Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 670: visit relatives

"These things are going to bother you. I\'ll invite you to dinner tonight." Zheng Shan said with a smile.

This time, Vice President Wang did not refuse, and he also wanted to talk to Zheng Shan privately.

"Then you are busy first, I will pick you up at night." Zheng Shan said.

Vice President Wang waved his hand and said, "I\'m not an old man who can\'t walk anymore. Just tell me the address and I\'ll just go over there."

"That\'s fine, just in Mingfeng Tower." Zheng Shan didn\'t force it.

Immediately, he left here and found a phone booth at random. First, he called Xia Laidi and asked her to come over at night.


In the evening, during dinner, Vice-President Wang was concerned when he saw Brother Xia Lai, who was already regarded as an outstanding graduate.

Many times Zheng Shan\'s donations were made by younger brother Xia Lai.

After chatting for a while, Vice President Wang started to talk about business, "What happened to Wang Wei before?"

Zheng Shan raised his eyebrows, "You know all this?"

"Not only do I know, but the leaders of the school don\'t know." Vice President Wang said.

What he wanted to tell Zheng Shan today was actually about Wang Wei.

Zheng Shandao: "It\'s all over, and I will think about it in the future."

"Well, that\'s good. I\'ll keep an eye on you here. If there is any problem, I\'ll notify you in time." Vice President Wang said.

After chatting with Wang Wei for a while, Zheng Shan didn\'t want to talk about it any more, so he changed the subject and said, "By the way, I asked Xiao Xia to come over this time, just to think about the future things about the institute, let Xiao Xia communicate with the school, If you have any questions, just talk to Xiaoxiati."

Brother Xia Lai also immediately said, "President Wang, I will trouble you a lot in the future."

"Hi, it\'s alright," said Vice President Wang.


Time passed quickly, Yan Qingqing was on holiday here, and Zheng Shan\'s family was also preparing to pack up and go home for the New Year.

"Yanzi, why do you buy so many things?" Zheng Shan asked, looking at Zheng Yan carrying the large and small bags.

Today, Zheng Yan and Peng Yue specially came to Zheng Shan\'s house to give gifts. To be precise, it should be Peng Yue who came to give gifts.

After all, the Zheng Shan family will go back to their hometown in a few days, and now is the time.

Zheng Yan said: "I didn\'t buy it, it was Peng Yue. Tell him not to buy so much, but he just doesn\'t listen."

Peng Yue also came over at this time, and said with a smile: "It\'s all worthless things, not much."

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "It\'s good to have a heart. By the way, Xiao Peng, when will you go back to celebrate the New Year this year?"

Peng Yue said: "I won\'t go back this year. The unit said that I was busy during the new year and asked me to work overtime."

"Peng Yue is valued by the leaders, and there are a lot of things going on now." Zheng Yan said something for him on the side.

In fact, Zheng Yan knew in her heart that her elder brother had a different view of her boyfriend, and this view was not necessarily bad, it was just not so optimistic.

So when there is a chance, Zheng Yan also wants to let her boyfriend add extra points in front of Zheng Shan.

"This is a good thing, work hard and serve the people well in the future." Zheng Jianguo walked over and said.

"Uncle Third." Peng Yue greeted quickly.

Compared with Zheng Shan, Zheng Jianguo likes young people like Peng Yue, who are energetic.

Zheng Shan asked about Zheng Yan\'s current work situation and the house. Zheng Shan wanted to give it a set, but Zheng Yan didn\'t want it.

"The unit still has a plan to divide the room. Because the two of us have special care, we will be in the next batch." Zheng Yan said.

Both of them are college students, and they are about to get married soon. They are both outsiders and have no houses in the capital.

Under various considerations, the speed of dividing the house between the two is still very fast.

Zheng Shan nodded and said: "That\'s good, with a house, it is officially settled in the capital, I tell you, even if you get married, don\'t have a relationship with our family, no matter what, I am you. Brother, if you have anything, just tell me."

Zheng Shan also found out that Zheng Yan is coming to their house less and less now, that\'s why he said that.

Zheng Yan smiled and said, "Brother, don\'t worry, I will definitely ask you for help as soon as I have something. Who made you my brother?"

"That\'s fine."

During lunch, Zheng Shan didn\'t drink much, but Peng Yue wanted to accompany him to drink more, but Zheng Shan had a lot of things these two days.

Now that the end of the year, many things need to be handled by Zheng Shan, and I have to go to my grandma\'s house tomorrow, and I will definitely drink a lot by then.

Zheng Shan is not the kind of person who can\'t live without alcohol every day. He really likes drinking, but drinking once a month is almost enough.

If he really let him drink it every day, he couldn\'t stand it himself.


Early the next morning, Zheng Weijun, Zheng Lan, and Zheng Kui came to Zheng Shan\'s house neatly.

"Did you come here long ago without eating?" Zheng Shan looked at a group of people speechlessly and went straight to the dinner table.

"It\'s early in the morning, if you don\'t cook, you won\'t do it. Who has the spare time?" Zheng Lan said casually while drinking the hot porridge.

"Then you can\'t say it in advance. Your breakfast is not prepared at home."

"It\'s okay, just eat a little less. You can eat it when you get to grandma\'s house. It\'s really not good. You can buy some food on the street."

"I\'ll buy whatever you want, but you can\'t buy it."

Zhong Huixiu looked at the noisy family, and was very happy in her heart. Maybe she was really old, and Zhong Huixiu liked to see the liveliness of the house more and more.

It\'s just that now each family has its own business, and the time to come is also rare.

Like in the past, Zheng Weijun\'s family basically came once a week, but now, it doesn\'t necessarily come once a month.

On the other hand, Zheng Ming likes to come here often, but he is only himself, not even Xiao Jingyi.

No one cares when he comes here, and he wants to play whatever he wants.

After breakfast, the family also set off, drove a few cars, and went to my grandma\'s house with a full of New Year\'s goods~www.novelhall.com~ Uncle, are you feeling better? "

"It\'s much better. Looking at me now, I don\'t look like I\'m lame." Zhong Hongjun said with a smile.

The aunt was also very happy, "You don\'t know Dashan, but now your uncle has to go out for an hour every day."

"It\'s good to exercise more. By the way, next year, uncle, take some time and go to the United States for a review." Zheng Shan said.

Zhong Hongjun waved his hand and said, "There is no need to waste this money. I am in good health now, and I know my own body."

Zheng Shan advised: "It\'s good to check it again, and there are many small faults that I can\'t feel."

"If you want to go, you can go. It\'s just a few days ago, so I don\'t know what my surname is?" Big aunt stared.

Zhong Hongjun murmured, in fact, he also wanted to go, but it was all his nephew\'s money that he spent in the past, which made him a little embarrassed.