Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 650: $15.3 billion

Zheng Shan laughed when he saw how excited everyone was.

When the applause stopped, Zheng Shan motioned for everyone to sit down and said, "Thank you, everyone, for being able to achieve such a great success this time, everyone\'s credit is obvious, and I will not let everyone down."

"Thank you boss." Someone couldn\'t help shouting loudly.

It\'s really that the harvest this time is so great that even if they don\'t know all the profits, they are excited.

Zheng Shan looked at Moore and said, "Tell me about it."

Moore was also very excited at this time, but he nodded calmly, and then said: "This time we have a total income of 15.3 billion US dollars!"

As soon as these words came out, the field immediately boiled down, 15.3 billion US dollars, this is just the harvest of this period of time!

After everyone was quiet, Moore continued: "Nearly 10 billion of them are profits from the US stock market, and the rest are profits from other countries\' stock markets!"

As I said before, Zheng Shan\'s main battlefield is in the United States, but other countries have not let it go.

Especially when Zheng Shan started to withdraw some money, he quickly transferred to other markets.

It also brought him huge profits!

You know, these money are all cash now and can be used at any time.

Immediately Moore began to talk about all the details in detail, even down to the person and team.

These are the basis for the next reward, so everyone listened very seriously.

Of course, most of them have done very well, but some people have made mistakes and misjudged the situation.

Zheng Shan just gave the general direction, and the small operation still depends on their own team.

And these mistakes also need to be punished.

Of course, under the guidance of Zheng Shan\'s general direction, all the teams have made money, which is beyond doubt.

If they lose money even in this way, then they are completely incompetent, and it is good that Zheng Shan does not pursue them.

"Qi Lihua, due to a misjudgment in the British market, caused a loss of 130 million US dollars."

"Rocco, because in..."

Moore counted one by one, those who made contributions and those who made mistakes, none of them fell behind.

After talking for about two hours, Moore stopped dry and finally looked at Zheng Shan and said, "Boss, I\'m done."

Zheng Shan nodded, then looked at everyone present, "Is there any objection to Moore\'s report? If there is, bring it up now, don\'t drag it, and don\'t cry to me later."

Everyone was quiet, even those who were named and criticized had no opinion.

What Moore said is true, and although there are various reasons for it, wrong is wrong.

Just like Qi Lihua\'s operation, if you bet right, you can reap more benefits, which is a merit.

But there is no if, reward for meritorious deeds, punishment for mistakes, this is the rule!

Zheng Shan has always been very strict with these things, which is one of the reasons why he can still fully control the company after he has not been in the company for a long time and does not participate in specific affairs.

Everyone knows that although Zheng Shan is not here, as long as he performs well, he will still be promoted and raised, but if he makes a mistake, he will also receive the punishment he deserves.

Rewards and punishments are very important, which can maintain the vitality of the company to a certain extent!

If Zheng Shan doesn\'t care about this aspect, then the company will soon fall into factional warfare.

Even now, basically all of Zheng Shan\'s companies have started to have factions and are fighting each other, which is inevitable.

As long as the company becomes bigger and stronger, such a thing will definitely happen.

But the best thing that Zheng Shan has done is that no matter how hard you fight, if anyone forcibly shelters his subordinates, not only will the subordinates get out, but even himself will be fired.

Zheng Shan is not afraid of losing some money, so with this aspect, many things will be kept within a certain level.

"Since everyone has no opinion, let\'s follow this. In addition to the previous 200 million, in addition, from this time\'s income, another 500 million US dollars will be taken out, and all the money will be used for rewards!"

Zheng Shan\'s voice just fell, and the field was boiling again!

This time, Zheng Shan directly took out 700 million US dollars as a share!

Seven hundred million dollars!

Many listed companies can\'t achieve this much, but now Zheng Shan has taken them out!

The most important point is that Xishui Investment has few employees, no more than 200 people in total!

If it is calculated according to two hundred, then each person can also be divided into three and a half million dollars!

Of course, it will not be divided equally. The senior management will definitely get more, but even so, after this time, all the employees of Xishui Investment will become millionaires!

That\'s the point!

"Okay, be quiet." Zheng Shan said after everyone was happy for a while.

Everyone looked at Zheng Shan and waited for Zheng Shan\'s words, "Although we have won a big victory now, we can\'t take it lightly. There are still many things to do next."

"In addition, that is to spend the money as soon as possible and find some reasonable investment projects."

"Also, to expand the scale of Xishui Investment, it is time to turn Xishui Investment into an international investment company."

In the past, stream investment was basically only in the United States and China, and the domestic one was only a small branch.

Although it is said to have gone out, the scale in other countries is very small and nothing.

However, after this time, it is a good time to take advantage of the fact that the economies of basically all countries are now affected, and the stock prices of many high-quality companies are at their lowest point.

After all, the most important thing in stream investment now is money, and it\'s all cash. It\'s time to sweep the goods!

And this matter has been prepared before~www.novelhall.com~ Even for those high-quality companies, they have already made a list, just waiting to sharpen their knives to pigs and sheep!

In addition, if you enter the venue at this time, you will have more right to speak.

In fact, Xishui Investment is sometimes very easy to talk about. As long as the company is developing in a healthy way and it does not deliberately damage the money of their investors, Xishui Investment will not interfere in internal affairs at all.

This is also the rule that Zheng Shan has set for Xishui Investment!

Therefore, Xishui Investment is actually an investor in the dreams of many companies!

However, this is not the case for all companies. Many companies see that Xishui Investment is so good, and they will take the money they invested and squander it at will.

In this way, once it is detected by Xishui Investment, it will immediately use the rights in its hands, and even drive the founding team away!

It\'s not that such a thing has never happened. In recent years, at least ten cases have happened, which can be regarded as a shock to other companies.