Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 667: Make dumplings

When Wang Wei received the news, he was completely dumbfounded! Things were changing so fast that he couldn\'t react for a while.

All the investments related to him have been withdrawn, and all losses have been withdrawn. Wang Wei is very clear about what this means.

Wang Wei almost rolled and climbed to Zheng Shan\'s side, and Zheng Shan was sitting quietly in the pavilion at this time, as if waiting for him.

Not only Zheng Shan, but also Yan Qingqing was there at this time, and she also wanted to see how her students became like this all of a sudden.

"Mr. Zheng, Teacher Yan." Looking at the two of them, Wang Wei couldn\'t help but tremble in his heart, especially when he saw Zheng Shan\'s unfamiliar eyes, he seemed to understand something.

He was still in high spirits before, thinking that the road in front of him would be a smooth journey.

but now..........

"Sit down." Zheng Shan said lightly.

Wang Wei sat down when he heard the words, and he wanted to say something full of words, but at this moment, he didn\'t know what to say.

He had already thought about it, whether he pretended to be pitiful or emotional, as long as Zheng Shan could let go, everything would be fine.

But now he finds that none of this seems to work.

"Why?" After a long time, Wang Wei asked with some difficulty.

He just wanted to ask why?

Yes, he asked himself that although he had borrowed Zheng Shan\'s name in recent years, he also used the investment of those companies under Zheng Shan\'s.

But he never mistreated these companies.

All the companies that come to invest have basically made money, and there are still a lot of them. Why does Zheng Shan do this?

Zheng Shandao: "Why? What did you do yourself, don\'t you know? Or do you need me to recall it for you?"

Wang Wei took a deep breath, looked at Zheng Shan and said, "I know, but I have never treated any companies that came to invest.

And why me? Lin Yu also has a lot of investment, more than mine, why? "

Lin Yu has long since returned to his hometown, and as he said, Zheng Shan does have a lot of investments in Lin Yu\'s hometown.

But all these Zheng Shan knew, and it was considered tacit approval, because everything Lin Yu did was related to people\'s livelihood, and he sincerely wanted to create wealth for the people and make them live well.

Just look at the industries invested there, such as fertilizer plants, seed companies, and so on.

Zheng Shan looked at him as if he still didn\'t understand, sighed slightly, and pushed him the information at hand, "Did you do these things?"

Wang Wei seemed to know what it was, and his hands were trembling, but he picked it up and looked at it, and the more he looked, the paler his face became.

"What else do you have to say?" Zheng Shan asked.

Wang Wei didn\'t speak, just lowered his head like this, and was silent for about ten minutes before he said, "I worked so hard to get into the university, I suffered so much, suffered so many sins... …”

When Zheng Shan heard what he said, he looked at him with complete disappointment.

The same is true for Yan Qingqing, she couldn\'t help interrupting Wang Wei\'s words, "Why do you think so? Why did you become like this?"

"Mr. Yan, it\'s not that I have changed, but the society is like this." Wang Wei said.

Zheng Shan wanted to be angry and wanted to be angry, but looking at Wang Wei at this moment like I did nothing wrong, he couldn\'t get angry, as if the person in front of him had nothing to do with him.

In the same way, Zheng Shan was too lazy to say anything, he just said: "I won\'t give you any other reason, and you won\'t listen to it. Even if you pretend to listen to it, you won\'t take it to heart."

"Let me put it this way, you use my reputation to do things, I\'m not happy, and you also do some criminal things, then I can\'t stand it even more.

Is this reason enough? "

Immediately, Zheng Shan waved his hand to let him leave, "Go and surrender yourself. This is the biggest favor your teacher Yan asked for you."

Wang Wei stood up silently, and did not try to argue.


Zheng Shan looked a little disappointed when he saw Wang Wei leave. He wondered if he shouldn\'t have helped his students so much.

He also asked this question.

Yan Qingqing held his hand and said softly, "You\'re right, you love your students and think about them, that\'s right in itself."

"You can\'t blame yourself for everything because of their mistakes."

Zheng Shan held Yan Qingqing\'s hand instead, and said with a long sigh of relief: "I know, it\'s just a little uncomfortable all of a sudden."

Zheng Shan naturally wouldn\'t think that he did something wrong, let alone that Wang Wei\'s mistake was caused by him.

Zheng Shan reflected on whether he had been too much help to the seedlings before, and had given them too much help.

You must know that Zheng Shan\'s students have been taken care of in many ways since graduation, which increases with Zheng Shan\'s influence.

"It seems that I am indeed not suitable to be a teacher." Zheng Shan said.

Yan Qingqing said with a smile: "You are no longer a teacher now, okay, don\'t worry about such a thing, what do you eat at night?"

Zheng Shan looked at his wife who changed the subject bluntly, and his mood became better, "Eat dumplings, I haven\'t eaten them for a while, and so did my mother. Now I\'m so busy that I don\'t have time to make dumplings."

In the past, Zhong Huixiu would make dumplings and steamed buns when she was free, but in the past two years, she has rarely seen her make these.

"I\'ll make it, and I can make dumplings, too." Yan Qingqing said and got up.

"Is there any stuffing in the house? Do you want me to buy some back?" Zheng Shan asked.

Yan Qingqing was also a little dazed. She didn\'t know if she was in the house, and she rarely entered the kitchen now.

Zhong Huixiu also does not want Yan Qingqing to enter the kitchen. According to Zhong Huixiu, Yan Qingqing\'s hands are used for scientific research, not for cooking.

Because of this, sister-in-law Lin Meihua and younger brother Yuan Xiaohua were not less jealous. When they came over, Zhong Huixiu let them cook in the kitchen for the first time.

When it comes to Yan Qingqing, it\'s better~www.novelhall.com~ Basically, she won\'t let her do it. This distinction is indeed a bit jealous.

The two looked at it and saw that there were vegetables and meat, and noodles were naturally indispensable, so they simply did it.

Zheng Shan mixes the noodles, kneads the noodles, Yan Qingqing chops the stuffing, mixes the stuffing, and the division of labor is clear.

From time to time, the two of them would fight, but cooking was made like a joke by them.

When Zhong Huixiu came back with Niu Niu, what he saw was the two making dumplings, especially when he saw Zheng Shan\'s quick hands and feet, he was very surprised.

"Emotionally, you can still cook." Zhong Huixiu said.

Zheng Shandao: "It\'s just a little bit, it\'s far worse than your craftsmanship."

Zhong Huixiu originally wanted to clean up and came over to help, but seeing that the couple cooperated very well, one made dumplings and the other rolled dough, complementing each other.

And looking at the happy little appearance of the two of them, he smiled and didn\'t bother them anymore.