Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 690: Prepare

Arriving at the airport, Zheng Shan watched the mother and daughter wipe their tears, but just stood silently on the side.

Finally, everything stopped, and Zheng Shan quickly separated the people, "Mom, if you want to be fifth, let\'s come over again, it\'s convenient anyway."

"What\'s convenient? It takes so long to fly." Zhong Huixiu said.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Anyway, you have nothing to do. When you have nothing to do, isn\'t it good to go out for a stroll?"

In fact, Zheng Shan knew that his mother probably didn\'t want to come out in the future, and this time he could see that if the fifth child wasn\'t here, she would have gone back a long time ago.

Outside, my mother feels insecure, and she is not the kind of person who likes to run around. She is happiest in a familiar place.

Fu Meiyi also came to comfort her. She and Guan Fei didn\'t have so many things to do, and compared to Zhong Huixiu, Fu Meiyi was willing to run around often.

After all, I had to perform everywhere in the past, and I went to many places. Although most of them are domestic, I am used to it.


The fifth child looked at the plane taking off, thinking of peace in his heart, and then went back, but after seeing Serena, she knew that there was nothing wrong.

Sure enough, for the next hour, Serena kept whispering in her ear like a mosquito.

The fifth promised that when he went back in the future, he would take her back for a walk and let Serena stop.


After Zheng Shan and the others returned home, they came to Zheng Weijun\'s house for the first time, and Niuniu was still here.

The whole family went out, leaving Niuniu, the little guy, at home alone.

But when Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing saw the little guy, the little guy didn\'t seem to be affected at all, but had a good time.

At Zheng Weijun\'s home, he was accompanied by his older brothers and sisters to play, and of course he was happy.

In addition, Zheng Weijun and Lin Meihua are not easy to discipline, basically as long as it is not a big mistake, it is all due to his temperament, so naturally he is very casual.

And Niuniu is also used to his parents disappearing for a while.

Yan Qingqing also has many times to do experiments overnight, or get off work very late, and at this time, Niu Niu has already fallen asleep.

Coupled with going out to work early in the morning, for Niuniu, his mother is at home and not at home.

"Did you miss Dad?" Zheng Shan hugged his son and kissed him fiercely.

Unfortunately, the little guy was very disrespectful, and pushed his father\'s big face away with both hands, "Where\'s your grandparents?" Niu Niu began to look around.

He doesn\'t miss his parents very much, but he misses his grandparents very much. After all, he has basically never left his grandparents for so long since he was a child.

He\'s still sleeping with his grandparents now. Zheng Shan had long planned to let him sleep alone, but the little guy didn\'t want to, and Zheng Jianguo and Zhong Huixiu were also reluctant, so he dragged it on.

I haven\'t seen each other for so long now, how could I miss my grandparents.

Zhong Huixiu came back in such a hurry, in addition to homesickness, the main thing was to miss this grandson.

Zhong Huixiu loves Zheng Ming very much, but if he is talking about his favorite grandson, of course he is a bull. After all, he has been raised since childhood.

"At home." Zheng Shan said.

"Let\'s go back quickly." The little guy urged, and then he ran to pack his things by himself.

Yan Qingqing went to help clean up together, Zheng Shan was looking at Zheng Ming and Xiao Jingyi, "Let\'s go, you two go to dinner together."

"Okay." These two were also very happy.

After Niu Niu got home, he cried when he saw Zhong Huixiu and Zheng Jianguo going up, and then he held the two people\'s hands and didn\'t let go.

This made Zheng Jianguo and Zhong Huixiu happy to close their mouths.


Zheng Shan asked Mingfenglou to deliver the dinner in the evening. First, Zhong Huixiu was a little tired, and secondly, she was entangled by bulls and couldn\'t cook.

If they are forcibly separated, Niuniu will cry directly to you, and no one\'s face will be given, even Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing will not be able to go up and pull it apart.

In addition, Zheng Jianguo and Zhong Huixiu were protecting him, who would dare to touch him?

When Zheng Shan and the others came back, Zheng Weijun, Zheng Lan, and Zheng Kui also came, and the originally deserted atmosphere in the house suddenly became lively.

Zheng Shan knew what Wen Jie was thinking about, so when he came over, he directly said to him: "I\'m almost ready here, I\'ll go see if everyone is full tomorrow, and when everyone is ready, we\'ll set off. "

Wen Jie was excited at first, then a little puzzled, "Who? Who else?"

"Of course it\'s some people who protect us, don\'t you really think that the two of us will just go there?" Zheng Shan said.

Wen Jie didn\'t speak. He really thought so. Although Zheng Shan said it before, it\'s been a long time, and he has forgotten about it.

"This time, we don\'t know the specific situation. We need to bring more people and be safe." Zheng Shandao.

Wen Jie nodded, of course he knew, but the people he could find were also ordinary people, not comparable to Zheng Shan.

At this time, Zheng Kui suddenly said: "Brother, brother-in-law, I will go with you too."

"Why are you everywhere, you just stay at home." Zheng Shan said angrily.

Zheng Kui said: "I mean it seriously, I have already discussed it with Xiaohua."

Zheng Shan looked at Yuan Xiaohua, Yuan Xiaohua nodded and said, "It\'s safer to have one more person, and Zheng Kui went to see if he could buy a few more cars."

Yuan Xiaohua didn\'t know what was going on there, so there was nothing to worry about. Now the transportation company is making money faster than the garage.

So Yuan Xiaohua also thought about more cars.

Zheng Shan looked at Zheng Kui and thought for a while, "Alright, just go."

"But I remind you, be obedient when you get there, don\'t run around for me."

Hearing Zheng Shan\'s advice, Zheng Kui patted his chest and assured: "Brother, don\'t you believe me, when did I run around?"

"Haha, have you forgotten that you went to Singapore alone?" Zheng Shan sneered.

Zheng Kui was taken aback immediately~www.novelhall.com~ looked nervous, Yuan Xiaohua didn\'t know about this yet, if he did, it would be another round of cynicism.

Seeing him like this, Zheng Shan was too lazy to say more, just said: "When you get there, see more and talk less, and do what you want to do."

"Understood!" Zheng Kui was very satisfied as long as he could go.

Zheng Shan doesn\'t know what Zhao Ming\'s situation is now, how many people they have found, and what their specific abilities are.

However, the ability of the person Zhao Ming is looking for should be no problem, but I don\'t know how many people are willing to go there together.

Although Zheng Shan gave a lot of money, 10,000 yuan, but Zheng Shan also clearly told Zhao Ming and asked him to tell these people the specific situation.

Let them know that Lao Maozi is not safe now, and the ten thousand yuan is not so easy to get, so in the end Zheng Shan is not sure how many people there are.

If there are few people, it is estimated that Zheng Shan will speak up, or transfer people from the United States.