Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 673: concept

Zheng Shan really didn\'t expect people like Zheng Weimin to have such thoughts. He seems to have reminded these people that business matters should not be emotional.

But Zheng Shan didn\'t expect that he had such a great influence on them, and one by one thought that helping relatives and friends had become a matter of course.

So Zheng Shan really didn\'t know what to say at this time.

Zheng Weijun and Zheng Kui can actually understand their behavior very well, and even now, they actually have similar ideas.

I went to the United States and learned a lot of things, and I also know how important the rules of company management are.

But after so many years, they have always been under the protection and help of Zheng Shan, and Zheng Shan also helped them wholeheartedly.

After all, he is his own brother, so Zheng Shan naturally tried his best, and even thought a lot about cultivating them.

Therefore, Zheng Weijun and the others also have similar ideas.

As for Zheng Weimin, they don\'t need to say more. Zheng Shan helps them, it is not trying to do anything at all, it is pure help.

Although it is said that Zheng Shan also has shares, but that is also what Zheng Weimin and the others forcibly gave him, even if Zheng Shan does not want it.

This is even more true for Zheng Weitang.

It is the brothers Zheng Shan and Zheng Kui, who have everything ready, and he can make money directly.

Even Zheng Rencai has almost this expression. He has not received much care from Zheng Shan, but the Zheng family\'s reputation is here, and he has helped him a lot.

And the name of the Zheng family put it plainly, it was Zheng Shan who supported it.

So there is a similar idea. After he made his fortune, if he needed help with something in his hometown, he would come back as soon as possible.

Zheng Shan looked at each and everyone with a headache. This is not a bad idea. After all, the cohesion is completely different, but it is not very good. The management of the company should not be mixed with too many personal emotions.

Small companies are fine, but once they become bigger and stronger, there will inevitably be conflicts.

Just like Zheng Weimin and Ma Ge, this is not too big, and it is already about to break up.

Zheng Shan sighed and said, "You just saw my surface. Let\'s put it this way, it\'s good that you want to help relatives and friends, but you can\'t help like that."

Zheng Shan pondered for a moment, and then said: "It\'s very simple, you all think that I am like this, but who of you has seen me stuff you people into my own company?"

"Not much else to say, just take my eldest brother and the fourth as an example, not much else to say, there is no problem for any of my industries to be the general manager of them. After a year, hundreds of thousands or even millions It\'s easy to earn, and it doesn\'t take too much effort, why didn\'t I let them into my industry later.

And this way, I can also take better care of them. "

Listening to what Zheng Shan said, Zheng Weimin and the others were a little dazed. They didn\'t understand this very well.

Zheng Kui said indifferently, "Why are we going to your company? If that\'s the case, why don\'t you just give me the money directly. Isn\'t that going to be a moth?"

"Shut up for me!" Zheng Shan said angrily.

Seeing this, Zheng Kui muttered a few words, he thought he was right.

Zheng Weijun also thought so, if Zheng Shan arranged for him to go to Zheng Shan\'s own company, Zheng Weijun would never agree, even if he gave more money, his self-esteem would not allow him to do so, it was entirely his brother Bai It\'s not okay to spend money to support yourself.

It\'s just that Zheng Weijun heard it, and Zheng Shan wanted to give Zheng Weimin and the others something to recognize.

"Do you understand what I\'m saying?" Zheng Shan looked at several people.

However, the eyes of Zheng Weimin and the others were all dazed, and they couldn\'t understand what Zheng Shan wanted to express at all.

Zheng Shan sighed again, and he could only say: "My advice to you is that if someone joins you in the future and wants to earn money honestly, just follow the rules and give more care in life at most."

"It\'s like the matter between Brother Weimin, you and Brother Ma. As long as Brother Ma doesn\'t deliberately suppress or make people look ugly, then you don\'t see it."

"If those who defected have other ideas, then we should borrow money to borrow money, and help those who should help. When the time comes to discuss the matter of money, then everything will be no problem."

"But in this way, people think that we have no humaneness. If this is passed on home, will our old Zheng family\'s reputation still be worth it?" Zheng Weimin said.

This is also what he thought, well, now the reputation of Lao Zheng\'s family makes them proud and makes them a little stressed.

Everyone in the Old Zheng family also takes this reputation very seriously.

That\'s why Zheng Weimin disregarded the rules to defend those who defected to him. These people are inextricably linked with the old Zheng family.

If you don\'t help, then these people will come back and say some bad things, and Zheng Weimin will feel that he is a sinner.

Zheng Shan looked at the other people with an expression of approval, even Zheng Weijun and Zheng Kui.

Zheng Jianguo, who had finished eating a long time ago, didn\'t know if he drank too much, but he actually interjected, "Weimin is right, our old Zheng family\'s reputation cannot be ruined."

"I..." Zheng Shan\'s breath almost didn\'t come up.

"Dad, can you stop interfering?" Zheng Shan said helplessly.

Immediately, he looked at everyone sternly and said, "The reputation of our old Zheng family is not paid for, if you really sacrifice your business and future to protect the so-called reputation, then in my opinion, this reputation is also There\'s no need to keep it."

"Let\'s have a clear conscience."

"It really doesn\'t work, each of you donate some money every year to help the development of the village and the surrounding area?"

"Building bridges, building roads, as long as it\'s done well, who doesn\'t care about our old Zheng\'s family?"

"Don\'t use the company\'s......"

Zheng Shan turned into a housekeeper at this time~www.novelhall.com~ What he said was really dry mouth, but if he didn\'t say it, he couldn\'t. If it goes on like this, something will happen sooner or later.

In fact, Zheng Shan really thinks that they think too much. The old Zheng family did not make their fortune in or around the village, nor did they infringe on anyone\'s interests.

When the words were almost finished, Zheng Shan said to Zheng Weimin: "If you are willing to listen to me, then call Ma Ge later, apologize, and tell him by the way that you will never take care of the company\'s management in the future. will interfere."

"Of course, I don\'t mean to ignore it at all, but it can\'t be like before, just for the sake of being in charge. As long as Ma\'s management is correct, and he doesn\'t engage in those family managements, then there will be no problem."

"If you still feel that you have done nothing wrong, then go back this time and do it separately. In this way, it will be good for both of you."

Zheng Weimin stopped talking and drank sullenly, not knowing what was on his mind.