Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 689: reluctant

At the dinner table, Zheng Shan listened to the Chinese guy named Wu Ming talking about various design concepts, and he spoke eloquently.

It can be seen that this Wu Ming is a little excited. From the time he came to the table to the present, he basically didn\'t eat a single bite of the dish, he was talking all about it.

Zheng Shan understood some of the content, but did not understand some of the content at all, but on the surface it was still a meaning that I understood.

Wu Ming attaches great importance to this opportunity. Mr. Bei can let him come over and explain these things to Zheng Shan, which is his recognition and support.

If he can get into the eyes of the person in front of him, maybe he is not far from becoming famous.

In addition to strength, the most important thing for designers is opportunity.

Otherwise, no matter how talented you are, it is useless if you have no place to show it.

They want to show their talent, and it costs a lot of money.

And Zheng Shan is his gold master, and he is appreciated by Zheng Shan. If given a little chance in the future, he will be able to make his reputation one day.

After the meal was over, Wu Ming was almost done talking, and Mr. Bei also said a few words from time to time to clarify some details.

Zheng Shan looked at the time and said to the two of them, "I\'m very satisfied with your design. I\'ll just follow this. Wu Ming, right? You said that you designed these?"

Zheng Shan took out two drawings. These are two small buildings. Of course, Mr. Pei is in charge of the main building of Qingshan Company.

Wu Mingqiang restrained his excitement and nodded: "Yes, these two are my basis..."

When he was about to start a long discussion, Zheng Shan quickly stopped him and said, "I see, these two buildings look good, so let\'s do it as you do."

Of course, Zheng Shan understood what Mr. Pei meant, so he showed some kindness appropriately.

Sure enough, Wu Ming was so excited when he heard the whole person, he quickly got up and thanked him.

After Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing stayed here for a while, they left and went to the hospital.

Uncle is still here.

Zheng Shan didn\'t forget that since the uncle was sent here, he has basically lived in the hospital.

Zheng Shan also asked the doctor over the phone, but nothing happened, except that the prosthesis needed to be readjusted to make it more in line with Zhong Hongjun\'s personal habits.

In addition, in terms of personal health, the hospital has also checked everything that can be checked.

When Zheng Shan saw his uncle, he saw him walking with the help of a little nurse, and when he saw Zheng Shan coming, he felt embarrassed.

"Look, I was made by them, and I am not very good at walking." Zhong Hongjun said.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "It\'s all for your health, just get used to it first."

"Please come here, by the way, what\'s going on with the fifth one?" Zhong Hongjun asked.

Zheng Shandao: "The fifth is very good, and now I am with my parents."

"The doctor said that you have nothing to do here. We will be discharged from the hospital today, and we just happened to hang out with us. I left in a hurry last time, and I didn\'t show you much here." Zheng Shandao.

This time, Zhong Hongjun did not refuse, because he spent more money in the hospital, and he also wanted to save some money for his nephew.

In the evening, Zheng Shan brought his uncle home, and then his mother came up with another wave of concern.

Zheng Shan and the others played here for about a week or so, and my mother started to feel homesick.

"Dashan, let\'s go back quickly, the fifth is fine here," Zhong Huixiu said.

Zheng Shan persuaded: "Let\'s stop playing for two more days. You can see how happy the fifth is to see you coming, and he must be reluctant to let you go."

"No matter how reluctant she is to let us go back, who told her to run so far to study." Zhong Huixiu was stubborn and soft-hearted.

However, her desire to go back was getting heavier and heavier, and Zheng Shan couldn\'t say anything else. After playing for two more days, she could only agree.

Zheng Shan didn\'t even go to the Xishui Group this time. He went there once, and he just walked through the motions and didn\'t participate in anything.

All the companies of the Xishui Group now basically have their own operation modes, which also reassures Zheng Shan.

The reason why Zheng Shan seems to be idle these years, but is actually very busy, in addition to being uneasy about completely delegating power, is mainly because many things on the Xishui Group need to be slowly adjusted.

The development is so fast that many people and things are quickly updated.

Fortunately, after years of running-in development, each company has its own goals and tasks. In terms of management, it is almost the same.

Zheng Shan is also temporarily relieved.

When he knew that his parents were leaving, the fifth child was reluctant, "Mom, otherwise you will stay with me." The fifth child said an unrealistic delusion.

Before Zhong Huixiu spoke, Zheng Shan was unhappy, "What do you think? You are so old, and you still need your mother to take care of you."

"Then aren\'t you, too? You\'re married, don\'t you still let Mom take care of you every day?" The fifth said unconvinced.

Immediately after thinking of something, he embarrassedly said to Yan Qingqing next to him: "Sister-in-law, I didn\'t mean you, I mean Zheng Laosan."

"Haha, it\'s alright, I don\'t think I can hear what you say." Of course Yan Qingqing didn\'t care about this, she knew that this was just a daily fight between brothers and sisters.

Zhong Huixiu is also very happy, this feeling of being needed by her children is exactly what she needs at her age.

As for Zheng Jianguo, he is a little jealous. He is still here, why does his daughter mention a word.

Although it is impossible for him to stay, although this place is very good, it is not his home after all.

Seeing the expression on his father\'s face, Zheng Shan winked at the fifth, and then the fifth understood and acted like a spoiled brat to his father.

The fifth is very good at dealing with Zheng Jianguo~www.novelhall.com~ Soon Dad surrendered, and there was no grudge in his heart.

"Take care of yourself, don\'t be arrogant, be careful outside, put on more clothes when it\'s cold, remember to eat in time when you\'re hungry..." Zhong Huixiu rambled on the fifth.

If it was put in the past, the fifth child would have been impatient long ago, and he would definitely change the topic quickly, not to mention the quarrel.

But at this moment, the fifth child is not impatient at all. He has been away from home for so long, and this time his parents have traveled across the ocean to see him, and the fifth child has grown a lot in his heart. .

At the same time, the fifth child also made a determination in her heart, she would finish all the credits as soon as possible, and then go home!

Although it was said that the fifth child didn\'t want to stay here before, and she didn\'t have any sense of belonging to Europe and the United States, but she also wanted to stay for a while longer, and it was okay to stay for a while.

But now she doesn\'t think so.

"Mom, I see." The fifth answered obediently.