Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 649: settlement

This is also because Zheng Weijun and Zheng Kui are both brothers of Zheng Shan. For many things, Zheng Shan wants to let them grow up quickly, but also thinks that they should not be too hasty.

Let Zheng Shan have a feeling of losing ground, and he doesn\'t know what to do.

If there are other people, even if Zheng Shan has a leisurely teaching, he will not care so much. If he is not good at learning, he will directly change another batch. What is lacking in this world is talents, but the most important thing is talents.

Especially large multinational groups like Xishui Group.

As long as Zheng Shan is willing, countless talents will flock to him, and they will even be blindsided.


The fifth and the others finally went back to school, and Zheng Shan was a little more leisurely. Then he really found two teachers to explain the economic and management aspects to Zheng Weijun and the others. As for whether they understood it, that was another matter.

The weather is getting colder, and Zheng Shan has completed the final work that day, and there are still some finishing work left, so there is no need for Zheng Shan to watch.

This day is also the day when all harvests are settled.

Robert also came. He wanted to participate in the internal meeting of Zheng Shan and the others, or to inquire about some news.

How much money did Zheng Shan make this time?

He also wanted to know this, not only him, but everyone who knew the situation was very eager to know.

But most can only guess.

"How much did you gain this time?" Zheng Shan asked first.

Robert didn\'t hide it either. The key point was that there was no way to hide it. The two parties signed a contract and needed to pay 10% of Zheng Shan\'s profits.

"Almost five billion dollars." Robert said excitedly.

Zheng Shan gasped a little when he heard the words. He really didn\'t expect this, because he knew that Goldman Sachs didn\'t make a full effort, and even saved a lot of energy.

But even so, there is still a profit of five billion US dollars. It can be seen that in many aspects, Stream Investment is still far worse than Goldman Sachs.

"So, my share is 500 million? Not bad." Zheng Shan nodded with satisfaction.

Hearing his words, Robert was a little speechless, "Five hundred million, that\'s not bad? You didn\'t do anything, and I gave you five hundred million for nothing. Still not satisfied? Also, how much did you earn this time?"

"Not much, just make some hard money." Zheng Shan naturally wouldn\'t answer, and he was not obliged to tell Robert this.

"Hard money?" Robert\'s eyes were full of contempt, this guy is really shameless.

Knowing that Zheng Shan wouldn\'t tell him, Robert didn\'t continue to ask, but instead said, "This time around Xishui Supermarket, it\'s a good thing."

But then Robert showed an embarrassed look and said: "Cough, what, someone asked me to ask you for mercy, by the way, can I buy back all the stocks I sold before, just at the current market price, not the price at which it was sold.”

When he said this, Robert was ashamed!

Zheng Shan also showed a half-smile but not a smile, looking at Robert like a fool.

Seeing that Zheng Shan was a little uncomfortable, Robert picked up the cup of water to cover it up, "I was begging for my side, I just wanted to say something."

He also felt that such a request was too much, and he was embarrassed to say it.

In this stock market crash, Zheng Shan did not harvest the assets of those shareholders. After all, this is also the price of expanding the influence of Xishui Supermarket.

But Zheng Shan did not say that he would not harvest other shareholders.

When some shareholders saw the stock market crash, they directly chose to sell the shares of Xishui Supermarket.

Especially when the stock of Xishui Supermarket was also falling rapidly, it was extremely fast.

They just want to stop the loss in time. Of course, they can also stop the loss. As long as the sell order is placed, Zheng Shan will take over.

But I didn\'t expect that Zheng Shan would spend such a large sum of money to fill up the stock, and instantly stabilized the stock of Xishui Supermarket, and also reaped a little reputation by the way.

Of course, this also made Robert and the others see the drawbacks that they had no rights. For such a big thing, Zheng Shan just notified them a little internally, without even notifying their shareholders, and then implemented it.

The Xishui Supermarket Group only notified it after the fact, but by that time, it was already too late.

But now is not the time to say that.

And now Zheng Shan has stronger control over Xishui Supermarket Group, and the shares are unshakable.

These people can only choose to admit it, and there is no way to deny it.

This was doomed in the past. Whoever made the Xishui Supermarket Group\'s financing and listing at that time was not begging them.

On the contrary, they were begging Zheng Shan and wanted to become a shareholder, so naturally they could not get much in terms of management rights and rights in all aspects.

You can only be a superficial shareholder. Of course, when it\'s time to pay dividends, Zheng Shan never misses it.

This is also the reason why Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch and others joined together and wanted to support people within Xishui Group.

It\'s so frustrating.

"Let them stop dreaming about the Spring and Autumn Period, what beautiful things are they thinking about?" Zheng Shan said unceremoniously.

After saying this, Zheng Shan started chasing people.

"Okay, don\'t feel uncomfortable here, go back, I still have a lot of meetings to hold." Zheng Shandao.

Robert said cheekily: "Cough, what, can I listen in? Don\'t worry, I will never say it."

"Fuck off!" Zheng Shan didn\'t give a good face directly, this guy had to make an inch.

Robert didn\'t care either. Seeing that there was no hope, he patted his **** and left. He was completely convinced of Zheng Shan now.

In addition, Robert has also obtained great benefits this time, and his voice in the Goldman Sachs decision-making level has once again increased.

So, now Robert\'s biggest idea is to hold Zheng Shan\'s thigh tightly!

It was precisely because he met Zheng Shan and won the shares of Xishui Supermarket Group that he was able to ascend so smoothly!

Now after this experience~www.novelhall.com~ he believes this even more, and it is absolutely right to follow Zheng Shan closely.

Even in some investments, he is staring at the stream investment.

When Xishui Investment invests in some projects, he will focus on observation, and then choose to end depending on the situation.

Not to mention, he really made a lot of money for him.

Zheng Shan didn\'t stay idle until Robert left, and soon came to the conference room. At this time, the conference room was overcrowded, and everyone\'s faces were filled with excitement and excitement.

This time it was time to sum up the gains and losses this time, and they all gained this time, and there was nothing to lose, so everyone was very excited.

After seeing Zheng Shan come in, everyone subconsciously stood up and then applauded.

This is their own initiative. In the past, Zhengshan\'s meetings definitely did not have these prosperous tapes, and most of them went directly to the theme.

But now they admire their big boss from the bottom of their hearts!