Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 686: private plane

"Boss, is it time for you to buy a private jet?" Brother Xia Lai reminded after arranging the plane.

Zheng Shan thought about it, and it seemed that it was indeed time to buy it.

"By the way, did we acquire Boeing\'s stock?" Zheng Shan asked.

Boeing\'s stock price fell by more than 30% in this stock market crash. How could Zheng Shan miss such a good opportunity.

"Well, we have now become Boeing\'s third largest shareholder." Xia Laidi is very familiar with these data, and he just reported it without looking through the data.

God knows how long it takes Brother Xia Lai to memorize these materials every day.

Especially in the recent period of time, there are basically some new changes every day. She must remember these things so that when Zheng Shan asks, she can give the answer.

"Then order from Boeing, and support my business by the way." Zheng Shan said.

Xia Laidi smiled and said, "Actually, the reason why I thought of this is because Boeing sent someone to inquire. Now their business is not doing well, so they put their target on your side."

The Boeing company specially sent someone to contact Moore first, and then Moore said that he didn\'t care about this, they directly looked for Xia Laidi, which was better than looking for him.

Therefore, Boeing also sent someone to contact Xia Lai\'s brother. Of course, they wanted to contact Zheng Shan directly, but Zheng Shan had already returned to his hometown.

"Haha, next time you ask them to ask for a commission, which facilitated such a big business for them." Zheng Shan laughed.

Brother Xia Lai said with interest: "I\'m planning to do this."

Zheng Shan dealt with things at the company again, then went back and found Zhao Ming and Wang Hu.

Zhao Ming and Wang Hu now feel that this day is like being in heaven, and they are living too comfortably.

Zheng Shan doesn\'t need them very often. As long as they don\'t go far, they basically don\'t need to come.

The salary is paid, and there is nothing to do. This day is not in heaven or somewhere, and the most important thing is that the salary is not low.

However, they did not slack off. They still have to exercise every day. They still know what their job is.

When Zheng Shan came over, he saw that the two of them were practicing against each other, and he didn\'t bother, just watched quietly from the side.

Although this place is a bit out of the way, the place is large and there is enough space for them to display.

It was Zhao Ming who saw Zheng Shan and signaled Wang Hu to stop first.

"Boss." Zhao Ming walked over quickly.

Zheng Shan asked curiously, "What level do you have in the army?"

"Brother Zhao was the No. 1 in the whole army back then!" Wang Hu was a little proud.

Zhao Ming was a little embarrassed, "It\'s all about the past, and it\'s not anymore."

Zheng Shan saw that he didn\'t want to say more, didn\'t ask more, but talked about the business, "I\'ll go to Lao Maozi in a while, you guys get ready."

Zhao Ming and Wang Hu suddenly became serious, and they also knew that Lao Maozi\'s side was not stable now.

"Okay, by the way, boss, is it just the two of us?" Zhao Ming asked.

Afraid of Zheng Shan\'s misunderstanding, he quickly said: "We don\'t have any problem, but there are some things that are different over there. Weapons and other things don\'t need to be in our country."

Zheng Shan signaled that he knew what he meant and asked, "Do you have anyone you can trust? Don\'t worry, this time it\'s a field trip, and the salary will be calculated separately."

"If you are safe along the way, then one person will be 10,000. If something happens, you will be given a bonus."

"Too much, boss, don\'t need so much." Zhao Ming said quickly.

Of course they know that their boss is rich and generous to the people below, otherwise they can let them eat for so long.

But this is too much, 10,000 yuan!

Now the million-dollar households are still the envy of everyone.

Zheng Shan waved his hand and said, "Not much, this time is a little dangerous after all."

"We are some reliable people, all our comrades in arms, just..." Zhao Ming originally meant that he wanted Zheng Shan to find someone by himself.

After all, in the identity of Zheng Shan, if you tell the above, the above will definitely find the most trustworthy person.

If Zhao Ming and the others find it by themselves, then these people are Zhao Ming\'s people, and he is afraid that Zheng Shan will think too much.

Zheng Shan knew what he meant and said with a smile: "Don\'t worry, since I asked you to find it, I can trust you."

Of course, the most important thing Zheng Shan didn\'t say is that Zhao Ming and Wang Hu have been screened countless times before. Not only that, but all their situations are under Zheng Shan\'s control, so Zheng Shan is not afraid of anything.

"Well, we must live up to your trust." Zhao Ming said solemnly.

Zheng Shan nodded, and then said: "How much money is needed, tell Xiao Xia directly, she will give it to you."

Brother Xia Lai did not follow him to the United States this time, but stayed here.

"Okay, I understand." Zhao Ming said.

Zheng Shan thought for a while and then asked: "By the way, I haven\'t asked you yet. Are there any difficulties in life now? If there are any, don\'t be ashamed to say."

"No, no, boss, we are already very good, really, who doesn\'t envy us now among those comrades in arms." Zhao Ming said quickly.

Wang Hu also said: "Yes, we are by your side, we eat and drink for free, and basically do nothing."

It was really not difficult to see them, and Zheng Shan didn\'t say much. He gave them another car and asked them to find someone or pick them up.

Then Zheng Shan went back, but when he got home, he saw that Fu Meiyi was also helping to pack up.

"Dashan, I\'ll go with me tomorrow. I want to see Feifei. I don\'t know how she is now." Fu Meiyi said directly.

Zheng Shan smiled and said, "Okay~www.novelhall.com~ Mom, don\'t worry, Feifei\'s side is pretty good."

This is all about wanting a daughter. Fu Meiyi came over to hear Zhong Huixiu say that she was going to see the fifth, and she couldn\'t help but want to go with her.

After packing a lot of things, big and small, Zheng Shan glanced at it and didn\'t say much. He had already talked to the other side in advance. At most, these things would be a waste of time during the security check.

After a night of silence, Yan Qingqing also went with him this time. There are still a few days before the start of school. According to Zheng Shan\'s estimation, he will not stay for many days in the past.

If you are really in a hurry, the big deal is to let Yan Qingqing come back first, and it is not bad for this amount of money.

Security check, ticket check, boarding the plane, a set of procedures went down, as the plane took off, Zhong Huixiu and Zheng Jianguo were a little nervous, Yan Qingqing and Zheng Shan comforted the old couple on the side.

Slowly, Zheng Jianguo became interested, and there was no need for Zheng Shan to guide and comfort, and Zhong Hongjun and Zhong Hongjun were very happy. If Zheng Shan hadn\'t served wine, they would have been able to drink.