Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 671: bad thing

It wasn\'t just Zheng Shan who found out, everyone else saw it too. Now Zhong Hongjun is a lot more cheerful. Before, Zhong Hongjun was a very dull person.

Most of the time, when others don\'t take the initiative to ask questions, he won\'t take the initiative to speak.

Only when drinking, Zhong Hongjun will talk more.

But now Zhong Hongjun can clearly see the change, and he has confidence in his words.

It can be seen that this surgery to the United States has really changed him a lot.

The aunt is very grateful to Zheng Shan, but she is an elder, and it is not easy to talk too much with Zheng Shan, so she can only put all her enthusiasm on Zhong Huixiu.

However, Zheng Shan\'s uncle, Zhong Hongwu, is as cold as ever, perhaps his character is like that.

From the very beginning, when Zheng Shan came to pay New Year\'s greetings, it has been like this, and basically it has not changed.

At noon, my uncle had a good drink with Zheng Shan and the others.

"It\'s still better for Dakui. Dakui\'s drinking capacity is as good as mine." Zhong Hongjun said loudly when he was halfway through drinking.

Zheng Kui was also very proud, "Hey, when it comes to drinking, I really haven\'t been afraid of anyone."

"Then our grandfather will decide the outcome today." Zhong Hongjun also drank.

But in the end, the two still didn\'t decide the winner, because when they were almost drinking, they wouldn\'t be given drinks.

After eating and sitting here for a while, Zheng Shan and his family also went back.

"Sister, will you go back with us this year?" Zheng Shan asked.

Zheng Lan looked at Wen Jie, and Wen Jie said hesitantly, "There are a lot of things this year."

"Then I\'ll be busy at home, and I\'ll have nothing to do when I go back anyway." Zheng Shan said with a smile.

Wen Jie nodded, then hesitantly asked, "Dashan, you said to go to Lao Maozi?"

As soon as he said these words, he saw that Zheng Lan was going to go crazy!

Seeing this, Zheng Shan quickly stopped Zheng Lan, looked at Wen Jie and said, "If there is no accident, it will be after the New Year."

After speaking, he turned to Zheng Lan and said, "Sister, this is also what I want to go there. I have a lot of things over there."

"What can you do? Dashan, I tell you, don\'t just follow your brother-in-law because your brother-in-law is going. It\'s a big deal to let him die there." Zheng Lan said angrily.

Wen Jie didn\'t speak. He knew his wife\'s worries, and he knew even more that his wife was angry and he took Zheng Shan with him.

But he wanted to go by himself, but Zheng Lan wouldn\'t let him, and Wen Jie knew very well that it would be much safer if he went with his brother-in-law.

Wen Jie couldn\'t wait any longer. Recently, his business has been greatly affected, and more and more people have joined the ranks.

He himself is not there, so it can be said that a lot of business has been taken away, and they are all people he cultivated.

In the beginning, Wen Jie\'s business went very smoothly because of Zheng Shan\'s opening.

But Zheng Shan wouldn\'t keep staring there, and Wen Jie was even more embarrassed to keep bothering Zheng Shan, so business has now started to go downhill.

If it is said that Wen Jie is short of money now, that is not the case. At present, Wen Jie does not have much in his hands, but hundreds of thousands can still be easily taken out.

However, if it is compared, it will not work, especially when he sees the look of his employees who came back before, he can\'t stand it.

Coupled with such a large piece of fat, he was reluctant to throw it away, so he never stopped thinking about going there in person.

Zheng Shan couldn\'t help laughing and laughing, "Sister, I really have something to do, but it\'s related to my plans for the next few decades."

Seeing Zheng Lan still in disbelief, Zheng Shan whispered to her: "I really didn\'t lie to you, just throwing money, I\'ve already invested hundreds of millions of dollars, if you don\'t go and take a look, I will It\'s not stable either, don\'t you think?"

"You\'re going to die, you spent so much money, you.... I..." Zheng Lan was shocked at first, and then she scolded worriedly.

Zheng Shan smiled and said, "Sister, you must know that as long as this time is successful, your brother and mine will not have to worry about my business in the next few decades."

Zheng Shan actually exaggerated. The money he actually put in is only tens of millions. Of course, he didn\'t lie, as long as the order was successful.

In the future, many things will be easier to handle, such as talents, technology, and even resources. At that time, Zheng Shan will truly enrich his background.

It seems like now, Zheng Shan actually has constraints on many things. After all, he wants to move all these things into China, which is basically difficult to achieve.

After finally persuading Zheng Lan, Zheng Shan breathed a sigh of relief and said to Wen Jie, "Brother-in-law, after I come back, I will discuss it carefully."

After sending the two away, Zheng Shan returned home and baked the brazier, thinking about things himself.

Wen Jie reminded him. Although he hadn\'t forgotten about Lao Maozi, he really didn\'t pay much attention to it. Now it\'s time to put all his attention on this.

As for other things, you can put them away for the time being, and you can also hand them over to others.


Zheng Shan dealt with everything that could be handled at home, and then the family started off.

Still making a train, with so many things, Zheng Jianguo really wanted to move the entire capital.

Thanks to Zheng Kui\'s strength, he carried so many things by himself.

At Shixian Railway Station, Zheng Weimin and Zheng Weitang came to pick them up, but Zheng Shan looked at Zheng Weimin as if he was hungover and didn\'t dare to let him drive.

"How much alcohol did you drink?" Zheng Shan asked loudly, holding the handle of the tractor.

Zheng Weimin sat beside him, not crowding the back row.

Zheng Weitang drove the child and the old man back in a car.

"I didn\'t drink much." Zheng Weimin\'s mood was not very high.

"I haven\'t had a lot of drinks yet. I originally wanted to come back and have a good meal with you, but now it seems that I have to wait a few days." Zheng Shan said casually~www.novelhall.com~ Most of them were Zheng When Shan was talking, Zheng Weimin rarely interjected, which surprised Zheng Shan.

Zheng Weimin used to talk a lot, what happened today?

When he was about to get home, Zheng Shan asked, "What\'s wrong with you? Did something happen to you?"

Zheng Weimin opened his mouth, and finally sighed deeply: "It\'s not a big deal, it\'s just a little embarrassing."

"Tell me, do you need my help?" Zheng Shan said.

Zheng Weimin shook his head and said, "I really don\'t need to. If I need your help, I won\'t be polite to you."

Seeing this, Zheng Shan didn\'t ask any more questions. Seeing Zheng Weimin\'s appearance, it wasn\'t a big deal.

After I got home, I went to my grandparents and had a hot meal, and then went home to clean up for a long time. I waited until it was getting dark, and then I cleaned up here, but the kang was also on fire. It was quite warm inside the house.