Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 685: persuade

Zheng Ming came back after New Year\'s greetings with a group of children, and then sneakily hid, without thinking, he also hid his New Year\'s money.

When he was young, when he had no money, he asked Zheng Shan and Zheng Kui directly, and both brothers Zheng Shan and Zheng Kui would also give it.

But now that it is getting bigger, I am embarrassed to ask for it, so the pocket money is getting less and less.

Coupled with the fact that a little pocket money will be confiscated from time to time, Zheng Ming now places great importance on his small treasury.

Zheng Shan and several others looked at Zheng Ming\'s cautious look with amusing, and Zheng Kui also frightened.

"Your mother is in there."

Zheng Ming was so frightened that he regarded it as a jerky spirit, then pretended to be nothing, and slipped away instantly.

Several elders laughed unkindly.

On the second day of the new year, Zheng Shan and his family basically spent their time at the grandma\'s house, talking and chatting with the old man.

"Grandma, do you want to take you over to see the fifth?" Zheng Shan said with a smile.

The old lady immediately waved her hand and said, "Forget it, forget it, my old bones can\'t be tossed anymore."

"While you can still move now, move around more." Zheng Weijun also said.

The old lady is not going, after all, motion sickness, maybe even airsickness, I really can\'t stand the tossing at that time.

In the third year of junior high, Zheng Shan and the others packed up and left early in the morning, returning to the capital first, and then to the United States.

Zheng Shan actually knows that Zhong Huixiu misses her daughter so much, and a large part of the reason is because the Chinese New Year is over.

But as Zheng Shan himself said, the old couple is not very old now, go out for a walk and see the exotic customs, or else they will not be able to walk when they are old.

So this time, Zheng Shan mainly wanted to take the old couple for a good walk.

Back in the capital, Zheng Lan and the others arrived to help clean up, while Zheng Shan chatted with Wen Jie.

"I\'ll take my mother to the United States to see the fifth, and when I come back, I\'ll go to Lao Maozi." Zheng Shandao.

I had agreed with Wen Jie before, and it will pass after the New Year. Now I have to take my mother to the United States, and the time will be delayed, so I need to talk to Wen Jie.

Wen Jie has no objection to this, "You can do your own thing first, don\'t be in a hurry to go over there."

Well, these are polite words, he is going to die in a hurry in the past two years, but Zheng Shan has said so, and he is not easy to rush.

After a simple meal in the evening, everyone went to rest, and Zheng Kui and the others would also have their own home.

As soon as he got home, Zheng Kui saw signs that Yuan Xiaohua was bringing up old things again, and immediately said, "Daughter-in-law, I\'ll discuss something with you."

Zheng Kui had long anticipated that Yuan Xiaohua\'s temper would not go away so easily, so he made plans early.

Yuan Xiaohua was taken aback, "What\'s the matter?"

"It\'s like this, you see we are very busy now, you have to work together, son, you don\'t want to bother my mother to watch, but it\'s not good for us to take it with us, every day at the company." Zheng Kui said .

When Yuan Xiaohua heard that he mentioned his son, he didn\'t mean to find fault, and asked, "Wait two more years, until he goes to preschool."

"How long will it take? That\'s what I thought. Take your mother over and bring us the baby. What do you think?" Zheng Kui asked.

Zheng Kui\'s plan in his heart was to take over his mother-in-law, and his daughter-in-law was still very honest in front of her mother-in-law. The most important thing was that Zheng Kui knew that her mother-in-law would speak to him.

So he had this idea.

And he also thinks that Yuan Xiaohua is very likely to agree, after all, he is also a little homesick.

Yuan Xiaohua said hesitantly, "But what about my dad and my brother?"

"Then bring it here together. Xiaohui doesn\'t have to worry when he goes to school. If your parents are willing, they will settle in the capital in the future." Zheng Kui said in a big way.

Yuan Xiaohua refused without thinking, "Forget it, they are not used to it."

The most important thing is that Yuan Xiaohua doesn\'t want to be gossiped.

When you come to Beijing, what can your parents do? Nothing can be done, and in the end, Zheng Kui will have to support him, and he will definitely be gossiped by then.

"Then let your mother come alone, and check her body by the way. If your mother can\'t bear the land in the house or something, we can pay you wages." Zheng Kui said.

Yuan Xiaohua was a little moved, "But this way, it will cost a lot of money."

"Money is a bastard, we will earn it after we spend it." Zheng Kui said.

"Yes, even if you don\'t spend it, you will be defeated." Yuan Xiaohua rolled his eyes at him and said.

Seeing that Yuan Xiaohua agreed, Zheng Kui was completely relieved, and secretly praised Zheng Shan.

Well, this method is what Zheng Shan came up with.


Zheng Shan came to the uncle\'s side in the morning and invited him to come over to review his body.

"No need to waste money, I\'m in good health now." Zhong Hongjun was not very willing to go, it was a waste of money.

Just the money for a plane ticket to go out is enough for him to work for several years.

"This time, my parents and my mother followed along. Even if you stop by, your body is yours. If something goes wrong, you will have to spend more money." Zheng Shan advised.

The big aunt also said: "Dashan said so, you can just follow, your health is important."

Although she was a little embarrassed, after all, it was all her nephew\'s money, but thinking about her husband\'s body, she could only be cheeky.

Zhong Xiangdong and Zhong Xiangbei also opened their mouths. In the end, even the old man and the others spoke up. The uncle\'s body was just right, and they could clearly see the changes in Zhong Hongjun\'s whole person.

So I don\'t want him to go back to the way he was in the past.

"Uncle, my parents and my mother are packing things at home right now. We don\'t have time to come. Do you want them to come over?" Zheng Shan said.

"Okay, okay, I\'ll go, hey, I\'m going to waste your money again." Zhong Hongjun was actually very moved.

Whose nephew can do this?

Not to mention a nephew~www.novelhall.com~ It is rare for a son to have such a situation. As for the grudge between him and Zhong Huixiu in the past, Zhong Hongjun completely let go.

Zheng Shan said with a smile, "That\'s right. As for the money, you don\'t have to worry about it. Just kidding. While I was talking to you, the money was already earned, and it was several times more."

Zhong Hongjun just listened to it as a joke, thinking that it was Zheng Shan comforting him, but what he didn\'t know was that what Zheng Shan said was the truth, and he still said it from a young age.

Zheng Shan was going to let his aunt follow along, or one of Zhong Xiangdong\'s two brothers, but they were unwilling to go.

If they go, it will cost another person\'s airfare, they don\'t have such a thick skin.

The main reason is that Zheng Jianguo and Zhong Huixiu also followed him, and Zhong Hongjun was not the same as last time, so it is no problem to take care of himself.

Zheng Shan didn\'t insist, he made an appointment to leave tomorrow, and he went back to arrange various things.