Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 659: fat girl

Huang Gu looked at the backs of the three leaving, and clenched his fists, but quickly released them.

He really didn\'t dare to offend Zheng Shan. If Zheng Shan was really ruthless, he would definitely be able to make his life worse than death.

Even before, Huang Gu thought of not relying on Zheng Shan, but Zheng Shan would never do anything to him, after all, he had the affection of his own father-in-law.

In addition, in fact, the main point is the words that my father-in-law said to him when he was about to leave.

Let him do business honestly, no matter what happens, don\'t bother Zheng Shan, he will also tell Zheng Shan.

So Huang Gu thought that he couldn\'t rely on Zheng Shan, so why did he give him and Zheng Shan a dividend every year?

In addition, as mentioned many times before, Huang Gu believes that his ability is very strong. Even without the help of Zheng Shan and Li Yuan, he will still do well, and it will get better and better.

But reality told him that it was just a dream.

But Zheng Shan asked him to go back to his hometown, so Huang Gu would rather die than go back.


"Brother, what have you been doing in the United States for so long?" In the private room of Mingfeng Building, the three of them quickly forgot about Huanggu, and Wei Chengjun wondered why Zheng Shan had been there for so long.

Zheng Shan looked at him and said, "Aren\'t you guys doing big business now? Don\'t you know that such a big thing happened in America?"

"Uh...how can our small business compare to yours? It\'s just a mess at home, hehe." Wei Chengjun scratched his head and said.

He really hadn\'t heard of it. After all, a lot of news in China is currently blocked. If you don\'t pay attention to inquiries, you won\'t know at all.

Li Yuan said thoughtfully, "Are you talking about the stock market crash?"

"You know?" Zheng Shan said.

Li Yuan nodded, "I\'ve heard of some. My current business has also done abroad, exporting a lot of goods, so I know a little more."

Zheng Shan nodded and said, "Yes, that\'s what I\'m going to do."

"I heard that many people went bankrupt in this stock market crash, which has affected the world. Is it true? What about you?" Li Yuan asked.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "It\'s true that some people went bankrupt, and there are still many people, so there are also many people who jumped off the building."

"As for me? Naturally, I made a lot of money."

"That\'s good, come, have a toast." Li Yuan raised his glass.

After the three of them drank a bottle of white wine, they entered the state a little, and Zheng Shan asked, "How about your side? How is it?"

"I am the problem with those accounts. Everything else is fine. By the way, this year\'s dividends are estimated to be gone. Most of them are accounts, and some are taken out for expansion." Li Yuan said casually.

He also knew that Zheng Shan didn\'t care about these accounts, but he still had to say what he had to say.

"You can make up your own mind about this." Zheng Shan really didn\'t care.

Li Yuan is different from Huang Gu. Li Yuan is a very emotional person, and for so long, Li Yuan also understands that if he wants to continue to be friends and brothers, he must be clear about money.

Zheng Shan was helping him before and had to partner up.

Zheng Shan has also proposed many times before that he wants to withdraw his capital because he does not want to mix interests between the two.

It\'s just that Li Yuan didn\'t agree. He thought it was very immoral and impersonal.

So what he can do now is to make all the accounts clear, even if Zheng Shan doesn\'t read them, he must complete them all.

The other is to hand over all the accounts to Qingshan Company for review.

Wei Chengjun also said some of his own things, but he did a good job on his side.

"Brother, I have to say, your stream club is really good. If there is no club, I don\'t know how to invest." Wei Chengjun laughed, very proud.

Upon seeing this, Zheng Shan reminded: "You should also be careful, you will be deceived by the time."

"In the capital, who dares to lie to me, don\'t want to work anymore, right?" Wei Chengjun said loudly.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "How powerful is our Master Wei?"

"Then what, brother, I drank a bit too much just now, hehe, don\'t take offense." Wei Chengjun said immediately with a smile.

The three of them drank a little wine and chatted, and soon the afternoon passed.

When Zheng Shan returned home, he saw that his son was bullying two chow lions. As soon as he saw the two chow chow, Zheng Shan knew who was coming.


Big girl Er Niu saw Zheng Shan and smashed it like a small cannonball.

Zheng Shan held one in one hand, and immediately felt heavy, and immediately put it down.

"How heavy are you now? Look how fat you are." Zheng Shan looked at the two girls amusingly.

"I\'m not fat, uncle is talking nonsense." The big girl was a little unhappy.

Er Niu laughed heartlessly and didn\'t care if others said she was fat or not.

"Why are you here? Are you not going to school?" Zheng Shan asked.

Looking at the two little girls, Zheng Shan was also a little ecstatic. In the blink of an eye, they were both ten years old. When he came back, these two girls were still young.

And at that time, the big girl and the second girl were very thin, and the little hands had no flesh. It was like now, the whole little chubby.

"Tomorrow is a holiday, and my mother asked us to come over. She has to take her younger brother and has no time to take care of us." The big girl said.

"Jealous?" Zheng Shan looked at the pouting big girl and pinched her fleshy little cheeks with a smile.

The big girl didn\'t speak, but she was obviously jealous.

However, the child, who didn\'t give much thought to these, quickly became happy.

Especially Er Niu, who is completely heartless and doesn\'t care about these things at all.

In fact, Zheng Lan and Wen Jie didn\'t love these two girls, they just weren\'t so delicate.

In this era, it is basically like this, free-range!

Zheng Shan originally thought that taking advantage of this Sunday, he would take the two girls and his son out for a walk, and by the way, cultivate a relationship with his son.

It\'s really been a long time to go out this time, so Niu Niu is a little unfamiliar with him now.

In addition, he went to Qingshan Company as soon as he came back, and he often returned home in the middle of the night, so he was almost done with things today.

Take advantage of the time to develop more relationships with your son.

But Zheng Shan didn\'t expect that he was called away the next day, and it was the people above looking for him.

Zheng Shan sighed and followed into a conference room.

Originally, Zheng Shan was a little unhappy. After all, he wanted to accompany his family, and he was not a workaholic.

But when he came in, everyone here spontaneously stood up and applauded, and the warm applause instantly dispelled the original unhappiness in Zheng Shan\'s heart.

Zheng Shan knows what they are for, it must be something from Xiangjiang, but he is still very happy.

"Everyone is so polite." Zheng Shan said with a smile.