Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 672: Influence

Zheng Weimin, Zheng Weitang, Zheng Rencai and several other brothers have also come over. For the first meal, they must have a good drink.

At the wine table, Zheng Shan also knew why Zheng Weimin looked so mourning.

Just a month ago, Zheng Weimin and Ma Ge completely separated!

You must know that Zheng Weijun has been with Ma Ge since he arrived in the south. Although Zheng Shan helped him, the two really supported each other to this point.

They experienced a lot of difficulties in the middle, and the two basically did not have any conflicts, they were helping and supporting each other.

Now the business is getting bigger and bigger and more prosperous.

But at this time, the two separated, which naturally made Zheng Weimin feel a little uncomfortable.

The key point is that they didn\'t break up because of money, and they didn\'t really break up completely, but they were separated.

"What\'s going on? Tell me." Zheng Shan ate a peanut, um, it was really fragrant.

He didn\'t feel anything about the separation of the two, although he felt it was a pity. After all, they have been starting businesses together for so many years. To put it inappropriately, the two have experienced more ups and downs than they and their partner.

But Zheng Shan is not surprised. The business has grown bigger and stronger, and it is rare to be able to cooperate without the slightest gap.

Ma Ge is also very recognized by Zheng Shan, who is enthusiastic, bold, and can do things.

Anyway, Zheng Shan has a very good impression of Brother Ma. He knows current affairs, understands etiquette, and is very authentic in key things, which is very rare.

Zheng Weimin took a sip of wine and sighed: "It\'s just for some small things."

"How can trivial matters become like this?" Zheng Shan said angrily.

Then he looked at Zheng Weitang and said, "Cousin Wei, since Brother Weimin doesn\'t want to talk, you can talk about it."

Although Zheng Weitang stopped following Zheng Weimin and accepted Zheng Kui\'s repair shop over there, it didn\'t mean that he would stop contacting him. He was still the same as before.

He must know about Zheng Weimin.

Zheng Weitang glanced at Zheng Weimin, and seeing that he didn\'t stop him, he said, "Actually, it\'s not a big deal, that is, aren\'t there a lot of people on our side who defected to Weimin?

As for these people, because they are all old family members, they are close relatives, so many things are difficult to handle. "

"And most of their factory management is in charge of Ma, so it is inevitable that there will be some conflicts. The two discussed it before, but this time they had a bit of a fight, so Ma proposed to separate the family."

Zheng Weimin and Ma Ge, one is responsible for the production and management of the factory, and the other is responsible for sales.

Brother Ma knows that in terms of sales, although Zheng Weimin may be lacking in ability, he thinks that he is definitely better than Zheng Weimin.

But Zheng Weimin has a Zheng Shan behind his back, no matter who it is, whoever knows it will give some face.

So in the sales business, Zheng Weimin is more suitable than him.

The two have been working together in this way, and the factory management is getting better and better.

In terms of money sharing, the two have hardly had any conflicts, which is actually very rare.

It\'s just that the women of the two families will cause some minor conflicts because of this, but the two of them are the ones who call the shots, so they have always gotten along well.

Zheng Shan knew the reason, which was the differences in the management of the two sides.

Zheng Weimin is still a little too concerned about feelings or face. People from his hometown used to defect to him, and he felt that it was a matter of course for them to call the shots and support them.

But Brother Ma doesn\'t think so. What Brother Ma thinks is to treat others equally, or even to be stricter, so that he can better manage other people.

"More than that, there are also promotions. Many times, it is obvious that the people on our side have made more contributions and are more capable. Brother Ma has to suppress them." Zheng Weimin couldn\'t help but said.

Zheng Shan asked, "That\'s all?"

"Well, that\'s all." Zheng Weimin said dully.

"Not only that, there are also women from the two families who are also in conflict. One thinks that he has paid more and wants to get more, while the other thinks that he is relying on his family to sell outside. If there is no sales, the factory will be finished long ago. " Zheng Weitang said.

There is no need to hide anything at this time, tell everything and let Zheng Shan see what to do.

Anyway, Zheng Weimin doesn\'t want to split up. After all, after working together for so many years, there is no conflict between the two that needs to be broken up.

Zheng Weimin bowed his head a little embarrassedly. He had talked to his daughter-in-law many times, but it didn\'t work.

Fortunately, the two families didn\'t quarrel completely because of this matter. At most, the two women were just a few weird words with each other.

Zheng Shan understood it completely, and the first sentence was, "It\'s good to be separated."

"Huh?" Zheng Weimin and Zheng Weitang didn\'t understand.

Zheng Shan didn\'t speak, but looked at his elder brother Zheng Weijun, "Brother, what do you think?"

Zheng Weijun said, "I think so too, because the two of you are already at odds with each other. This is very serious. It\'s not that you think it\'s good to be good now."

"Brother Ma is actually doing the right thing. In this way, at least the two of you can maintain a friendship in the future, and you can help each other when you encounter something."

"If it continues, it will really come to an irreconcilable day, not only friends can\'t do it, but they will even become enemies."

Perhaps Ma Ge also saw this, or else he would not suddenly propose a separation at this time.

Divergence of ideas is all too important, and the bigger the company, the worse it will become.

"And in this matter, I think Brother Ma has done better than you." Zheng Shan also spoke.

"Public is public, private is private, and they cannot be confused."

Zheng Weimin couldn\'t help but said: "But I was all helped by you, not only me, everyone in the family who is a little capable, who didn\'t rely on you to help?

Everyone hugs each other and helps each other. Isn\'t that what it should be? "

Zheng Shan was stunned, UU reading www. uukanshu.com He didn\'t expect that Zheng Weimin\'s reasons for not distinguishing between public and private were actually on his side.

This made him a little dumbfounded, and also a little alert, it seemed that he had a great influence on these people in the family.

In fact, it is not only Zheng Weimin who thinks this way, but even Zheng Weitang and Zheng Rencai, they all think that what Zheng Weimin did is actually right.

Without Zheng Shan, they would not be where they are today.

So they all subconsciously aimed at Zheng Shan\'s way of doing things.

Zheng Shan said in disbelief: "What do you all think?"

He can see that these people are subconsciously looking at themselves for these things, but what they see is only the surface, not even the surface.

Seeing Zheng Weitang and all these people nodding, Zheng Shan really didn\'t know what to say, but he was glad that he brought his eldest brother and fourth child to the United States by himself.