Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 688: visit

The old fifth held Zhong Huixiu\'s arm excitedly all the way and would not let go, chatting endlessly, she was so excited.

The fifth child really didn\'t expect that his parents would be able to come across the ocean to see him.

Zheng Shan and Serena were chatting sentence by sentence, mainly to understand the situation of the fifth child at the school.

Although Zheng Shan knows the general situation, he is not particularly clear after all.

After the initial excitement, Serena slowly recovered, but she was still a little unbelievable that the fifth child was actually Zheng Shan\'s sister.

But Serena thought about it carefully, it seems that the fifth child didn\'t hide it, but he didn\'t take the initiative to say it. From the details of their relationship, you can still see something.

It wasn\'t until he got home that the fifth one remembered Serena\'s partner, and hurriedly took her to introduce him, especially Yan Qingqing.

"This is my sister-in-law." The fifth child increased his tone.

Serena didn\'t feel anything, and greeted Yan Qingqing with a smile.

In fact, the fifth child also knows that Serena just simply worships Zheng Shan, but she has no other ideas.

Just a wake-up call.

"You take a leave of absence in the past two days and have a good time with your parents." Zheng Shan said.

It is not easy for parents to come out. It is estimated that this is the only trip in this life. Let the fifth take a good walk. Of course, he will also be by his side.

As soon as Zheng Shan finished speaking, Zhong Huixiu was not happy, "I\'m going to school, I\'m here to see her, she\'s fine, but learning is more important."

Zheng Jianguo also has the same meaning, no matter what, we can\'t delay learning.

"Mom and dad, I\'ve already studied a lot in advance, it doesn\'t matter a few days." The fifth said with a smile.

"And our professors compliment me."

Speaking of this, the fifth child couldn\'t help but look at Zheng Shan. Since she entered the school, many professors have been very enthusiastic about her.

Especially if you have any troubles in learning, you can go to them directly, basically answering any questions.

The fifth is not a fool. Of course, she knows that there are professors who are keen on education, but there are not so many professors who are so patient. It must be the third brother of her own who helped in the back.

So in fact, the fifth child is also under pressure, and the pressure is not small, which also causes her to study very hard and conscientiously.

Fortunately, these are all rewarding, and her academic performance has been rising all the way.

Zheng Shan saw the eyes of the fifth man, and said with a smile, "It\'s good to know how to study hard."

He didn\'t make any promises to those professors, but everyone knew that it would be good to make friends with Zheng Shan. In case there was any topic that needed money in the future, this would be a good breakthrough.


Serena didn\'t stay here for long. She communicated with Zheng Shan, and after satisfying her curiosity, she left.

Taking advantage of the time, Zheng Shan also went to see Yan Lele and Xu Lin.

Xu Lin is also studying hard, even harder than the fifth one. Zheng Shan just met her once, and it was not bad to see her. She asked her to go over and take a look, but Xu Lin refused.

However, Yan Lele came here directly, and seeing Zheng Jianguo\'s old couple was no different from seeing his parents, and was very happy.

One aunt, one uncle, coaxed the old couple very happy, especially Yan Lele would say that the small mouth was sweet, and when they got to the back, the one who stayed by the old couple became Yan Qingqing instead of Yan Lele. Old five.

This made the fifth man speechless.

After playing with the old couple for two days, Zheng Shan also needs to deal with other things.

The main purpose of Zheng Shan this time is to visit Mr. Pei again besides bringing the old couple here.

Now the two designs of the magic capital and the capital have come to an end, and Zheng Shan is going to visit.

So this morning, Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing came to the door with some gifts.

At this time, the old man was still at home and did not go to the studio.

Seeing Zheng Shan and the others coming, Mr. Bei was also very happy and warmly welcomed them.

Mr. Bei is still very satisfied with Zheng Shan, the first party.

There are indeed many requirements for the construction of Modu, not only Party A, but also the Government of Modu involved and put forward various requirements.

Fortunately, Mr. Bei\'s reputation is here, and with Zheng Shan\'s support, he can finally ignore some unreasonable demands.

There were even leaders who directly opened up to build a 1,000-meter tall building, which was the number one in the world. Mr. Bei almost didn\'t drive people out.

In addition, there are various other conditions, which are also necessary to build this high-rise building in Modu. After all, Modu will do its best to cooperate, and many things are easier to handle.

Zheng Shan has acquiesced in this regard, and is simply too lazy to care.

As for the other side of the capital, Zheng Shan has only one request, that is, let Mr. Bei play to the fullest, and the other is to use Chinese elements more.

The rest is nothing, so Mr. Bei paid more attention to the design drawings of the buildings in the capital.

"The design drawing has now reached the final stage. If there is no accident, it should be released around September this year." Mr. Bei said.

"It\'s probably already out, and the Magic Capital side basically agrees. Would you like to take a look at the capital side?"

Well, Zheng Shan hasn\'t looked at it carefully until now, and he believes Mr. Bei.

Hearing that, Zheng Shan looked at Yan Qingqing, meaning to ask her if she wanted to visit, but Yan Qingqing didn\'t care more about it, "No, we believe in your strength, Mr. Bei." Yan Qingqing said with a smile.

Mr. Bei said: "You are putting pressure on me by saying that. If you are not satisfied with the things I took out in the end, it would be a shame."

That being said~www.novelhall.com~ But Mr. Bei is very confident. In fact, he feels that this design work is the most satisfactory to him.

Maybe not his best, but he\'s really satisfied, all the elements, all the previous inspirations, have been played perfectly this time.

You must know that no matter how powerful the designer is, the final design works are completed after various requirements of Party A.

These requirements are actually equivalent to limiting the level of some of these designers. Of course, nothing is absolute. After all, if the designers are allowed to play to their fullest, the final result may only be the works that the designers are most satisfied with, but Party A is not satisfied.

It\'s just that Zheng Shan doesn\'t have too many requirements for the company building complex in the capital. As long as it\'s not ugly, Zheng Shan is quite satisfied.

"Stay for lunch at noon, and I\'ll have someone come over and tell you some design concepts first," said Mr. Bei.

Hearing this, Zheng Shan and the two did not refuse. It can be seen that Mr. Bei has a mentality that he can\'t wait to show off.