Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 654: confidence

Zheng Kui rambled on for an afternoon, and finally finished talking about their experience during this time.

You must know that they are not idle at all, they really visited many, many companies.

It is not only to see how people are managed, but more importantly, to have a broader insight.

Take Zheng Kui, for example, now he has countless thoughts in his heart, but he doesn\'t dare to say it for the time being.

When I got the transport team, I said it before, don\'t think that it will come out once, so now he can only hide it in his heart.

We\'ll talk about it when the transport team is done here.


Yan Qingqing saw Zheng Shan coming back from get off work, and her eyes were full of surprises. Although she had known in advance that Zheng Shan and the others had arrived home today, she couldn\'t help but be happy when she saw Zheng Shan.

This meal took a lot of time, and the house was very lively. At the same time, several children were also very happy, except Zheng Ming.

Because he knew that the days when he was so unrestrained were gone.

Yan Qingqing was lying in Zheng Shan\'s arms, her face flushed.

"Hey, you\'re suffocating me." Zheng Shan grinned wickedly.

Yan Qingqing gave him a white look and hugged Zheng Shan, feeling full of security.

"Daughter-in-law, your husband and I made a lot of money this time, do you want to know how much?" Zheng Shan said with a flamboyant face.

For other people, Zheng Shan has no idea of ​​showing off, and it is even more boring, but for his daughter-in-law, Zheng Shan is indeed full of desire to show off.

But Yan Qingqing didn\'t care, "As long as you\'re fine, it doesn\'t matter how much money you have."

Yan Qingqing\'s side also knew about the US stock market crash for a long time. Although Zheng Shan had explained it to her in advance, when it happened, Yan Qingqing was still worried.

But she knew that her best thing was not to disturb Zheng Shan.

"My mother-in-law can\'t wait to put all the money in the family in her arms. It\'s better for you, I don\'t want it for you." Zheng Shan said helplessly.

Yan Qingqing said: "More money and less money have no effect on me, no, it does. If I have less money, I don\'t think I have much mind to work.

But when the current reaches a certain level, if I eat and drink enough, then it has no effect on me. "

"Okay, okay, by the way, has something happened at home recently?" Zheng Shan asked.

"It\'s nothing, it\'s just that my grandfather\'s health is not very good, and... the other thing is that something happened to Yan Zhengbiao. I borrowed your relationship to help solve it." When he said this , Yan Qingqing was a little uncomfortable.

This kind of discomfort is not due to Zheng Shan\'s relationship. She and Zheng Shan are husband and wife, and they are not so particular about it.

But for Yan Zhengbiao, Yan Qingqing has never forgiven him, so Fu Meiyi has been taking care of her all these years, even pleasing her, so Yan Qingqing doesn\'t have so many psychological obstacles.

"What\'s the matter? Do you need me to come forward?" Zheng Shan asked.

Yan Qingqing said: "It\'s not a big deal, it\'s because his business has encountered difficulties. He borrowed some money from the bank and can\'t pay it for the time being. It will be overdue soon."

"At that time, Lele\'s mother came to me for help, and I didn\'t feel ashamed to refuse."

In fact, it is precisely because of this that Yan Qingqing chooses to help. If it is something important or even illegal, Yan Qingqing will not help.

Zheng Shandao: "There is no need to struggle with these little things. Since they have come here, let\'s help. Anyway, it is not a big deal."

"Hey." Yan Qingqing sighed.

Her heart is also very complicated. When she and Zheng Shan were about to get married, she wanted to see Yan Zhengbiao and Fu Meiyi for the last time and completely cut off all relations.

But I didn\'t expect that now not only is there no break, but the connection is getting more and more.

Zheng Shan comforted: "Don\'t think so much, life is like this."

"Well, thank you husband."

"Who made me your husband, and if you want to thank me, then...hehehe."



At this time, in Xia Lai\'s brother\'s house, the atmosphere seemed a little dignified.

"You\'ve only known him for two months, and now you\'re going to move out and live with him? What do you think?" Brother Xia Lai said blankly.

Xia Zhaodi was so frightened by her that she could only murmur: "He treats me very well, we have agreed that we will get married next year."

It turned out that during this time, Xia Zhaodi found a boyfriend here. The two got along very well. Xia Zhaodi wanted to help the past live with her boyfriend.

"And I have the money to buy a house now."

Brother Xia Lai said, "Then you despise me here?"

"No, no, sister, I really don\'t have such an idea, but I feel that I am also delaying you here. You are so old, and you haven\'t found a partner yet, it\'s all me..." Xia Zhaodi said. started crying.

What she said was half true and half false. She did think that she was delaying her sister, but half of it wanted to move out and live with her boyfriend.

Brother Xia Lai actually knew what his younger sister was thinking, and sighed lightly: "Forget it, you are too old, I won\'t care about you anymore, but before you get married, I will not allow you to live together. If you insist on doing it, Then don\'t recognize my sister."

This is a bit serious. Xia Zhaodi was also worried that her sister was really angry, so she quickly assured: "Sister, I will listen to you."

"Sister is doing this for your own good, and it\'s only been two months, don\'t get along with him much, who knows how he is? It\'s not easy for us sisters to have today, so you have to be more careful." Brother Xia Lai said.

These words were said to go into Xia Zhaodi\'s heart, and it also made her really sober.

Yes, it is very difficult for the two sisters to have the current life, especially her sister.

If something happens to me in the future, my sister will also worry about her and be affected.

Xia Zhaodi is not the kind who is rebellious when she is old.

Maybe Xia Zhaodi also had it, otherwise she wouldn\'t have run out of the house to find her sister, and she almost froze to death on the street.

But facing Xia Laidi~www.novelhall.com~ her heart is only grateful and distressed.

"Sister, I\'ll listen to you." Xia Zhaodi said it again, this time very seriously.

Seeing her listen, Brother Xia Lai was a little relieved, "You are getting old too, so let\'s just give you this house. After a few days, I\'ll buy another house."

"Sister, no, I have money." Xia Zhaodi said quickly.

Brother Xia Lai said, "You take the money yourself, and elder sister has money. Do you know how much elder sister\'s bonus is this time?"

"How much?" Xia Zhaodi was a little curious.

This was the first time she saw her sister get excited because of money, and Xia Laidi didn\'t hide it. The most important thing was that she could hear that her sister seemed a little inferior when facing her boyfriend.

So she wanted to give her sister some confidence, "Seven million dollars!"

Xia Zhaodi opened her mouth wide, unable to speak, she was dumbfounded and speechless.