Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 568: Fuck off!

For the Huanggu family, Wei Chengjun felt the same contempt as Li Yuan in his heart.

Ungrateful stuff!

I don\'t know who brought them back from the mountain village at that time, and also helped them gain a firm foothold in the capital, and they lived better than most people in the capital.

But when the situation got a little better, he immediately turned his face, which made Wei Chengjun look down upon him very much.

Li Yuan looked at Zheng Shan\'s expression and asked in surprise, "Aren\'t you going to help them?"

Zheng Shan sighed and said, "Don\'t look at the monk\'s face and look at the Buddha\'s face. Although Uncle Lu said that he had asked him before, and he doesn\'t need us to help them, he is still Uncle Lu\'s relatives."

Zheng Shan is naturally unhappy with Huang Gu, but that\'s all. After all, he didn\'t really take Huang Gu in his eyes.

So I didn\'t get too angry, unlike Li Yuan.

Wei Chengjun said in a hurry: "Brother, I know you have a good heart, but who is it? They are not worth what you do."

"Even if you help them now, they won\'t remember you well."

Zheng Shandao: "I know, hey, but..."

Before Zheng Shan finished speaking, he was interrupted by Li Yuan, "Do you know why I didn\'t help them?

In fact, I know very well about their affairs, I don\'t even need to pay much, just say a word.

Huang Gu was simply tricked by someone, and there was nothing he could do about him, but if I came forward, it should be easy to solve. "

Zheng Shan looked at him and didn\'t speak. Li Yuan had something to say.

Li Yuan sighed, "Actually, at the beginning, I was angry, but it was exactly what you thought. After all, it is a relative of Uncle Lu, so please help."

"But you know what? When I was about to wait for him to come to me, I heard him blocking the door of your house and taking the child with me."

Zheng Shan frowned suddenly, "He went to my house?"

"Yes, I still have children and want to ask you for help. Huang Gu is not stupid. He knows that as long as you speak, basically things are easy to solve. Of course, I will go to you as soon as possible."

"Uncle and aunt have been annoyed for a few days, and I have to wait for me to rush him before I drive him away. From then on, I don\'t want to care about his affairs."

In fact, Li Yuan said harsh words at that time. If Li Yuan knew that Huang Gu went to Zheng Shan\'s house to act pitiful, he would not let Huang Gu go.

When Zheng Shan heard this, he stopped talking, and his eyes became cold.

"Forget it, leave him alone, let\'s go and have a drink." Zheng Shan said.

"It\'s long overdue. People like this, what are you doing with them?" Wei Chengjun said happily.

When they walked out of the door, Huang Gu saw it and ran up immediately.

"Brother Shan, Brother Yuan." Huang Gu approached enthusiastically.

Seeing that no one paid attention to him, Huang Gu\'s face was a little ugly, but he soon smiled again and said: "Brother Shan, are you going to eat? Just in time, I\'m hungry too, I\'ll treat you."

"We can\'t afford your boss Huang\'s meal, we still have this little money." Wei Chengjun said yin and yang strangely.

Huang Gu smiled awkwardly, "Xiaojun, don\'t slaughter me like this, I can\'t compare with you, I\'m just slapped my face and made a fat man."

Seeing that he was still talking, Zheng Shan said impatiently, "What are you supposed to do, just don\'t disturb us."

"Brother Shan, I was wrong, I really knew I was wrong." Huang Gu unexpectedly knelt on the ground.

Zheng Shan looked at him with a cold face.

Huang Gu slapped himself and said pitifully: "Brother, I was really wrong, I shouldn\'t forget about profit, you help me this time.

What do you say and what do I do in the future, if you don\'t help me, I really can\'t get past this time.

And once I\'m done, there\'s no one to take care of the kids. "

Zheng Shan\'s eyes are getting colder and colder. Is this threatening Zheng Shan with the child who changed his surname?

"Don\'t worry, even if you die, we can support the child." Wei Chengjun said with a cold face.

Huang Gu looked at Zheng Shan pleadingly as if he hadn\'t heard it.

Zheng Shandao: "Want me to help you?"

As if seeing hope, Huang Gu said quickly: "I know I was wrong, I will correct it, as long as you help me this time, in the future......"

"Okay, I\'ll help you, but from now on, you should leave the capital and go back to your hometown to live a quiet life. Your future task is to raise your children." Zheng Shan said lightly.

Huang Gu stopped talking all of a sudden, now let him go back to his hometown to live that kind of hard life?

It might as well kill him!

"elder brother......"

"No? Then forget it. In addition, don\'t use the child\'s affairs as a threat. If you let me know that you deliberately treated the child badly, or made a fuss about the child, it would not be difficult for me to send you in."

"Or do you think I can\'t bear it?" Zheng Shan said with a cold face.

At this time, he was also disgusted by this Huang Gu. If it weren\'t for the affection of Uncle Lu, he would have made this guy look good.

In fact, from the very beginning, Zheng Shan had a good sense of this Huanggu, a very simple rural child.

But what Zheng Shan didn\'t expect is that a person can change so quickly!

It\'s almost time for him to make a mistake, but the only good thing is that this guy performed pretty well when Uncle Lu was still alive.

Of course, the biggest possibility was because he knew that Uncle Lu was his biggest support in the capital.

Another point is that there is no complete deprivation of conscience.

Perhaps in the last time of Uncle Lu, he saw clearly the true face of his little son-in-law, so he told Zheng Shan that he didn\'t need to care about them and let them fend for themselves.

"Go away." Zheng Shan looked at his eyes and knew that Huang Gu was unwilling to go back~www.novelhall.com~ so he didn\'t bother to say anything more to him.

Huang Gu squirmed his lips, but in the end he couldn\'t say anything, and he didn\'t dare to say anything cruel and angry, it was just courting death.

Originally, Huang Gu thought that his ability was very strong. Even if he left Li Yuan, he would be able to mingle in the capital without Zheng Shan\'s help.

Even surpassing these two is not impossible.

After all, he has created such a \'huge\' industry in a short period of time. Yes, in his opinion, his current industry is already huge.

That was a wealth he never dreamed of before!

But the reality quickly slapped him in the face, leaving the two of them. It was good at first, but at the back, once there was a problem, Huang Gu didn\'t know what to do.

In the past, even if Zheng Shan didn\'t show up, he had Li Yuan\'s name here. People wouldn\'t care about him for many things, or even give him some convenience, but now no one would care about him. What kind of thing is his Huanggu? After leaving the two, who knows him?