Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 648: explain

Hearing Zheng Kui\'s question, Zheng Weijun also looked over curiously. In fact, he had a similar idea.

I really saw so many things, not to mention the impact of Zhengshan\'s stream investment and the stream supermarket.

Even those small and medium-sized enterprises that they watched later made their hearts itch, and they all wondered if their own company could do this.

In addition, recruit some talents to go back to work for themselves and help themselves.

Isn\'t Zheng Shan just looking for so many talents?

They are still students from top universities in Europe and the United States, and they are still the group of people with excellent grades.

They don\'t need such good talent, but they must be more or less powerful.

That\'s what the two of them thought.

Zheng Shan saw the two of them, no, the four of them looked at him with bright eyes, and knew that they had discussed similar things in the past few days, but they couldn\'t make up their minds for a while.

Zheng Shan didn\'t give them the answer directly, what he asked them to do, but explained it.

"I can understand your feelings. I will tell you the advantages and disadvantages if you do this." Zheng Shan said.

Several people did not speak, they all listened quietly.

Zheng Shan thought for a while and said, "If you invite people from Europe and the United States, there will be advantages. First, you can understand more modern management and more advanced concepts."

"Although I am a little reluctant to admit it, there is no doubt that the Western world is much better than us in these areas."

"Or what makes me feel better is that many of their current management concepts are more in line with modern standards, and if they are advanced or not, it is the best."

"The second is that with the addition of these talents, you can have new ideas on many things, and you may have a stronger awareness of other aspects."


Zheng Shan said some benefits, which is also normal, and Zheng Shan must also admit this.

Immediately, Zheng Shan\'s words changed, "But it\'s not all good, the first point is that these Westerners, or those who have received Western education, may not adapt to the situation in our country.

I believe you all understand the truth that oranges are born in Huainan, and oranges are born in Huaibei. "

Eh, although Lin Meihua and Yuan Xiaohua have not read much, they still understand the same reasoning.

Zheng Shan continued: "Although some of the current Western management concepts are more suitable for modernization, they are not suitable for all, nor are they suitable for use.

**** is not advisable, and absolutely cannot be done, then we will lose more than just a little idea, culture..."

While talking, Zheng Shan looked at their confused eyes and smiled helplessly: "I said too much."

After rethinking his thinking, Zheng Shan continued: "So, these people may not all be suitable for your company\'s management.

It may even take your company into a worse situation, which is very likely to happen. "

"The most important point is, if you invite these talents, how much authority do you give?"

Zheng Kui said, "It\'s the same as you."

Zheng Shan said angrily when he heard the words: "Like me? You know what you\'re like me?"

"Okay, even if it\'s the same as me, but in the end, is this company yours or theirs?"

"You don\'t really think I don\'t care about anything, do you? Do you really trust them completely?"

"Uh, isn\'t it?" Zheng Kui scratched his head in embarrassment, he really thought so.

In his opinion, Zheng Shan and those employees under him are simply I trust you, give you rights, money, and your 100% loyalty to me.

Just like mixing rivers and lakes, the emphasis is on a sense of loyalty!

Zheng Shan is really helpless, especially seeing that Zheng Weijun seems to be thinking the same way, it makes him even more headache.

He could only speak more seriously, "Hey, fortunately you said it in advance, forget it, I\'ll tell you this.

If I really believe them as you think, then the company is probably only nominally mine now, and I may even have a lot of debt. "

Now Zheng Kui and the others are a little confused. What Zheng Shan said was completely different from what they thought.

Zheng Shan has basically been in China these years. With them, isn\'t this complete decentralization?

"These people are talents, but the stronger their ability, the more ideas they have. If there is no effective restraint, do you think they will honestly work for you for a lifetime?"

"What are you thinking? If there is a chance, they definitely want to be the masters of the family, not work for others."

"Over the years, in order to improve the management model of each group, do you know how many people I have to deal with each year?"

"There are no less than 100 people in prison alone."

"In addition, do you think there is less supervision?"

Zheng Shan was a little discouraged as he talked. The two still didn\'t understand much. It seemed that he was a little too hasty.

If it were someone else, Zheng Shan would have left it alone long ago.

But this is his own brother, and it is precisely because of this that Zheng Shan dares to let them make big strides forward.

"Forget it, let\'s go. When you go back, go directly to Xiangjiang and recruit people from Xiangjiang." Zheng Shan finally gave an idea.

Originally, he wanted to analyze it for them, but the final choice was made by themselves.

And no matter what the final result is, Zheng Shan can accept it. The worst thing is undoubtedly to lose a little money.

But now it seems that if they are really allowed to choose, the two of them are estimated to be able to \'learn\' Zheng Shan, and this learning is only superficial.

In the end, 90% of the time will be put up by someone~www.novelhall.com~ or even directly carry a debt and get into some trouble.

So Zheng Shan can only let them go to Xiangjiang to recruit people first, so that at least there are fewer mistakes.

"Okay." Zheng Kui didn\'t hear much, but Zheng Shan said so, he didn\'t have any opinion.

Zheng Weijun thought about it for a while, and he understood a little, but he was going to follow what Zheng Shan said first.

At the same time, he also knew that he and Dakui really thought a little less, and didn\'t have much understanding of many things.

Doing these things rashly, the final result is probably not very good.

When the meal was over, Zheng Shan told them some things, and finally said, "If you want, I\'ll ask you to find some experts for you these few days to explain it to you."

Zheng Shan didn\'t think about this before, but also because he was afraid that if they really did what they did just now, they came exactly as they said in the book.