Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 695: inquire about

Seeing that the explanation couldn\'t make sense, Zhao Ming said helplessly: "Our boss is looking for you, you can figure it out if you can\'t get in."

Hearing this, the man wanted to run away like his dead parents, but after looking at the two people surrounding him, he could only follow them in with a sad face.

As soon as he came in, he felt that something was wrong. There was no imaginary group of burly men staring at him, and there were no powerful weapons. Instead, a few people looked gentle.

"Hello, brother, my name is Zheng Shan, nice to meet you." Zheng Shan greeted with a smile.

"Hello, my name is Luo Peng." Luo Peng said cautiously.

Although it was a little different from what he imagined, he was still cautious, for fear that he would not know how to die in the end.

Zheng Shan could see his nervousness and it was a little funny. Weren\'t you still arrogant just now? Why can\'t I even speak loudly now?

Yang Zhibing had persuaded him several times just now, and he was also kind and polite, but perhaps it was precisely because of this that he gave Luo Peng some illusions, so he became more and more courageous.

"Do we look like bad people like that?" Zheng Shan said amusingly.

Luo Peng said quickly: "No, no, I am a bit introverted, don\'t mind."

Zheng Shan: ......

You are really mean to say.

"Sit down for a drink?" Zheng Shan gestured.

Luo Peng\'s eyes lit up, but he said cautiously, "No, I..."

"If you want to sit down, just sit down, no need to say anything." Zheng Kui said impatiently.

Seeing Zheng Kui\'s appearance, Luo Peng was so frightened that he immediately sat down and carefully took a sip from his glass.

Zheng Shan was helpless and didn\'t bother to say anything to him, so he asked directly, "Looking at you like this, you often come here to play and run this road, right? Are you familiar with Lao Maozi?"

Luo Peng wanted to say that he was unfamiliar, but in the end he said honestly: "I can\'t say I am familiar, I can only say that I understand a little bit."

He was afraid that Zheng Shan and the others would misunderstand something, so he quickly said: "But if you have anything you want to ask, you can ask me. I will definitely know everything and say everything."

Zheng Shan said: "Brother, don\'t be nervous, we are not bad people." Although he knew it might be useless to say it, Zheng Shan still said something.

Immediately, he said, "This is our first time going to Lao Maozi. Is there anything we need to pay attention to?"

"First time?" Luo Peng looked at Zheng Shan and the others.

Zheng Shan raised his eyebrows and said, "What? Doesn\'t it look like it?"

"No, no, no." Luo Peng said quickly, and then said cautiously: "What do you mean by attention?"

"It\'s the current situation over there and the people and things that need attention over there." Zheng Shan said.

Luo Peng thought for a while and said, "I don\'t know much, but it was actually fine before. Although we also ran here, most of us still live here.

You also know that the living conditions here in the old Maozi were very good a few years ago. Many things can be sold for a lot of prices when they are taken back, but they are really cheap here. "

"But I don\'t know what happened. In the past two years, some situations here have changed, and many things have become less."

"It seems that some living items have been reduced a lot. Although they are not scarce, they are also much less than before."

Zheng Shan is very clear about this. In fact, the old Maozi in the 1980s has always been good, but it is also going downhill.

In the 1970s, many indicators on Lao Maozi\'s side had reached the world\'s first place, such as oil, natural gas, steel, cement, fertilizer and other more than 20 kinds of industrial products, surpassing the United States and ranking first in the world.

In the 1980s, Western countries were in full swing with the third wave of science and technology, and they also tasted a lot of sweetness and increased in all aspects.

But Lao Maozi\'s side has fallen into a stagnant state, and even started to go backwards, especially in the past two years, and it can be seen with the naked eye that as time goes on, this situation is getting worse and worse.

"Even if those of us are doing some reselling work, there are many things in the country now, and they are cheap, which is much cheaper than the price here.

Even if we ship and sell it, it\'s cheaper than here, and some things are still going up in price. "

"As for the person who needs to pay attention, Boss Liao should be regarded as one."

Zheng Shan asked, "What is the name of this boss Liao? Is it Liao Hai?"

Zheng Shan remembered that someone said before that Liao Hai was doing well with Lao Maozi, but it was still the same as before, too loyal and not so fair, so the bottom of his **** was not clean.

But also because of this, there are a lot of people gathered around him, and there is a trend of getting bigger and bigger.

"I don\'t know. We are all called Boss Liao. As for the specific name, I don\'t know." Luo Peng said.

Immediately, he talked about some situations. Slowly, he was not so nervous. At the end, he began to tentatively ask Zheng Shan\'s identity.

Zheng Shan smiled and said, "I\'m just an ordinary businessman. By the way, this is the consulting fee."

Saying that, Zheng Shan stuffed him with some money, and then he picked up the tea and signaled that he could leave.

Luo Peng didn\'t want to leave at this time, and started to ask: "Brother, I know you don\'t look down on us, but don\'t underestimate us, our profits are actually quite large."

"And if you can provide me with such a carriage, brother, I can give you this number every time."

He raised a finger.

"Ten thousand yuan?" Zheng Kui asked.

"No, no, 100,000 at a time, brother, 100,000, you only need to provide the carriage, and you don\'t need to take care of the rest. How about it? Do you do it?" Luo Peng said excitedly.

Zheng Shan looked at him speechlessly, is this guy thinking about himself?

"Forget it~www.novelhall.com~ I don\'t have such great skills, brother, please." Of course, Zheng Shan was not interested in this.

Luo Peng was not selfish and wanted to say more, but when he saw Zhao Ming walking up to him, he helped him pick up three large packages, and how many people were staring at him. Got to my package and left.

Just before leaving, he still shouted, "Brother, if you change your mind, you must tell me."

"What are you talking about?" Zhao Ming couldn\'t help scolding.

Luo Peng didn\'t care at all, and he could see that these people were really not the gangsters he imagined, so the tension in his heart naturally disappeared.

After Zheng Shan and the others left, they looked at Zheng Kui and said, "I didn\'t expect Hao Wu to be doing well now."

Just now Luo Peng said that Zheng Shan is a familiar person, that is Hao Wu. This guy has a firm foothold here. He has done a good job and has a good reputation. This makes Zheng Shan a little surprised and a little happy. .