Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 684: Killer

When Zheng Shan saw Yuan Xiaohua and the others, they stopped talking. He smiled and said to Zheng Kui, "You can do it, too. What time did you play last night?"

"It\'s more than four o\'clock." Zheng Kui saw that Zheng Shan was willing to intervene, and hurriedly spoke up. At this time, he relied on Zheng Shan to rescue him.

"You lost so much in two or three hours?" Zheng Shan said angrily.

Zheng Kui scratched his head and said, "I really drank too much yesterday."

"Did you have a long memory this time?" Zheng Shan asked.

"I have a long memory, I will definitely not next time." Zheng Kui said quickly.

Seeing this, Zheng Shan persuaded Yuan Xiaohua: "Brother and sister, Dakui knew that he was wrong this time. It\'s a big New Year\'s Eve, what\'s the matter? After returning after the New Year, I will slowly settle the account with him."

Mainly because of the Chinese New Year, otherwise Zheng Shan would not want to get involved in this matter.

In addition, Zheng Shan has seen Zhong Huixiu\'s face full of unhappiness. If she waits any longer, Zhong Huixiu may come forward, which is not a good thing for Yuan Xiaohua.

Of course, Zhong Huixiu also felt distressed about losing so much money, but Zheng Kui was her son, and Zheng Kui earned all the money himself. What\'s wrong with men spending some money?

In particular, Yuan Xiaohua still taught her son in front of so many people, which made Zhong Huixiu very unhappy.

If she hadn\'t known that her son had made a mistake, she would have stepped forward to protect him.

Not only Zheng Shan saw Zhong Huixiu\'s expression, but Yan Qingqing and Lin Meihua also saw it, and hurriedly stepped forward to persuade Yuan Xiaohua.

Yan Qingqing wasn\'t quite sure, but Lin Meihua and the old lady had been \'fighting\' for so many years, and quarrels were a common occurrence. Knowing when, the old lady was really angry.

At this time, he was on the verge of being really angry. If Yuan Xiaohua stimulated the old lady at this time, the scene might not be easy to clean up.

Didn\'t see Zheng Weimin at this time, Zheng Weitang and their wives just didn\'t speak with a cold face, and didn\'t teach their masters, let alone roll around.

In fact, Yuan Xiaohua was a little loose when she saw Zheng Shan\'s opening. In addition, Yan Qingqing and Lin Meihua persuaded him at this time, and they took advantage of the situation to go down a step.

Zheng Shan also breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, "Come in and sit down, by the way, have you eaten?"

"After eating, we still have something to do, so let\'s go first."

"Yes, yes, and I\'m going to pay New Year\'s greetings."

Seeing this, Zheng Shan said, "Then I won\'t leave you any more, and don\'t think about it too much. If you lose, it\'s yours."

With Zheng Shan\'s opening, these few winning money immediately felt relieved, and Zheng Shan could still call the shots.

When everyone left, the children watched the excitement, and they all stepped forward to get red envelopes.

Zheng Shan smiled and prepared some for everyone, and the children were very happy with the red envelopes one by one.

It\'s just that when I went to Yuan Xiaohua to ask for a red envelope today, they all acted very cautiously.

It was only at this time that Yuan Xiaohua came to understand why Zheng Shan said that the New Year should not make too much noise.

Squeeze some smiles on his face, and then give out the red envelopes.

The first thing Zheng Ming did when he got the red envelope was to run. He was afraid that if he ran late, the money would not be his own.

Seeing this, Lin Meihua just rolled her eyes, too lazy to talk about him.


At Zheng Weimin\'s house, Zheng Weimin\'s daughter-in-law said with some distress: "I don\'t want the money, so much money, if Dashan says no, you don\'t want it."

"You know shit." Zheng Weimin scolded angrily.

Hearing the words, his daughter-in-law burst into tears, "You unconscionable, how much hardship you and I have suffered, and now we have money..."

"It\'s alright, don\'t cry, don\'t think I don\'t know, you gave your brother no less than 50,000, right?" Zheng Weimin said impatiently.

He was a little upset now. He felt ashamed just now. Fortunately, Zheng Shan stood up in the end, otherwise he would be embarrassed.

His daughter-in-law suddenly stopped talking, looking at Zheng Weimin with a cramped expression.

"My brother said that he will pay it back in two years." When she said this, her own heart was empty, and her brother herself didn\'t know what virtue was.

Zheng Weimin sighed and said, "Don\'t worry, I\'m not so careful, but next time you give him money, tell me, don\'t give the money without saying a word."

"Got it."

Zheng Weimin looked at his daughter-in-law\'s obedient appearance, and suddenly became complacent. Fortunately, he hadn\'t brought this killer out early, otherwise it would be difficult to achieve such an effect at this time.

Zheng Weimin was naturally unhappy about his daughter-in-law taking money to subsidize his younger brother, but he didn\'t want to make trouble with his daughter-in-law because of this trivial matter, so he pretended he didn\'t see it.

Of course, the most important thing is that his wife\'s money did not exceed his psychological expectations, otherwise he would not be so good at talking.

"Also, let your brother see me next time to be more polite. I haven\'t asked him to settle the matter in the past." Zheng Weimin said.

"He already knew that he was wrong. You see, when he is facing you now, isn\'t he very polite."

"Hmph, he\'s just glad to have a good brother-in-law like me. If it was someone else, it would be a good thing not to block him, and he could still get money for him?" Zheng Weimin said.

His daughter-in-law has completely \'forgot\' about Zheng Weimin\'s loss of money now, and she doesn\'t dare to mention it.

Zheng Weimin solved it here. Zheng Weimin and Zheng Rencai naturally have their own ways to solve family disputes one by one.

Of course, the most important thing is actually a solid family background. For them, this amount of money is nothing at all, at most it is a little distressed.

If this is all of their family background, let alone Zheng Shan\'s words, even if the King of Heaven is here, it is estimated that the fight is the lightest.


Zheng Kui also had his own way. Anyway, by the time it was night, Yuan Xiaohua had basically lost his temper.

"Dad~www.novelhall.com~Mom, let\'s go back the day after tomorrow, just in time to go to the United States to see the fifth." Zheng Shan said.

Zhong Huixiu didn\'t have the mentality to resist at this time. After a year, she felt like she missed her little girl even more.

Even Zheng Jianguo didn\'t think about staying at home for a while longer. You must know that Zheng Shan and the others went back first, and Zheng Jianguo basically had to delay his return until after the Lantern Festival.

"Okay, I\'ll prepare it and bring something to eat." Zheng Jianguo said and went to prepare some food.

Zheng Shan wanted to stop him, but it\'s okay to think about it, and it\'ll be worth it when the time comes.

"Do you want to go?" Zheng Shan asked the others.

Zheng Weijun shook his head, but Zheng Kui wanted to go. Although Yuan Xiaohua was coaxed a little better by him now, he felt that he had better avoid it recently.

But when Zheng Kui saw Yuan Xiaohua\'s eyes, he immediately lost his mind, so he should just stay at home honestly.