Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 676: take a name

Life in the countryside is really leisurely, of course, this is for someone like Zheng Shan who is not short of money.

However, there are not too many things about Zheng Shan, except that some leaders will come over occasionally to communicate with each other, and there are some things in the village.

Zheng Shan didn\'t want to take care of it. After all, he didn\'t live here himself, and he didn\'t know much about many things.

But everyone hoped that he could come up with ideas.

"Brother Shan, what do you think of these mountain goods? If it doesn\'t work, let\'s go up the mountain to look for it." This is the three brothers of the Ge family coming again.

Every year, some wild game from the mountain is sent.

The three brothers of the Ge family are just for gratitude, not for anything else. At least Zheng Shan has never heard of it. The three brothers of the Ge family come to beg their old Zheng family to do things.

These three people are also working honestly now, not causing trouble, not making trouble, very well behaved.

Don\'t look at Kong Wu\'s powerful appearance, but the three brothers have good temperament and good popularity.

Think about it too, people with such a temper and who know how to be grateful are no different from the popularity.

"Very good, then I won\'t be polite to you anymore. I accept the things. This is money, or that sentence, more or less." Zheng Shan said with a smile.

It\'s useless to be polite with the three Ge family brothers. The three brothers are more stubborn. Once something is delivered, it is impossible to bring it back.

Boss Ge hurriedly said, "Brother Shan, I\'ll take a little, it\'s really a lot."

Last time they finished delivering things, and then Zheng Shan forced them money, went back and ordered some, and found that there were more than they sold these things.

So this time Boss Ge remembered it and couldn\'t hold it directly.

Zheng Shan waved his hand and said, "Take it, you guys are all good things, almost the same."

Boss Ge stubbornly shook his head and said, "This can\'t be, we can\'t want it, if that\'s the case, we won\'t be stabbed in the spine when we go out."

Zheng Shan wanted to say something else when Zheng Shengli came over.

"Shanzi, you should give less, they took too much, and they came back in the end. Last year, they made a dozen trips to our side, and they brought a lot of things with them every time. I guess you got all the money you gave back. ." Zheng Shengli said.

The money that Zheng Shan gave more last year, no, even all the money that he gave, the three brothers of the Ge family returned it in other ways.

Zheng Shan looked at the three of them helplessly, and the three Ge brothers scratched their heads and laughed.

"Okay, let\'s take it as you see fit, don\'t take too little, don\'t take too much, just accept the money as it should, I heard that the three of you also have children, and the expenses at home are not small, and it is unnecessary. Save me money." Zheng Shan said.

The three of Boss Ge were still giggling. After they received the money, Zheng Shan chatted with them for a while, and then the three of them left.

"The three Ge family brothers are not bad." Zheng Shengli looked at the backs of the three and said.

Zheng Shan also agrees, "It\'s really good."

"By the way, I heard that your fifth master asked you to name his little grandson, but you didn\'t agree?" Zheng Shengli asked.

Zheng Shan had a headache when he heard this, and now he has even come to him about the name of the child. This fifth master said he was a relative, but he really couldn\'t be beaten.

Not only this fifth master, but also other people, and even some people in the town want Zheng Shan to name their children.

Who made Zheng Shan a celebrity on their side? As long as they can get involved, they all want a better name.

"I really don\'t have this ability. It\'s their parents\' business to choose the name. What\'s the matter with me?" Zheng Shan said.

Zheng Shengli just asked, "Then I rejected them. These people are free all day long."

Just after chatting, an old lady came over. Before Zheng Shan could recognize it, Zheng Shengli stepped forward and introduced Zheng Shan.

"This is your aunt and grandmother." Zheng Shengli said.

Zheng Shan hurriedly shouted, making the old lady laugh, but then the old lady also said the purpose of this time. Coincidentally, it was the matter of the name.

"His father, as you know, our family is not literate, and we don\'t even know a few big characters. I really don\'t know how to choose a name."

"I don\'t want to think that your Dashan is not Wenquxing? And there is a wife of Wenquxing, so I was thinking of asking them to help."

Zheng Shan sighed deeply in his heart, looked at the old man, and the old man simply said, "Sister, Dashan really doesn\'t know how to name his son. Look at his son\'s name Niuniu. How good is this name?"

The old man didn\'t name Niuniu. Anyway, in the countryside, the big name and the small name are the same, and even most people don\'t know what other people\'s big names are.

Immediately, the old man motioned for Zheng Shan to leave first, and then broke up with the old lady.

Zheng Shan found a reason to withdraw first, and felt that he was wise. Fortunately, he did not agree to the first one at that time, otherwise he would not do other things, just think about the name all day long.

When Zheng Shan came back again, the old lady had been persuaded by Zheng Shengli to go away, and Zheng Shan breathed a sigh of relief this time.

The next day, Zheng Shan still didn\'t wake up until ten o\'clock. At this time, Zhong Huixiu was too lazy to say anything, and sometimes she wondered, how did her lazy son get rich?

"Boss." Ning Youde saw Zheng Shan coming out, so he hurried forward to greet him.

He has been here for over an hour and has been waiting.

"Wait a minute, I\'ll take a shower." Zheng Shan said.


When Zheng Shan finished washing up and was about to eat, he asked, "Have you eaten? Let\'s eat together?"

"Okay, then I won\'t be polite to you, boss." Of course Ning Youde has eaten, but there are not many opportunities to eat with the big boss, so it is considered not to eat.

Ning Youde came here to report on the company\'s operations. Now the food company is really getting bigger and bigger. Last time, with the strong support of Zheng Shan, the speed of development has accelerated again.

In particular, the province also fully supports it~www.novelhall.com~ After all, the food company has shares in the county and pays a lot of taxes.

Zheng Shan listened to the report, nodded from time to time, and finally praised: "Well done."

"Thank you boss, it\'s all well led by the boss." Ning Youde said with a smile.

Zheng Shan didn\'t care about the flattery he patted. He listened to it too much, and he didn\'t feel it anymore.

"Boss, there is one more thing I want to report to you." Ning Youde said with a serious expression.

Zheng Shan said: "What\'s the matter?"

"That\'s right, some funds from the welfare institute are not enough now, so I increased the donation in the name of the company without authorization." Ning Youde said.

Zheng Shandao: "This is a good thing. As long as the money is used for the welfare home, there is no problem."

Ning Youde heard Zheng Shan\'s warning and hurriedly assured: "There is absolutely no problem, I will also send a special person to watch this piece."