Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 661: hang out

"I invested 100 million US dollars to build a mobile communication technology research center, and invited experts from major universities and research institutions to settle in it. In the future, I will continue to invest."

"The future of mobile communication will become an important communication revolution, which will affect the communication changes all over the world."

"Even in my prediction, mobile communication has the potential to lead social development in the next two decades."

"The other is Internet technology, which is just as important as mobile communication. These will become the biggest changes in the next few decades, and even profoundly change everyone\'s life, travel, even accommodation and meals."

When Zheng Shan finished saying that mobile communication may be the mainstream change in the future society, someone here asked him to explain in detail.

Now everyone is full of confidence in Zheng Shan\'s prediction, but it will never be taken as a joke. Even the outrageous speculation needs to be taken seriously.

Who would have thought this time that such a huge financial market would collapse if it collapsed?

But Zheng Shan predicted it, and it happened just as he thought.

Zheng Shan didn\'t make any excuses. He gave a brief overview of the situation, focusing on the importance of mobile communication and Internet technology in the future.

He knows that many people won\'t believe it now, not to mention domestic, even foreign, Zheng Shan said this, it is estimated that most people will not agree.

But because of Zheng Shan\'s influence here, he will still listen to it, and Zheng Shan doesn\'t need them to do what they say, just serve snacks.

In addition, he also needs to prepare in advance, which is also to prepare for pulling people from Lao Maozi in the future.

There are also many experts in this field, all of whom are good at doing research. When the time comes, they will be directly involved in this research group, saving time and effort!

And it can better fool them over. After all, with ready-made equipment and established research institutes, it is more attractive than empty talk.

The next time was almost all Zheng Shan\'s personal speech time. He said a lot, and most people\'s eyes were dumbfounded.

Many people don\'t understand what he is talking about, and Zheng Shan also understands, but it doesn\'t matter, as long as they have an impression, when the time comes, they can make timely decisions.

In the evening, several important leaders accompanied Zheng Shan for a meal, and they drank a lot of wine at the dinner table.

Also thanks again!

"According to incomplete statistics, in the past month, the number of people who came to the mainland from Xiangjiang to visit relatives and friends has tripled compared to the past."

"This is a good thing. Does this prove that the people of Hong Kong are still looking forward to returning to the embrace of the motherland?"

"Haha, this news deserves a toast."


"I\'ll take a toast to Mr. Zheng!"

"I\'m coming too."

"Old Zhang, what are you in a hurry, come one by one."

Zheng Shan: ......

When I got home, the whole person was in a daze, and lay directly on the bed.

Yan Qingqing took off his clothes and washed his feet.


"You drink every day as soon as you come back, you are an alcoholic." Zhong Huixiu scolded while sweeping the floor.

Zheng Shan rubbed his head with a headache, and since he came together, he heard his mother babbling, but he could only endure it.

"Mom, I only drink it for business." Zheng Shan retorted a little.

Zhong Huixiu glared at him and said, "Business? You are serious about everything. I think you have nothing to do every day."

"Okay, I was wrong, I\'ll go out for a walk." Zheng Shan really couldn\'t stand his mother\'s nagging, and was ready to go out for a walk.

But Zheng Shan\'s idea of ​​being quiet was also in vain, because his son and eldest girl Er Niu saw that he was going out, so they followed him.

Zheng Shan was helpless and could only take them out together.

"Uncle Liu, where are you walking, have you eaten?"

"Sister-in-law, this kid in your family made you angry? What? If you don\'t eat, you should really be beaten."

"Brother Wang, go to work."

Zheng Shan said hello to familiar people. These neighbors have long been familiar with them and can no longer be familiar with them, but the neighbors rarely come to their house.

"Candied haws, delicious candied haws."

Hearing this cry, Niu Niu\'s eyes suddenly lit up, "Dad, I want to eat candied haws."

The little guy is not polite at all, and he is very smart to know that when he comes out with his father, he basically eats what he wants, so don\'t worry.

Sure enough, his father just said one sentence, "eat less" and immediately bought it for him.

I bought four candied haws, not only the big girl and the second girl, but Zheng Shan himself ate one. Not to mention, the taste is really good.

But soon Zheng Shan got tired of eating, because the other three little guys couldn\'t eat so much at all, because the street was full of snacks at this time, and he wanted to eat whatever he saw.

When he came home again, the three little guys were full.

"When did you come?" Zheng Shan asked casually.

Zheng Lan said angrily: "What? I can\'t come, can I? Do you dislike me?"

Zheng Shan was helpless, "Are you quarreling again?"

Apart from this, Zheng Shan can\'t think of other reasons, otherwise why is his temper so hot.

But Zheng Shan is also a little funny, don\'t look at the two people quarreling every day, and sometimes they quarrel quite fiercely.

But basically it\'s a quarrel at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed, and it\'s rare to have a quarrel for several days in a row.

So this also makes the people in Lao Zheng\'s family not worried that they will suddenly divorce one day.

"No quarrel, who has time to quarrel with him?" Zheng Lan said irritably.

"What\'s the reason? Who bullied you? Tell your brother that he will beat him up." Zheng Shan said with a smile.

Just looking at the way his old **** is at ease, it is obvious that he is just talking about it.

Zheng Lan gave him a white look~www.novelhall.com~ is not that old couple, it would be uncomfortable if he didn\'t act like a demon for two days. "

Zheng Shan: "Didn\'t you say no to making a fuss before? Why is it starting again now?"

He knew that what Zheng Lan was talking about was her parents-in-law. Didn\'t he say that he was honest? Now what\'s the matter?

"Hey, it\'s not your nephew\'s business. I shouldn\'t have promised them to help take care of the child in the first place. Look at what this child is like." Zheng Lanlai said angrily.

Da Niu Er Niu said that she was taking care of the children at home, leaving them alone. In fact, Zheng Lan went out to work and sent Da Niu Er Niu to her parents\' house and her son to her husband\'s house.

Anyway, the big girl and the second girl don\'t want to go to grandma\'s house, and they are not comfortable going.

"How old is Xiao Chengcai, you just let him leave you? Are you so busy?" Zheng Shan said.

Wen Cheng is the name of the little guy. From Zheng Lan\'s pregnancy to giving birth, there was no fuss at all. It was very smooth, and Zheng Shan didn\'t realize that he had a nephew for a long time.