Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 653: go home

The reason why I want to thank Zheng Shan is because Zheng Shan\'s reminder has reduced countless losses to their family and their relatives and friends.

Dad Zhao and the others have also seen the tragic situation these days, and it is not that no one in the neighborhood has become impoverished because of this, and many even committed suicide.

That\'s why he is very grateful to Zheng Shan. If there is no Zheng Shan, maybe their family or their relatives and friends have the same.

This is not about their family, but about almost all their relatives and friends. Of course, if relatives and friends don\'t listen, there is nothing they can do.

But their relatives and friends basically believed what they said.

Since knowing that Zheng Shan has a close relationship with their family, these relatives and friends believe that their family will get inside information.

After all, this is the only Xishui supermarket franchise store in the world. Now, with this, the Zhao family has changed from being heavily in debt to a wealthy family.

It is not difficult to become a millionaire in the future and even become a multi-millionaire.

And the truth is indeed the same as what their relatives and friends guessed, and what they got is inside information.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Uncle, don\'t be polite to me."

"Okay, then come back when you have time. I\'ll ask your aunt to make you more delicious food." Dad Zhao said.

"Dad, let Dashan go back first, he has a lot of things to do now." Zhao Wendao.

Zheng Shan chatted a little more here, and then left. When he returned home, Zheng Shan also fell asleep.

His sleep quality has been particularly good recently, and he basically fell asleep when his head touched the pillow.

In the next two days, Zheng Shan will be here to deal with some aftermath affairs, while Zheng Weijun and the others will buy and buy.

This time, we need to bring a lot of gifts. After all, they have been out for so long, and they also miss their family members.

Especially children, if they didn\'t really learn a lot here, they wouldn\'t be able to stay for a day.

It is estimated that the children will not know them when they go back this time, especially Yuan Xiaohua and Zheng Kui.

But this time they felt that it was worth it. Many things that used to be particularly difficult to do, now have a lot of ideas.

As for which one will succeed, it is hard to say for the time being, but at least they have an idea.

It\'s not like before, when you encounter a problem, you can mostly just watch it, or try a little bit, and the rest don\'t know what to do.

That is to say, the company has always been making profits, and the dividends of the times are here, and the profits and so on have been increasing.

Otherwise they would have been worried already.


Two days later, Brother Xia Lai brought a large package of documents to his side, and these all need to be brought back, not left here.

As for other things, Zheng Shan has also finished explaining, and there will be no problems for at least a year or two.

Zheng Shan will focus on Lao Maozi\'s side in the next time, so he needs to put it aside temporarily.

All the way to the plane, this time Zheng Weijun and the others were the same as Zheng Shan. They were able to fall asleep on the plane, and they slept soundly.

But when it was about to arrive, everyone was impatient, and there was a nail under his butt, and he was restless.

Zheng Shan is actually similar. He also misses his wife and his son.

This time, it was Li Yuan and Wei Chengjun who came to pick up the person and sent the person to the door. The two of them went back directly, knowing that they had something to do when they just came back.

"Yo, do you still know how to come back?" Zheng Jianguo was drinking tea leisurely under the tree holding the teapot. When he saw them, he just glanced at them and spoke a little strangely.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "This is our home, how do we know to come back, and this time I went to earn pension money for you."

"Fart, I need you to support us? I have enough money to support us, and I count on you? Hehe." It was obvious that Zheng Jianguo was still a little resentful when he saw that they had been out for so long.

At this time, Yuan Xiaohua and Lin Meihua didn\'t care about talking to Zheng Jianguo at all. They put down their things and went straight to their dolls.

Zheng Ming is okay, or he is a little unhappy, not because his parents have been away for so long, but because his parents have returned.

You must know that during this period of time, he should not be too moisturizing.

If you want money and money, you can have whatever you want. Grandpa and grandma are also very painful. After all, they are the eldest grandson.

As long as she completes her homework every day, Yan Qingqing has no time to worry about it.

In addition to helping him check his homework and tutoring him every day, Yan Qingqing doesn\'t care about the rest.

So, although Zheng Ming misses his parents, he doesn\'t miss them that much.

As for Xiao Jingyi, she was a little unfamiliar for a while, and then she lay in her mother\'s arms very intimately.

The most difficult thing to do is Niuniu and Xiaogang, these two boys just don\'t know them.

But soon the two little guys stopped under the bribe of various toys, and this time they brought back a lot of toys.

Enough to make the two little guys happy.

After a while, Zheng Lan and Wen Jie also came, bringing their children with them, and the house became lively in an instant.

"Sister, don\'t you know? We\'ve met the big world this time. It\'s really a pity that you didn\'t go." Zheng Kui said with some show off.

Zheng Shan also wanted to take Zheng Lan and his wife there before, but neither of them wanted to follow, so Zheng Shan didn\'t force it.

Zheng Lan said angrily: "How big of a world can you have? What? Do you look down on your sister because you have seen the world?"

"Cough, how is that possible." Zheng Kui was suddenly choked.

Zheng Lan glanced at the fourth child, humming in her heart, "Sample, do you still want to fight me?"

"How was the past this time? Why did it take so long?" Zheng Lan asked.

When Zheng Kui saw her asking, he immediately began to talk excitedly, this time there is really too much to say.

I heard Zheng Kui talk about how Zheng Shan\'s company over there is, how many companies they have seen, and they said that they have listened to many professors\' lectures, and so on.

This also made Zheng Lan and Wen Jie a little envious, but then it was nothing, they really couldn\'t walk away, and they were reluctant to leave home for so long.

But when they heard Zheng Kui talk about the U.S. stock market crash, they didn\'t feel anything at first.

However, when Zheng Kui talked about the consequences of the stock market crash and the harm caused ~www.novelhall.com~ everyone in the Zheng family was shocked!

What listed companies, companies with a market value of tens of millions or hundreds of millions, went bankrupt directly, how many people were displaced, and how many people were burdened with huge debts.

Some people even couldn\'t bear the pressure and chose to commit suicide, and there were not a few occasions when one by one was stunned on the spot.

This is completely different from what they imagined. No one would have thought that they had experienced so many things in the past this time, which was terrifying.

Immediately, everyone looked at Zheng Shan with a worried look on his face. Did Zheng Shan have anything to do with this stock market disaster?

Seeing their expressions, there was no need for Zheng Shan to speak at all, and Zheng Kui took the initiative to say: "Don\'t look at the third brother, not only did he not owe a debt, but he made a lot of money, and he made a lot of money, so much that you don\'t dare to imagine."

"It\'s okay, it\'s okay." Zheng Lan doesn\'t care how much money her brother makes, as long as it\'s okay.

Wen Jie wanted to know, but Zheng Lan didn\'t ask. He was embarrassed to ask, so he could only hold back.