has become famous in Moscow.

For some people from China, they are like angels. Many people who come from China will handle loans here.

The procedures are also much simpler, although it is inevitable that there will be a lot of bad debts and bad debts. Not everyone has the spirit of the contract, and not everyone knows how to be grateful.

Zheng Shan had already known this in Lin Sheng\'s report and agreed.

Because of this, some of Lin Sheng\'s sources of information have also increased a lot, and there are a lot of gossip about these people.

Even if Lin Sheng wants to know the general situation of some people, he can entrust these people to help watch some of them.

"What is the specific situation of Brother Hao Wu now?" Zheng Kui asked.

Zheng Shan shook his head, "I\'m not very clear either, but it\'s alright if nothing happens, wait until there and ask again."

Zheng Shan had nothing to do next, and occasionally went out to have a look and wandered around in other carriages.

But every time he went out, Zhao Ming would follow with two people, and he didn\'t dare to be careless at all.

What surprised Zheng Shan was that the person named Luo Peng had indeed stayed near their carriage and did not leave.

After seeing Zheng Shan, he became very enthusiastic.

Because he was near the carriage, he felt very safe, and he dared to sleep at night, not afraid of waking up with nothing.

After all, there were always two people guarding the door of the carriage, and he was right under their noses. If someone stole something from him, the two guards would definitely remind him.

So he was very at ease. ,

And Luo Peng went back and forth like this, but he gradually became familiar with Zheng Shan and the others. When he had nothing to do, he also went to Zheng Shan and his car to sit for a while and have some good food.

As for living in the carriage, Zheng Shan didn\'t mention it, and other people naturally wouldn\'t say much. Although Luo Peng was thick-skinned, he could see that Zheng Shan and the others were vigilant, so he didn\'t have the cheek to stay and rest.


"It\'s finally here." Zheng Shan sighed with emotion. After so long on the train, he was really panicked.

"Why don\'t you take the train next time?"

Zheng Kui also sighed, "Indeed, this car is too uncomfortable to build."

As for Wen Jie, he doesn\'t feel anything. Although he is mainly in the capital now, he also needs to play sports frequently, and spends most of his time on the train.

The road from Pengcheng to Beijing is not easy, and the train does not have to be good here.

A few people walked, and soon went outside, and saw Lin Sheng bringing people over to greet them.

"Boss." Lin Sheng was a little excited.

Since he came here and made some achievements, what he wants most is that the boss can come over in person and inspect his achievements.

Otherwise, no matter how you report, it will only be on paper after all, and it will be difficult to leave a deep impression on the big boss. Now it is finally here.

Zheng Shan said with a smile, "It\'s been so hard for you for so long."

"It\'s not hard work, everything is up to the boss to lead well." Lin Sheng said loudly.

Some of the employees behind him looked at Lin Sheng strangely. They had never seen the appearance of their immediate boss.

You must know that Lin Sheng is also their idol. Here, no matter who they meet or who they meet, they all look calm.

Seeing this so-called boss now, I am so excited.

Zheng Shan didn\'t say much. He got in the car first, and he remembered Lin Sheng\'s credit in his heart, so he wouldn\'t treat him badly.

Just when Zheng Shan and the others got into the car, Luo Peng also saw it and sighed in his heart that he really wasn\'t an ordinary person.

At the same time, it is a pity that he did not have a relationship with such a big man. If he had a little relationship with Zheng Shan, then he would really develop.


Sitting in the car, Zheng Shan asked Lin Sheng, "Tell me about the situation on your side now."

"So far, our Xishui Asset Management Company has achieved profitability. Although it is not much, it is almost one million US dollars a year." Lin Sheng said proudly.

One million dollars is not much, especially under Zheng Shan\'s banner, and he is not even qualified to let Zheng Shan know.

But the situation is different. He is on Lao Maozi\'s side, and the purpose of what he does is not profit.

Zheng Shan even gave him an annual loss of $5 million!

If things are done well, Zheng Shan recognizes the loss limit of 10 million US dollars.

Therefore, Lin Sheng is proud from the bottom of his heart to be able to make a profit of one million US dollars.

Zheng Shan also saw it. Although he was not interested in it, he still praised him.

"Well done."

Lin Sheng scratched his head a little embarrassedly, he knew that Zheng Shan didn\'t care about these things, but he couldn\'t help it himself.

"Boss, now I have contact with fifty-two professors in various fields, and I have also sponsored some people."

"But I don\'t dare to get in touch with some people too deeply. I still contact them through some secret channels, and they don\'t even know who I am."

"This is the information of these people, you can take a look."

Said and handed over a piece of information~www.novelhall.com~ Seeing that Zheng Shan has no plans to read it now, he continued: "In addition, I have used the company\'s convenience to inspect and evaluate many group companies.

Some of the machines that you told me to pay attention to, the industry has made good progress. "

This is why Lin Sheng finally set up an asset management company, so that he can do a lot of things easily.

Even helping some people to increase their income, and legally, they are normal income, which also makes him convenient for many things, and has become a guest of many people.

Zheng Shan only gave him 10 million dollars at the time, and he could decide the rest by himself. After all, Zheng Shan didn\'t know the real situation here. Everything was heard and it was impossible to give perfect and accurate instructions.

Hearing this, a real smile finally appeared on Zheng Shan\'s face, and the stone in Lin Sheng\'s heart finally fell to the ground.

"Well done! I didn\'t expect you to be able to do this, haha." Zheng Shan laughed happily.