Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 674: tear up the book

Zheng Shan and Zheng Weimin have talked a lot, and he doesn\'t know if he listens or not.

After drinking, Zheng Shan was also tired, and Zheng Weimin and the others didn\'t stay any longer, and left soon after.

Zheng Shan was lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling and sighing non-stop.

Yan Qingqing smiled and said, "Don\'t worry too much, let them handle their affairs by themselves, whether it\'s a blessing or a curse they decide by themselves."

"And even if you fail, it\'s good to suffer a little loss. You protected them so well that you didn\'t suffer any losses."

Yan Qingqing could see it very clearly. Although her husband said that he was very tough, he didn\'t care what he wanted to do, but in fact, he would still worry about it.

Just like the matter of the fourth eldest Zheng Kui, Zheng Shan has said it many times, and he won\'t care about his affairs, so he won\'t let him expand blindly.

But when Zheng Kui really ran into trouble, he helped solve it as soon as possible.

This is hard-mouthed and soft-hearted, after all, he is his own brother!

Zheng Shan put his arms around Yan Qingqing and said, "I know, just let them be. I\'ve said everything I need to say, and I\'ve done everything I need to do."

"Okay, don\'t be rude and rest well." Yan Qingqing chuckled.


Without a word all night, Zheng Shan slept until more than ten o\'clock before waking up, and was woken up by several children.

"You guys go downstairs to play, why did you run upstairs?" Zheng Shan started chasing people after he got up.

Like chasing piglets, he drove off a group of little guys.

"Mom, do you have anything to eat?" Zheng Shan shouted as soon as he came.

Zhong Huixiu said angrily, "No, you got up so late, are you having breakfast or lunch?"

"Am I tired?"

"Who\'s not tired, and I haven\'t seen anyone like you."

Although Zhong Huixiu babbled, she quickly prepared food for Zheng Shan and asked him to eat.

"I don\'t know if the fifth is eating well over there." Zhong Huixiu said worriedly.

She has said this many times, and it has been like this ever since she knew that the fifth child would not come back for the New Year this year.

First of all, there is not enough time here, and the other is busy with homework.

Compared with middle schools in the United States, there are too many things that need to be done in college if you want to learn something.

The fifth is so busy now that he has less time to call home.

Zheng Shan is still very happy with the change of the fifth, which is also a kind of growth.

"Okay, Mom, the fifth is doing well now. If you really miss her, I\'ll take you over to see her after the New Year." Zheng Shan said.

When Zhong Huixiu heard that she was going to the United States, she immediately shook her head, but she still missed her little girl.

No matter how it was in the past, I can still come back two or three times a year, even four or five times, but now I come back less often, and even make fewer calls.

Seeing this, Zheng Shan immediately said, "I\'ll take you there after the New Year, and by the way, I\'ll take my uncle to check on your body."

"And when the time comes, you and my dad will also travel there. Now that you are getting older and older, you will no longer have the energy to travel in the future. While you are still young, let\'s get to know more. Anyway, now our family is also No shortage of money."

Zhong Huixiu said angrily, "Are you disgusting me for getting old? Don\'t worry, you don\'t need to get old."

Zheng Shan: ......

Don\'t tell my mom about this, every time I talk about this, it\'s the same.

After eating, Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing also went out for a walk.

Saying hello and chatting with people along the way, Zheng Shan quite likes it.

"Mingming, look at how you are now. When you go back, you are not afraid of being beaten." Zheng Shan looked at Zheng Ming with a smile.

At this time, Zheng Ming\'s original clean clothes were already dirty, and it was cold. He was lying on the ground and playing with others.

It is a square made of paper, one square is placed on the ground, and then the other is released and dropped on it, and it is knocked over to the other side to win.

In order to win, it is normal to lie down on the ground carefully where you can exert your strength.

Zheng Ming wiped his nose and said nonchalantly, "It\'s alright, my mother is very busy now and doesn\'t have time to beat me."

And even if he is beaten, Zheng Ming is not afraid, he is used to it anyway.

Seeing this kid\'s sloppy appearance, Zheng Shan was a little funny, and after watching him play for a while, he left.

Before leaving, he warned: "Don\'t tear up the book you brought, or you will really be finished, and no one will be able to protect you."

These squares are all torn and stacked from textbooks, and they are all unused textbooks.

As soon as Zheng Shan said these words, he saw Zheng Ming\'s body froze.

"You shouldn\'t really tear up your book, right?" Zheng Shan couldn\'t help but said, this guy is too daring now.

"That\'s what others don\'t use. I didn\'t tear up my own book." When Zheng Ming said this, he felt a little empty in his heart.

Zheng Shan said angrily: "It was borrowed by your mother from someone else\'s house for you to use for preview. You\'re good, but you tore it up."

Nowadays, many people borrow books from the first year of high school to prepare for the winter and summer vacations.

"You can do it yourself, listen to Uncle\'s advice, and put more clothes behind your **** later, or I\'m afraid you won\'t be able to sit down for a few days." Zheng Shan said gloatingly, and then ignored him. .

After walking around and chatting with some old people for a while, the mental state of the old people in the village is now very different from before.

Not to mention the red face, but there is no such dish.

Who in the family doesn\'t eat meat twice a month now? If you don\'t eat, you will be laughed at.

"It\'s a good day now. It\'s not like in the past, whoever cooks meat quietly, for fear of being known, and then come to eat it." An old man said with a smile.

"Yeah, I didn\'t expect that there will be such a day in my life, that is, my teeth are not good, otherwise I can eat more."

"Just blow it, the third child in your family has said that every time you eat meat~www.novelhall.com~ you feel distressed to death."

"I didn\'t."

Listening to the noise of these old men, Zheng Shan also laughed, "The days will get better and better in the future. You guys take good care of your health, and the days of happiness are still to come."

"Haha, I haven\'t lived for a few years, but we old men are all satisfied."

"Who is satisfied? You are satisfied and you die. Anyway, I have a few more years to enjoy."

The pack of cigarettes that Zheng Shan took out was quickly exhausted by these old men, and now they are not reluctant to smoke this kind of cigarette with a handle. Although they are reluctant to buy it, they have not smoked less.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing also went home. As soon as they got home, they heard a burst of wailing and wolf howling.

No need to guess, it was Zheng Ming.

Lin Meihua\'s face was ashen at this time, and even Zheng Weijun, who had always been good-natured, looked ugly. They didn\'t expect their son to be so bold and dare to tear up the book.