Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 660: great return

"No, this is what you deserve. Now, on behalf of the leaders of the State Council, I would like to express my sincere thanks to Mr. Zheng for his support and understanding." A middle-aged leader said with a sincere expression.

This time they made a little bit of fame on the battlefield of Xiangjiang.

The most important thing is that this time, the people of Xiangjiang can feel the enthusiasm and confidence of the mainland.

At such a difficult time, at such a crisis-ridden juncture, the mainland itself is not rich, and even in the eyes of many people in Hong Kong, the mainland is a poor and backward region.

In fact, it is also true to say that although the mainland has begun to reform and open up, it has not yet completed the leap.

In the next 30 to 40 years, the mainland will leap through levels like a rocket.

Create a deed that shocked countless people!

But it is such a poor mainland, but at this time, it has taken out so much money, and it is also foreign exchange, to support their Hong Kong area and protect their property safety.

How could this not impress them? How can there be no sense of security?

Although the stock market crash has not been completely prevented, it has also reduced a lot of losses.

Especially when they saw the consequences of the stock market crash in other places, they felt even more fortunate in their hearts.

Some people who were still a little confused and hesitant in their hearts seemed to have confidence at this time, and they also had some expectations for the arrival of September 7th.

Therefore, the two billion dollars that Zheng Shan took out is of great significance to the entire country!

The people of Xiangjiang also had a deeper impression of the mainland this time, and even unconsciously, they had a better impression of the mainland.

You must know that many people in Xiangjiang have received Western education and were born under British rule from birth.

But now, they really feel the enthusiasm and care of the mainland compatriots.

At such a difficult time, when they have not returned at this time, the mainland will choose to do everything in their power to help these people.

Then they believe that returning is bound to be a very good thing!

This is the idea of ​​many young people, and these young people are the largest group of people in this stock market crash.

As for those old people, many people are also looking forward to returning to the motherland. What they want is to be able to return to the embrace of the motherland one day!

Therefore, everyone is very grateful to Zheng Shan for his contribution!

In particular, Zheng Shan also predicted the occurrence of the stock market crash in advance, so that they were well prepared and the losses were minimized.

"These are what I should do. As a member of the motherland, I have the ability and the obligation to dedicate myself." Zheng Shan also said with a serious face.

After speaking, there was another round of applause.

After being seated separately, the middle-aged man talked about the specific situation. In fact, Zheng Shan also knew about the same.

It is still difficult to hide the super-large financial capital like them from things in the stock market.

What\'s more, Zheng Shan has already made a lot of arrangements.

"On another point, Mr. Zheng may have been disappointed. Your US$2 billion ended up losing US$500 million. We only got back US$1.5 billion, sorry." The middle-aged man said apologetically.

Zheng Shan didn\'t care at all, he was very satisfied to be able to get back 1.5 billion yuan. Although it was said that in Zheng Shan\'s estimate, he might make a small profit, but that was only Zheng Shan\'s estimate.

It would be like this if Zheng Shan was asked to do it, but this time Zheng Shan just provided money, and the specific thing was done by the China Merchants Group.

As a large state-owned group in Hong Kong, China Merchants Group is the most convenient to do this.

With the background of state-owned assets, coupled with the fact that it has been operating in Xiangjiang for so many years, it has also been recognized by the people of Xiangjiang.

In addition, there is still no return, so some things still need to be avoided. The investment group is the best entry point.

Of course, everyone understands that the money is from the mainland, so the people of Hong Kong also remember this love!

Zheng Shan looked at the middle-aged man\'s apologetic eyes and said with a smile, "It\'s okay, this loss of money is lost. It is my honor to be able to contribute to the country."

"Mr. Zheng, the country will not let the real patriots suffer. We also have some investment plans here. Take a look. If you can, this 500 million can be regarded as your investment." The middle-aged man said.

Zheng Shan was a little surprised, but it wasn\'t surprising that the country didn\'t take advantage of others for no reason, let alone someone like Zheng Shan, who was full of patriotism.

Zheng Shan just glanced at it, then sat up slightly, he already felt the sincerity above!

"These are high-quality companies, and the future development will be limitless." Zheng Shan sighed.

"Haha, it\'s good that Mr. Zheng is satisfied. In addition, if Mr. Zheng has any requirements, he can put it forward as soon as possible, and we can also discuss it." The middle-aged man said.

Zheng Shandao: "I really have some ideas here. First, the $500 million is not considered equity, it means that my investment has lost money."

Seeing what the middle-aged man wanted to say, Zheng Shan smiled and waved his hand: "You should also know that I made a lot of money this time, and the bonuses given out are more than $500 million, so everyone Don\'t be polite to me."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the field instantly calmed down. They really didn\'t know, but they only knew that Zheng Shan had made a lot of money, but it was really unclear how much.

After all, some things involving Zheng Shan will be avoided subconsciously. What Zheng Shan has done for such a long time has already fully recognized Zheng Shan from above.

So they don\'t know much about Zheng Shan\'s situation.

Now I heard that Zheng Shan\'s bonus has exceeded 500 million US dollars~www.novelhall.com~ How could they not be surprised.

Zheng Shan continued: "As much as I need to invest, I will pay as much as I can. You don\'t have to be polite to me. The second point is that I want to engage in mobile communication in China. I don\'t know if I can. Of course, this mobile communication is not It’s done overnight, and the foundation is a little worse now, so it takes a lot of time.”

Zheng Shan has set his sights on the cake of mobile communications. After all, it is so fragrant. If he can take it down, he can really be free from worry.

"This is a good thing, but I still need to report to the above. This is not something I can do, please forgive me." The middle-aged man said.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Of course, I only put forward such an idea, but mobile communication must be the mainstream in the future, and I hope that the above will pay attention to this."

Mobile communication is still not popular, let alone in China, even in foreign countries.

So some people don\'t actually understand what Zheng Shan said, but it was proposed by Zheng Shan, which is enough to make them pay attention.