Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 669: expenses

Zheng Shan hugged his wife\'s soft body, basking in the warm sun, and then.... also fell asleep.

Both were frozen.

At four o\'clock in the afternoon, the sun was no longer so warm, and then the two of them woke up from the cold.

Everyone shuddered, then looked at each other and smiled.

Zheng Shan also felt relaxed all over. He was depressed because of Wang Wei\'s affairs before, but now he has been swept away.


Within a few days, Zheng Shan was informed that there was no problem with his mobile communication research institute and communication license, and the next thing was a matter of time.

These are also within Zheng Shan\'s expectations.

The next day, Zheng Shan followed Yan Qingqing to the school again, and directly found Vice President Wang.

He did not communicate directly with the principal. Although he said that it would be more efficient to do so, in this way, Vice-President Wang would not have much credit for it.

To put it bluntly, Zheng Shan is actually giving some credit to Vice President Wang and increasing his prestige.

This matter was facilitated by Vice President Wang. In the future, everyone who works in the institute will remember him well.

In addition, this is also a big credit, and Zheng Shan naturally wants to give it to Vice President Wang.

He is not an ungrateful person. Vice President Wang has taken good care of him since he entered the school, especially Yan Qingqing was introduced to Zheng Shan by him, and Zheng Shan is of course in love.

And Vice President Wang only reacted in the past few days. He really didn\'t think about it much. He thought that he was helping Zheng Shan, but who would have thought that he was taking advantage of it now.

So when seeing Zheng Shan, Vice President Wang felt a little uncomfortable, and finally said with a wry smile: "You, you, hey, I really don\'t know what to say."

He has never thought about competing for power and profit in his life. He has been working diligently all his life.

This is the working attitude of many older generations.

So he didn\'t think about it that much, that is, in the past few days, many people came to him, and the leaders above also asked if they wanted to put more burdens on him, so that he was a little mentally prepared.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "This is the best of both worlds, you don\'t need to think about other things, and it\'s still a good thing, so you don\'t have to worry about these things."

"What am I struggling with? Of course I\'m happy, that is... taking advantage of your junior." Vice President Wang said.

Although he does not fight for power, he is not pedantic either.

Moreover, Vice President Wang has actually figured out one thing in the past two days, that is, it is best to intervene in this matter.

Because of the relationship between myself and Zheng Shan, Zheng Shan and some professors and researchers will have some conflicts of opinion in the future, and I can settle them.

In the eyes of Vice President Wang, this is basically a 100% possibility. You must know that what Zheng Shan wants to study by others is not necessarily what these professors want to study, the experts themselves want to study.

There may be huge differences among them, so he seems to be the best as an intermediate lubricant.

"Okay, I won\'t talk to you so much anymore, just treat me as your filial piety." Vice President Wang said.

Zheng Shandao: "It was originally, you can rest assured to keep it, and you will have to trouble you in the future."

"Well, I have already negotiated with the school, and it\'s totally fine. In addition, many experts in related fields have also approached me, and they all tend to come here." Vice President Wang said.

This is also normal. Zheng Shan has money, and the research direction is their main direction. With funding and goals, naturally many people are willing to come.

Funding is an important point.

There is also a lot of money given by Zheng Shan. It does not mean that everyone is not short of money. There are many people who are short of money.

It is of course the best to be able to get more wages through your own work and the work you love.

"Also, our school also agreed to take the lead, but we need some money from your side." When he said this, Vice President Wang felt a little embarrassed.

Zheng Shan is nothing, this is normal.

"No problem at all, five million research funds, whichever direction you choose, you will decide." Zheng Shan said with a big hand.

After hearing this, Vice-President Wang smiled a little bitterly. For the five million funds, it is estimated that he is going to have a headache again.

He could imagine that in the future, the door of his house would be trampled.

Vice-President Wang shook his head, and he simply stopped thinking about it, the water came to cover it.

He looked at Zheng Shan and asked, "When will the $100 million from your research institute be credited? Is it in batches or one-off?"

This was something someone asked him about, and the two started out very different.

"In addition, what regulations need to be followed for the use of this money?"

Zheng Shan had also made preparations for a long time, and said directly: "The funds of 100 million US dollars can be credited on the day of establishment."

Although Vice President Wang was somewhat prepared, when he heard this, he couldn\'t help but take a deep breath.

You must know that for those of them doing research, although many funds were approved, they were divided many times, even 100 million funds. The first time they gave a little more, the rest may be given a few million each time. Much more.

100 million to be given to you in five years is considered a good thing, but Zheng Shan is a good one.

"As for the use of funds, there are naturally the rules of the research institute. I will ask someone to review it specifically. As long as it is the equipment and instruments that need to be used, as well as the required materials, then as long as a report is made, everything will be fine." Zheng Shan Road.

"In addition, if there is a result, exactly what I need, then I will definitely invest more."

"Also, I will regularly invite some relevant foreign experts to come and exchange experience with each other."

Zheng Shan also wants to poach people directly from the United States~www.novelhall.com~, but the possibility is basically unlikely, unless he sets up the research institute in the United States, and then gives a high salary, then it is almost the same.

One thing to say, the current domestic research conditions are still incomparable to the United States, and these really capable professors, experts, research conditions, equipment, etc. are what they care about most.

Salary is just incidental.

Therefore, Zheng Shan can only invite people over regularly, but this is only temporary. After waiting for more than two years, he can directly pull people over from Lao Maozi.

"With such good conditions, I\'m afraid that you will pick people up." Vice President Wang couldn\'t help joking.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "The more the better, as long as there is real ability, no one will be rejected."

"You can forget it. When you do this, someone will be unhappy and trouble you. It\'s fine for you to search for a few, but if you catch them all in one go, it won\'t work." Vice President Wang said angrily.

Zheng Shan is just talking about it, he naturally knows some things.