Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 668: Thank you

"Brother, sister-in-law, how about making dumplings? It seems that I came just in time." Zheng Kui\'s loud voice came over.

Zheng Shan rolled his eyes immediately, "If you want to eat, go home and eat by yourself."

They packed for more than an hour, and it was enough for a meal at home. This guy can eat three or five people alone, so how could Zheng Shan have time to serve him.

But Zheng Kui didn\'t seem to hear it, and sat there on his own.

Zheng Shan is helpless, when did this guy have such a thick skin?

"What are you doing here? Aren\'t you going to work today?" Zheng Shan said angrily.

Zheng Kui said nonchalantly, "It\'s fine if you don\'t go for a day. My side is not like the big brother\'s side, and there is a lot of trouble."

Speaking of this, Zheng Shan also became interested, "How\'s the big brother? Has it been settled?"

Before Zheng Weijun and Zheng Shan went to the United States for so long, the taxi company was really as chaotic as Lin Meihua had worried.

To be honest, Zheng Shan has always been critical of Zheng Weijun\'s management methods. He manages everything himself and participates in everything.

If you don\'t participate, you feel like others can\'t do well.

This also leads to that although the performance of the taxi company is getting better and better, the two people are also getting tired.

Before Zheng Shan didn\'t say much, he could only mention it sideways, but because the taxi company is indeed the direction of Wang Hao\'s development, the two of them didn\'t take it seriously at all.

Zheng Shan can\'t really intervene in all aspects. Fortunately, after returning from the United States this time, he has more knowledge and wants to change.

At the same time, there is indeed a lot of chaos here.

During this period of time, the matter of pulling private work has reached the point of blatant, lying about gas bills, etc., these have become routine operations.

"I heard that the eldest brother got angry and opened a large number of people. These people have to go to the company to make trouble, and I beat him directly." Zheng Kui said with a smile.

Zheng Shan raised his eyebrows, "Why don\'t I know this?"

Zheng Kui said: "It\'s just a small matter, there\'s no need to alarm you."

"Tsk tsk tsk, I\'m still flattering, I really can\'t see it." Zheng Shan teased at first, and then said: "Nothing happened, right?"

"No, a bunch of guys who bully the soft and fear the hard, just be honest with a beating." Zheng Kui said indifferently.

"And they were the ones who moved first. It was just me and my eldest brother who fought with them. No matter where it was placed, they didn\'t care."

Zheng Kui looked at him and said, "Are you injured?"

"Who am I? Just them? Don\'t worry, it\'s alright." Zheng Kui patted his chest and said.

Zheng Shan said angrily, "I asked the elder brother."

"Oh, eldest brother is fine, just a little scratched. Even if those people gave them the courage, they wouldn\'t dare to really hit eldest brother." Zheng Kui said.

Speaking of which Zheng Kui seemed to have thought of something, he said angrily: "But the brothers in the sister-in-law\'s family are really not good people. They are the ones who are the leaders. If it wasn\'t for the sister-in-law\'s face, I would have beaten me up. Their parents don\'t know each other."

Zheng Shan knew about this matter, and Lin Meihua\'s previous worries were not wrong. She still knew her brothers and sisters very well. During this time, a lot of moths really happened.

A lot of things, although someone fooled them behind their backs, they did become the leader.

This has caused the company to lose at least several hundred thousand during this period of time.

Therefore, Lin Meihua also made up her mind to completely sweep these brothers and sisters out of the house.

"Okay, don\'t keep talking about the big brother. What about your situation? I haven\'t heard you mention it yet." Zheng Shan asked.

Zheng Kui was a little proud, "I\'m very good there. Although there are some small disturbances, they are still within the controllable range, and there are very few people who eat inside and outside."

Speaking of this, I have to mention Fan Da and Fan Er. These two people who were \'picked up\' by Zheng Kui on the way, no matter what their abilities are, but there is nothing to say about their loyalty.

They don\'t do anything else, just watch the house for Zheng Kui. Those who have problems are all hidden from the eyes and ears of the two, otherwise it will not happen.

So Zheng Kui is also qualified to be proud.

Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing took another hour or so to wrap the dumplings they ate at noon.

At the dinner table, Zheng Kui also talked about his business this time, and he didn\'t come here because he was really bored.

"Brother, when did you last time we said we would recruit talents?" Zheng Kui asked.

Zheng Shan suddenly said, "You are here for this?"


"Then why didn\'t you say it earlier? You have to wait until dinner time to say it?" Zheng Shan asked.

Zheng Kui plausibly said, "If I had said it earlier, would I still be able to eat this meal?"

Zheng Shan: ......

"Things have already been done. Let\'s wait for the New Year. After the New Year, you and your eldest brother will go to Xiangjiang. There are some problems there. Many talents have nowhere to go. It\'s a good time to recruit." Zheng Shan Road.

Zheng Shan had promised the two of them before that he would recruit some talents for them in Xiangjiang and manage the company for them.

Zheng Shan also kept in mind, but he was also very busy during this time, so he just asked the people over there to help watch and find a suitable candidate.

"Oh, I\'m not in a hurry." Zheng Kui said.

Zheng Shan glanced at him sideways, why are you not in a hurry?

After eating, Zheng Kui left in a hurry. He came here this time, but he came over after making a report with his wife. It was not as simple as what he said.

It only happened for a while, but who knew that Zheng Shan just happened to make dumplings, so he stayed because he was greedy, and he had to make up a better reason when he went back.

Zheng Shan didn\'t go anywhere else that day. He was at home, and Yan Qingqing was with him. It was rare for the two of them to get along so quietly.

Although Zheng Shan doesn\'t seem to be busy, he often has things to deal with, just like he went directly to the United States for so long before.

As for Yan Qingqing\'s side ~www.novelhall.com~, there is not much time for class and research.

So both of them cherish this time.

"Thank you." Yan Qingqing said suddenly.

Zheng Shan looked at her in surprise, "Why did you say this suddenly?"

Yan Qingqing snuggled into Zheng Shan\'s arms and said softly, "Thank you for supporting my work so much and not letting me be a housewife at home."

Yan Qingqing feels that she is very lucky that the man she loves also loves her so much and is more considerate of herself.

If it were someone else, with so much money and status in his hands, he would have asked his wife to stay at home honestly, but Zheng Shan never made such a request.

Zheng Shan hugged Yan Qingqing and said with a smile, "I am married to a wife, not a nanny. You only need to do what you like."

"It\'s good." Yan Qingqing put her head on Zheng Shan\'s chest like this, and then quickly fell asleep, sleeping soundly and soundly.