Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 652: eat with face

The stream investment this time made a lot of money. At the same time, in Zheng Shan\'s plan, although the 15 billion US dollars has been given a reward of 700 million, there is still some follow-up income that has not yet arrived, and in the end it will only be More than $15 billion, not less.

So much money will completely build up Zheng Shan\'s business empire, so much cash, especially with the current business environment.

As long as they spread it, follow the general direction Zheng Shan gave them, and invest in some well-known companies in the future and companies that are now in a downturn.

Then it will bring ten times the return to Zheng Shan in the future.

That is to say, the 15 billion dollars will bring Zheng Shan hundreds of billions of dollars, or even trillions of dollars in return in the days to come.

Therefore, Zheng Shan is in a very happy mood.

The bonuses were given to Auntie Baojie and the others, and it was Brother Xia Lai who said something along the way, otherwise Zheng Shan wouldn\'t really notice.

After all, his position is rarely accessible, and Auntie Cleaning cannot enter Zheng Shan\'s office.

Zheng Shan\'s office has always been cleaned by Brother Xia Lai himself, not to mention the cleaning aunt, even Moore can\'t enter at will.

After Brother Xia Lai mentioned it, Zheng Shan realized that they had actually made a lot of contributions.


Zheng Kui looked at Zheng Shan\'s smiling face, and finally couldn\'t hold back, "Brother, how much did you earn this time?"

As soon as these words came out, the figures who were originally busy in their respective bodies suddenly paused, and then returned to normal.

But it didn\'t take a closer look to see their ears pricked up.

It is true that everyone is concerned and curious, but it was difficult for anyone to ask before. After all, this is Zheng Shan\'s own money, and it may be a commercial secret.

Zheng Shan didn\'t want to say it, and everyone didn\'t want to force him to say it.

It\'s just that I always want to scratch the itch in my heart, and the other thing is that Zheng Shan was too busy in the previous time, so that everyone didn\'t dare to disturb him at all.

Now Zheng Kui couldn\'t help but ask, and everyone subconsciously wanted to listen.

Zheng Shan smiled and said, "Want to know?"

When Zheng Kui saw Zheng Shan like this, he knew that this matter was not a secret, so he hurriedly nodded and said, "I want to know."

Zheng Shan coughed, "I\'m a little thirsty."

Zheng Kui didn\'t say a word, just ran to pour tea, and then looked at Zheng Shan eagerly.

Zheng Shan said again, "My legs are a little sore."

Zheng Kui also didn\'t speak, but the next moment, Zheng Shan instantly withdrew his leg, "Don\'t you know the severity of your attack?"

When he was talking, he was rubbing his legs while grinning. This guy was too heavy.

Zheng Kui smirked and said, "I don\'t care."

"I suspect you did it on purpose, but forget it, I\'m too lazy to bother with you." Zheng Shan said angrily.

Immediately, he didn\'t hide it, and said directly: "The earnings this time are quite acceptable, about 1.5 billion US dollars."

Zheng Kui: ......

Zheng Weijun: ......

Lin Meihua: ......

Yuan Xiaohua: ......

And Zhao Wen, who had just entered the door, were dumbfounded on the spot, one by one, as if they had been locked in the body, unable to move at all.

They had previously thought that Zheng Shan would be able to make a lot of money this time, but they never expected that he would make so much.

So much money, they can\'t even think about it!

Zheng Weijun and the others didn\'t understand anything before. They knew what the value of the dollar was and how much money it represented.

"Wow, Zheng Shan, Boss Zheng, please accept my knees!" Zhao Wen reacted the fastest, kneeling directly.

Zheng Shan laughed and joked with him. After waiting for a while, Zheng Weijun and the others responded.

Zheng Weijun\'s first sentence was "Dashan, you must keep this matter a secret, don\'t spread it out."

He was afraid of revealing his wealth and causing unnecessary trouble.

He has heard a lot of things like this, especially in China now, where such a situation does happen.

Some people who are just rich are known to be very dangerous.

Zheng Shan said funny: "Brother, it\'s not as dangerous as you said, and I won\'t talk nonsense after I go back, even if I say it, who will believe it?

I will say more about others, will my parents believe it? "

Zheng Weijun thought about it, and it seems that this is the same reason. If he hadn\'t experienced it himself, he wouldn\'t believe it.

"It\'s just right, let\'s go out to eat a good meal in the evening. It\'s a celebration, and we\'ll prepare. It\'s time for us to go back." Zheng Shan said.

"Why don\'t you go out to eat? Let your sister-in-law cook for you what you want to eat." Zheng Weijun still adhered to the principle of caution.

Lin Meihua also quickly said, "Yes, yes, we can eat at home."

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Brother, sister-in-law, you can rest assured, there will be no problem, and you have come here, haven\'t you had a good meal yet?

If this was spread out, people would think that I, Zheng Shan, was a miser, and even my elder brother and sister-in-law would be reluctant to spend money. "

"Who dares to say that?" Lin Meihua pretended to be angry.

But it\'s not a pretense, but Lin Meihua really doesn\'t feel that Zheng Shan is stingy. Even now that Zheng Shan has so much money, what he gives them is only a drop in the bucket, not even a drop in the nose, but Lin Meihua still doesn\'t feel that Zheng Shan is stingy. .

This is also the reason why Zheng Shan disclosed how much money he made without any concealment, because he believed in the behavior of his brother and sister-in-law.

In the end, the family went out for a luxurious meal, and this time it was really more expensive.

The food should be the most expensive, and the wine should be the best. Anyway, the two words are highlighted, rich!

But in the end, Zheng Shan didn\'t let Zheng Shan pay for the meal.

The manager of this store recognized Zheng Shan and directly said that the order is free!

No other request was made, that is, a simple free bill, which Zheng Shan did not refuse in the end.

"You have really managed to eat with your face now~www.novelhall.com~ The awesomeness of the year has come true!" Zhao Wen said with a smile.

These words reminded Zheng Shan of the past. In the past, they saw some gang members who didn\'t pay for meals, and they seemed to have said similar things.

Of course, they didn\'t mean to eat Bawang\'s meal, but to eat with face.

It was just a joke at the time, but it seems to be happening now!

Thinking of this, Zheng Shan\'s face also showed a smile, "Haha, now I can eat enough with this face, it\'s pretty good to think about it."

A group of people went back after talking and laughing. Zheng Shan accompanied Zhao Wen back to Zhao Wen\'s house and met Zhao\'s father and Zhao\'s mother.

"I will be leaving in two days. There have been a lot of things going on recently, so I won\'t come to say goodbye to you two." Zheng Shan said.

Dad Zhao said quickly: "You are busy with important things. You don\'t have to come and waste time. Your aunt and I are both very good, and I haven\'t thanked you properly this time."