Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 675: big heart

Zheng Shan looked at Zheng Ming\'s cry for help as if he didn\'t see it, and even moved a bench to sit and watch the play.

It is indeed necessary to teach this kid a lesson, and now he is getting more and more confused, which is not acceptable.

Lin Meihua really hit hard this time. In her eyes, books are a sacred thing. Although she has never read books, she really has a kind of reverence for books or readers.

This is also one of the reasons why she and Yan Qingqing have basically never had any conflicts.

So she was really **** off this time.

Although it is said that these books are not new books, they are just borrowed by her, or to be more precise, they are bought, but Zheng Ming is absolutely not allowed to waste them like this.

At this moment, even Zhong Huixiu watched from the side without speaking.

"Are you tired?" Zheng Weijun said, "I\'m here if you\'re tired."

Speaking of rolling up his sleeves, he started. Zheng Ming was really frightened this time. Anyway, tears kept flowing.

In the past two years, Zheng Ming has claimed to be a little man, the kind who doesn\'t shed tears. Now the tears are flowing, which makes people feel distressed.

But no one stepped forward to comfort him, and everyone thought about teaching him a lesson this time.

After the fight was over, he started to stand up again, and he was not given any meals at noon. Zheng Shan and the others did not come forward to comfort him, let alone talk to him.

It\'s good for him to improve his memory.

Several other children saw this scene, and I believe they will remember it in their hearts. Even if they are young, they will still remember it firmly.


"What\'s wrong?" When Zheng Weimin came over, Zheng Ming was still standing in the corner.

Zheng Shan talked about the matter, and Zheng Weimin also said: "It really should be beaten and punished."

"Without him, how are you doing here?" Zheng Shan asked.

Zheng Weimin came to talk about this matter, "I told Brother Ma that I will not be involved in the management of the factory in the future, and I will leave it all to him."

"Are you not separated?" Zheng Shan said with a smile.

"It doesn\'t matter." Zheng Weimin said.

In fact, the cooperation between the two is really good, and leaving anyone is a loss to both parties.

In terms of management, Ma has his own set of experience, the key is that he can handle the weight.

Know more about how to manage a company.

This is something that Zheng Weimin does not have, but Ma Ge also lacks Zheng Weimin\'s sales resources.

For many things, Du Yougao will give Zheng Shan a lot of convenience, not to mention loans like Xishui Bank.

As long as Zheng Weimin goes there, basically borrowing money or something goes through the process.

Of course, this is also related to the reason why Zheng Weimin never defaults on the payment. If Zheng Weimin takes the money and doesn\'t pay it back, then the Xishui Bank would not dare to do so even ten times.

It was found that there was no good fruit to eat.

Zheng Shandao: "This is very good, the cooperation between the two of you is very good, it is a pity to be separated."

"Brother Weimin, you should also remember that it is not for you not to help, but to help selectively. You can\'t let your life and work fall into a mess because you want to help them."

Zheng Weimin said: "I know, and I want to understand something."

"Well, the most important point is that if they also think about being good for you, then they won\'t make trouble for you, and they won\'t enjoy super treatment in the company by knowing you." Zheng Shandao.

Zheng Weimin nodded, "That\'s all I want to understand."

If you think about it a little, you can understand that it seems that Zheng Shan helped him. He Zheng Weimin dared to pat these chests and said that he did not take the initiative to cause trouble to Zheng Shan.

Although there were a few troubles, they were all unavoidable, like being cheated of money last time, they were all unavoidable, not because he wanted to cause trouble for Zheng Shan.

In addition, Zheng Weimin would never rely on Zheng Shan as his younger brother to show off his power.

When he saw Du Yougao, he was also very polite, and even showed a little respect.

This is one of the reasons why Du Yougao often helps Zheng Weimin and Zheng Weitang!

It is very comfortable to get along with them, and because he is Zheng Shan\'s cousin, he will not think about what he wants of course.

Just two words to get along with them, comfortable!

In addition, Zheng Weimin never thought that it was a matter of course for Zheng Shan to help him. For Zheng Shan shares, it was not to let Zheng Shan continue to help him, but to be grateful and give back to Zheng Shan.

Zheng Shan felt relieved when he saw that he really understood.

On Zheng Weijun and Zheng Kui\'s side, after all, under his own eyes, what happened, he could know immediately, but on Zheng Weimin\'s side, he knew less.

In fact, to put it bluntly, the reason why Zheng Shan takes such care of these cousins ​​is also because they know how to be grateful and know how to advance and retreat.

He will never take the initiative to trouble Zheng Shan, let alone do those ungrateful things.

For such a person, Zheng Shan helped once, and wants to help a second time, if Zheng Weimin and the others are not satisfied.

Want this, want that, you see Zheng Shanli ignore them.

"Continue drinking at night?" Zheng Shan didn\'t mention it anymore.

Zheng Weimin said: "Drink, can you do it?"

He knew that Zheng Shan rarely drank continuously.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "How can a man say no, don\'t worry, there is absolutely no problem."

Of course, after all, when it came to drinking at night, he still didn\'t drink much, so he controlled the amount.

With Zheng Kui present, the atmosphere of drinking will never be lacking.

After eating and drinking, Zheng Shan and the others came to the old place again, the pigsty!

It was already full of people standing here, and it was very warm here by the fire.

"Aren\'t you ventilated?" After Zheng Shan entered, he almost choked to death. The smell of smoke and stench were mixed together, and there was no one left.

"Hey, I\'ll get used to it after coming in for a while. It\'s fine. Now I\'ll ventilate." Someone immediately got up to ventilate.

Zheng Shan didn\'t stop it. The smell was so unbearable that some people who had taken off their shoes also consciously put them on at this time.

Some people who came to visit relatives or came with friends were stunned when they saw this scene. When this person came, how could he talk so easily.

The smell soon dissipated. Zheng Shan smoked a cigarette and slowly got used to it. He sat down on the table and started playing cards directly.

"Is there anyone looking at you this year and slaughtering you as fat sheep~www.novelhall.com~ Zheng Shan asked with a smile.

"Hey, how can we, we are not fools, we have suffered a loss once, and we can\'t eat it a second time."

"That\'s good, ten yuan." Zheng Shan threw ten yuan directly.

Those at his table were all money-savvy masters, and Zheng Shan didn\'t take them anymore, and soon a lot of money was piled up on the poker table.

For Zheng Shan\'s first game, everyone gave a lot of face, and they were basically bored.

At one o\'clock in the morning, Zheng Shan withdrew first. After returning, he forced himself to take a bath. The smell on his body was too heavy.


The next day, Zheng Shan saw that Zheng Ming had recovered, and couldn\'t help but be a little stunned. This little guy\'s adjustment ability or psychological quality was too strong.

It was mainly last night that Lin Meihua and Zheng Weijun took turns to educate, persuading and comforting.