Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 694: Misunderstand

Everything on Zheng Shan\'s side is ready, and he is waiting to set off in three days.

This time, when he went to Lao Maozi\'s side, the main purpose was to get acquainted with and contact some people first. Now is the time.

If it really comes to the last moment, Zheng Shan may not be able to compete with those people. After all, the people who went to compete at that time were all the national team.

The conditions and various treatments and guarantees given are not comparable to Zheng Shan. Of course, there is also the issue of credibility.

What Zheng Shan wants this time is to be the first to contact these people and have a good relationship with them. At the critical moment, if these people can think of him, then he will be sure to bring back these talents and machines.

At night, Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing were lying on the bed, looking at Yan Qingqing\'s worried eyes, Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Don\'t worry, it\'s alright, this time I didn\'t cause trouble in the past, I just met some people and made some preparations. ."

"I know, but you also said that it\'s not safe over there." Yan Qingqing said worriedly.

Zheng Shan comforted: "That\'s what I\'m planning for the worst. The actual situation is not so bad."

"Hey, I know I can\'t persuade you, but no matter what, you have to be careful." Yan Qingqing said.

"Of course, I\'m not kidding about my life, I still have such a beautiful wife."


After three days of talking and laughing, Zheng Shan was ready to set off, but when he set off, there was one more person in the team, and it was Wei Chengjun.

"Why did you follow?" Zheng Shan was a little helpless. Before he left, he had a drink with Li Yuan and the others, and talked a little bit. He didn\'t expect that Wei Chengjun didn\'t say anything at the time. On the day he left, he suddenly came to him and said Going to go with it.

Wei Chengjun said with a smile: "I don\'t have anything to do at home. I heard that there are many opportunities there. I want to follow along and have a look. If there is a good opportunity."

"Forget it, just follow along, but I can tell you that it\'s not very safe over there." Zheng Shan said.

Wei Chengjun also became serious, "Don\'t worry, brother, I will listen to you and won\'t run around."

He still has some confidence in Wei Chengjun and Zheng Shan. Since the Dou Wensheng incident, he has calmed down a lot.

"Your daughter-in-law also agreed?" Zheng Shan asked.

Wei Chengjun nodded and said, "Okay, she also supports me."

"Then I won\'t say anything more, let\'s go." Then he set off.

This time, Zheng Shan and the others counted quite a few people. Zheng Shan, Zheng Kui, Wei Chengjun, Wen Jie and the two people he brought with him were all his right-hand men.

In addition, there are ten people including Zhao Ming, which are quite large.

This time, Zheng Shan and the others just took the train. Although they may encounter many problems on the road, they are familiar with the journey. In the future, many things will need to be transported by the train route.

Zheng Shan also packed a carriage directly, which was not a difficult task for Zheng Shan.

There are more than a dozen people in a carriage, and it doesn\'t seem crowded, not to mention that they have brought a lot of food, so there is no need to worry at all.

It was fine at first, but the closer you got to the border, the more people came up, and everyone was trying to squeeze into the car with big bags and small bags.

These are all going to Lao Maozi\'s side to do business. It\'s still good now. After another two years, in the 1990s, this group of people will be even more crazy.

Zheng Shan\'s carriage is the last one, which can reduce some unnecessary friction, but even so, it still attracts many people\'s attention.

The first thing many people do after getting on the train is to look around for a place to get off.

Go wherever there is time, and some people walked to the last carriage.

However, Zhao Ming had already arranged for two people to stand guard at the door.

"Brother, are you being a bit overbearing? Everyone is out to beg for food. It\'s convenient to have a cigarette."

Yang Zhibing waved his hand and said, "Don\'t smoke, this carriage has already been packed by us, you can go somewhere else."

Hearing Yang Zhibing\'s words, the old man was shocked, and his eyes lit up.

"Brother, I didn\'t see it. You actually have the ability to pack the next carriage. How much does it cost?"

With that said, the old man came over and whispered, "Brother, how about our cooperation?"

Before Yang Zhibing could speak, the man said, "You help me pack a car, no, the more the better, no matter how much I can eat, there will be no need for you, brother, how much did you spend, I\'ll double it for you."

You must know that it is difficult to buy even a single seat, let alone the next car, and the price is rising again and again.

If there is a carriage, this person can guarantee that he will definitely make a profit.

Not to mention how much money you can make by bringing goods yourself, just helping others bring goods, you will earn a lot of money.

Yang Zhibing didn\'t seem to hear it, so he didn\'t bother to answer this man.

"You leave quickly." Yang Zhibing said this.

The old man didn\'t give up, and at the same time thought to see if he could break in, and kept looking inside.

Seeing this scene, Yang Zhibing wasn\'t being polite, he just reached out and stopped the man. This man was already an old fritter, and he didn\'t care at all.

But the next moment, his whole body fell to the ground. This man was about to be rude, but then he saw that the man beside Yang Zhibing had stretched his hand to his lower back, which immediately shocked him.

"Brother, misunderstanding, I\'ll leave now." The man stood up immediately, and was about to leave with the three bags he got.

At this moment, the door was opened, Zhao Ming first glared at Yang Zhibing, and then said to this person: "Brother, come in."

"Then what~www.novelhall.com~ Brother, I have eyes but don\'t know Mount Tai, I\'ll go now, I have old people and young people, I really know I\'m wrong, you can bypass me this time. ." This man was really frightened.

It is normal for petty thieves in the car, and there are even a lot of robbers on the way. He has seen these a lot, and even directly fought with the robbers a few times, without any cowardice.

But those are also holding some machetes or something. When encountering those with guns, he still needs to be counseled. From what he observed just now, it seems that these people have guns.

Coupled with this mystery, an idea popped up in his mind, that is, are these people thinking about grabbing the whole train?

So I\'m so scared that my calves are trembling now, this is a pure gangster!

When Zhao Ming saw him like this, he knew it was a misunderstanding and explained, "Don\'t think so much, we are businessmen."

"Yes, yes, of course I know that the eldest brothers are all businessmen. Don\'t worry, I will never talk nonsense." What this man thought was to wait until the next stop and get off directly, scaring people to death.